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View Full Version : Darby

karen israel
03-29-2001, 09:28 AM
What a cutie patootie! Love the fact your humans didn't tail dock, thank you for your compassion! Plus! It DOES sound like Darby's tail gave him extra energy!! Lucky Darby to have soo much fun at school and such a happy, exciting life! Contrats on being Dog of the Day you sweet lil pup!!! Make sure dad throws you some extra balls to catch!

03-29-2001, 10:17 AM
Darby, what a sweetie you are, so handsome.
So glad your family decided not to dock your tail, good for them and especially you. You sound like a wonderful addition to your family. Congradulations on becoming the Best, most handsome Dog of the Day.

03-29-2001, 02:18 PM
Hi Darby, you handsome boy! Your photo is just PRECIOUS!! How I adore those little corgie legs and ears!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif And how special that you were, from just a few days after your birth, so totally loved! You are such a lucky dog to have such wonderfully devoted and adoring humans! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif And phew....you escaped the knife! Yeah for your family for allowing you to show off your "natural" beauty in all it's glory! It sounds like you have a very joyful and rich life filled with fun and adventure. Whether working at school with mom, being the consumate athlete with your Papa or exceling at obedience, you are a dog on the go!! What a perfectly wonderful selection for Dog of the Day! You are a beautiful, talented, loving and adorable young lad! Congratulations to you sweet Darby! I hope you get lots of treats, hugs and balls to chase on this special day! Actually, I think I smell a cheesburger on the grill!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Yeah Darby!!

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited March 29, 2001).]

03-29-2001, 03:06 PM
Sweet, adorable Darby! It's so wonderful that your parents left your cute little tail just the way nature intended it to be!
I really, really love your ears! You're just too cute for words, Darby! Congratulations on being our handsome Doggie of the Day.
Lots of snuggles,
Charlie the Cat, Yertle the Turtle
and mommy Thelma

03-29-2001, 03:45 PM
How cute! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-29-2001, 07:01 PM
Darby, you're as cute as a button. I'm so glad you still have all your tail...every inch of your cute self is precious. I love your Irish name for a Welsh dog. I know an Irish Wolfhound that has a Welsh name!
I'll bet your family love you to pieces. Don't forget to ask your family for lots of treats today to celebrate your award.

Jamaican 17
03-29-2001, 07:23 PM
Darby you are such an adorable little puppy! I'm glad your owners were smart enough to figure out that not docking your tail was the best way to go. Good for them!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I know you'll grow up to be a big, handsome dog.