View Full Version : Pet store with puppies! grrr

11-18-2005, 09:32 AM
I just found out that a pet store, that I had kinda liked, near my college, sells puppies around christmas time. I'm gonna go have a looksee and a complaint sometime this weekend. I'm looking for a job though for next semester-maybe I should work the system from the inside. Hmmm, I work, people come in to buy puppies, people leave puppy-free and more educated. Tempting. Grrr I hate pet stores.

11-18-2005, 09:46 AM
Grr is right. That is terrible!

The new pet store in my area that I mentioned a little while back, Pet Depot, just opened up. I went there & they sell puppies... all the time! :mad: :mad:

They do carry some great brands of food... and some of it is cheaper than most other stores but all of the products, treats, etc... everything but the food is way more expensive!

11-18-2005, 01:29 PM
i worked in a petstore that sold puppies last year. i figgerd if i had the job i would be "working from the inside". it actually didn't work that way. i barely came in contact with the customers. i was the pet care person. i was the one that got to see all the horrible illnesses and injuries that petstore puppies are sold to their new homes with. every once in a while i could talk to customers and educate them about the puppies. i once had my job threatend because a co-worker caught me talking about the terrible "truck" that delivered the puppies once a week. some days i would go home crying. it really was a hell hole.

honestly, the best thing to do is not work there. stand outside the store and pass out fliers about petstore puppies, strike up conversations to other customers. it takes a brave person to do these things, but it works better then actually working at the petstore.

BTW, while i worked at the petstore there was a breakout of parvo. yup, they still sold the puppies they knew had it, but didn't care. what made it worse is my dogs at home were at risk of getting it. simply because i was in contact with the puppies that had it.

11-18-2005, 01:36 PM
honestly, the best thing to do is not work there. stand outside the store and pass out fliers about petstore puppies, strike up conversations to other customers. it takes a brave person to do these things, but it works better then actually working at the petstore.

I do that ALL the time. EVERYTIME I hear anyone saying anything baout even possibly getting a puppy I butt right in & start talking to them. lol
I've even gotten kicked out of a few pet stores because I was telling the customers that were interested in purchasing a puppy all of the horror stories about BYB's & PM's. I'd also state the facts that they can get a dog from a reputable breeder for about the same price.... sometimes cheaper.

It doesn't stop me though I still visit those stores (mainly to check on the conditions of the animals & to warn customers) and I still run my mouth.

11-18-2005, 01:48 PM
We recently had a Petland open up here and it makes me so mad. Ever since they opened I've notice a lot of purebreds turing up at the shelter. Most of those were impluse buys at Petland. They never bother to learn about the breed and see the cute puppy so they buy it then weeks later they realize it wasn't what they wanted and drop it off at the shelter.

I've also noticed that now on craigslist I see lots of ads put up by people trying to get rid of their Petland dog.

11-18-2005, 02:01 PM
7 years ago my sister bought a Husky from a pet store.
OHHHHH I wanted to punch her lights out!!!!
Lucky for them Yukon was a healthy pup and turned out to be a great dog.

11-18-2005, 03:29 PM
Doesn't this subject of puppies being sold in stores just make you sooo angry?! It sure makes me angry! :mad: :mad:

There is a pet store right by my house, that sells puppies year round. ! That makes me sooo angry that he does this, becuause the puppies get no fresh air, little exercise, and on top of all that, it smells pretty bad in there. :( And he sells mixes for quite a lot.

11-18-2005, 04:50 PM
We recently had a Petland open up here and it makes me so mad. Ever since they opened I've notice a lot of purebreds turing up at the shelter. Most of those were impluse buys at Petland. They never bother to learn about the breed and see the cute puppy so they buy it then weeks later they realize it wasn't what they wanted and drop it off at the shelter.

I've also noticed that now on craigslist I see lots of ads put up by people trying to get rid of their Petland dog.

when i lived in Terre Haute,IN there was a Petland there. that store was terrible! they had puppies with open wounds, ribs showing, in poop filled cages, etc. i got thrown out of there countless times. after a while i was just stopped at the door. :rolleyes: i personally think that Petland is one of the worst chain of Petstores. the petstore i worked for(PassPets) was pretty bad too.

11-18-2005, 05:04 PM
when i lived in Terre Haute,IN there was a Petland there. that store was terrible! they had puppies with open wounds, ribs showing, in poop filled cages, etc. i got thrown out of there countless times. after a while i was just stopped at the door. :rolleyes: i personally think that Petland is one of the worst chain of Petstores. the petstore i worked for(PassPets) was pretty bad too.

I went to that store! I was on vaca with my aunt visiting her SIL and she took me there, have you been to Pet Barn? That place was worse than Pet Land! It made me cry being there, the lady is in court now after they found a dead puppy behind her dumpster!

11-18-2005, 05:34 PM
ACK ACK AAARRRRGH!!! How many of us does it take to make people that SHOULD know better listen? Is everyone totally ignorant about the dangers - not just to these poor dear pups but to the families that take them in - the dangers and heartbreak they are just waiting for. It's like buying baby bunnies at Easter.. OH PLEASE can we do something? This is just so heartbreaking. Keep on, keep on. We must not get discouraged. Just keep on what we are trying to do. In many there must be strength.

11-18-2005, 05:57 PM
I went to that store! I was on vaca with my aunt visiting her SIL and she took me there, have you been to Pet Barn? That place was worse than Pet Land! It made me cry being there, the lady is in court now after they found a dead puppy behind her dumpster!
i did the same thing at PetBarn. they kicked me out multiple times. that place stunk so bad i could barely breath! i'm glad that lady is going to court! maybe she'll understand that the crazy girl(me) that would come in every week and get her customers to go to the shelter was right. :p

Suki Wingy
11-18-2005, 06:07 PM
There are three otherwise very responsible pet stores in my area that sell puppies and for some reason no matter what I say my whole family still thinks it is ok because they get their puppies from "breeders" and give their names. Anyone who breeds to give to pet stores is just in it for the money :mad:

11-18-2005, 08:50 PM
There is a pet store right by my house, that sells puppies year round. ! That makes me sooo angry that he does this, becuause the puppies get no fresh air, little exercise, and on top of all that, it smells pretty bad in there. And he sells mixes for quite a lot.
omg me too! i used to volenteer there(b4 i knew they came from mills and stuff) and they had kids working there dropping puppies from up high and they had frigin kennel things up high and sometimes forget to close and lock them and the pups would fall out at night...and they were so cruel to there animals...a kitten died there and they never got in trouble for it...they let there hampsters fight till one is dead..i always found dead ones... :( and on top of that they tought the voulenteers to do the same as them...i would try to take the pups out to socialize them but i got yelled at... :rolleyes: uggh and i went in there the other night they had somepointers in a play pen and OMG the one was all skin and bones i couldnt even get a proper grip on him he was so skinny so i told one of the guys i knew to feed him some more hopefully he lsitens

11-18-2005, 11:57 PM
I don't like the idea of Pet Stores AT ALL! There is one very close to me, and all of there puppies have been well taken car of, and the staff is very intellectual. Atleast the puppies aren't underweight, or tortured. They always have atleast one or two puppies being socialized too. That is one of the "better" stores I guess. I still won't buy a puppy from them though!

Steph and the gang