View Full Version : Family and Friend Need Prayers

11-16-2005, 07:38 PM
I first posted about Joy here:
I can't believe it's been that long ago. The time just flies. I'm at work and had gotten an email about them having lots of medical expences and that she was in the hospital. A fund is being set up for them now. So, I had called her house to speak to her husband to find out if she could have visitors or not. His mom answered the phone and said he was sleeping, that he hadn't slept in days. So I asked her if Joy could have visitors. There was a pause and then she asked me if I knew how serious it was. I told her no. Joy has been on life support and they don't know how the next few days are going to go. I was so upset that I couldn't say anything and had to try to keep from crying. I've been friends with her since I started working back in 1983. We didn't see each other much outside of work. I remember making a blanket for her daughter who is now about 7 I think. I attended the baby shower. She's been ill for so many years(I'm guessing around 15) and finally had to retire a few years ago. She's always been just a people person and really lives up to her name. I am so sorry she's had this trouble. She's too good a person to have to have suffered like this. I've got to commend her husband because he's stood by her throughout it all. I'm hoping she'll make it through this. I feel horrible, too, because one night a few months ago. I was busy and never called her back. Now I may never get to see her again. I am so thankful I got to give her that drawing of Amy's. I got a pic and I will see if I can put it here. It made them both so happy.

Ginger's Mom
11-16-2005, 07:56 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend, Val. I will include Joy, her family and her friends in my prayers. And {{{hugs}}} are being sent to you.

11-16-2005, 08:20 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this about your friend. {{{HuG}}} and prayers are on the way!

Daisy and Delilah
11-16-2005, 09:44 PM
How sad Val. I will add Joy and family to my prayers as well. I'll be thinking of them too :(

11-17-2005, 12:13 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

finn's mom
11-17-2005, 12:25 AM
Oh, Val, that is hard. :( I'll be thinking of you and your friend and her family. What an awful thing for anyone to have to experience.

11-17-2005, 04:46 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Val. :( {hugs}

11-17-2005, 08:36 AM
Sorry to hear :( ...thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

11-17-2005, 09:21 AM
Val I'm so sorry to hear this news... you all will be in my prayers.

11-17-2005, 10:26 AM
Val I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. My heart goes out to you, her and her family.
I'll be keeping you all in my prayers.

11-17-2005, 11:58 AM
I am so sorry, Val. :( (((((hugs)))))

11-17-2005, 12:56 PM
I'm so sorry Val. Prayers are going out to Joy, you, family & friends.

11-17-2005, 12:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear that things have not gone well for Joy. I hope things turn around and that she can recover. *hugs*

11-17-2005, 06:17 PM
Prayers being said for your friend and her family. This is so sad. :(

11-22-2005, 12:21 AM
Sad circumstances mean that she's not going to be around much longer. I can't really get into details. It will be a very sad holiday season for the family.

11-22-2005, 05:53 AM
Prayers and thoughts on the way for Joy, yourself and all family and friends :(.

11-22-2005, 06:47 AM

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Joy. She will be in my thoughts and prayers.

11-26-2005, 05:20 AM
She died yesterday. There are other extenuating circumstances that make this even worse but I can't get into it here. Their little girl is only 5. It's a very sad time for them.

11-26-2005, 07:51 AM
OMG! That's terrible. I am so sorry to hear about your friend:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

11-26-2005, 10:04 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this terrible news. :( May your friend now RIP. :(

Toby's my baby
11-26-2005, 10:13 AM
I am so sorry. :(

I had a similar situation a few years ago. I go to a very very small school, it is K-12 and there are about 180 kids in the WHOLE school, so everyone knows everyone. Well, this guy that is a lot older than me, like 5 years, said hi to me. I just ignore him, and rolled my eyes because I thought he was just picking on me. I felt bad, but he was a really really good guy, but I never did say hi. That was on a friday, then on Saturday, he died, in a 4 wheeling accident. :(

I know it is a VERY different situation, when it is a good friend, but it still bothers me that I never took 3 seconds to say hi to matt.