View Full Version : Brilliant ideas needed! (long post, sorry)

Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2005, 04:02 AM
Until recently Brody has had access to the house via an open window in the upstairs "junk room". Now stupid hubby has decided to turn it into a proper spare room so his revolting grandchildren can come and stay (oh whoopee!) and has declared that the cat won't be able to use the window any more because of two reasons:

a) the lovely muddy prints she leaves as she slides down the wall and
b) it is too cold to leave the window open all day now (have to grudgingly admit that he has a point there)

anyway the dilemma is that we have double glazing in all our doors (except the one at the front) and windows and even if we managed to fit a cat flap in the front door Tobey (the dog) would probably be able to get through it!

There is, however, more to this than just the cat flap issue. Brody came to us a month before Tobey arrived (to "replace" my beloved tortie) and really didn't get the chance to make the place her own before it was taken over by a boisterous puppy......she spends a lot of time on her own either asleep in a cupboard or outside exploring and I don't think it is fair on her to lose her freedom to come and go and get away from the dog who just loves to chase her.

To cut long story short matters came to a head last night culminating in a "suggestion" that I find my Brody a new home :eek: Why should I? She was here first....I said from the outset that the dog was a bad idea - although I love him to pieces. Does anyone have any ideas because I can't bear to lose my Brody - we often have lovely cuddles when its just the two of us.

Sorry for the long post but I am soooo mad :mad:

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-16-2005, 04:52 AM
I agree with you - it was Brody's home first!!!

As far as the room goes, how often will it REALLY be used as a guest room? We have one, and it hardly gets used.

I don't have a suggestion re the window, unless there is a way to install a cat flap into the window frame - but that would inlvove a lot of work I suppose :(

Re the dirt on the wall - my first suggestion would be to paint that section with an enamel or silk paint, so it can be wiped clean. If you don't have wallpaper, then a cost-effective option is a strip of sticky-back-plastic on the area where the footprints are an issue - as it can be easily wiped clean. (Can't do this over wallpaper as it will pulll the wallpaper off if you ever decide to remove the plastic. Basically anything that gives a wipe-clean surface will solve the problem - I have a thin sheet of perspex screwed to the wall behind the litter boxes as Connor's aim is off sometimes.

Does Brody wear a collar? If so, then you could install a cat flap with a magnetic clip, which is released by a magnet on Brody's collar. So then only Brody would be able to get in and out, and not Tobey. (My friend has one and it works very well - she feeds strays in her garden, but only HER cat can get in through the cat flap).

Good luck sorting this out - I HATE it when I am expected to compromise my cat's comfort to keep hoomans happy!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2005, 05:20 AM
Does Brody wear a collar? If so, then you could install a cat flap with a magnetic clip, which is released by a magnet on Brody's collar.

Hadn't thought of that - thanks, that is a great idea

11-16-2005, 06:56 AM
Firstly, if you're thinking its not possible to install a catflap in double glazed windows, then to my mind it most definitely is. While we have single glazed bathroom window (where the CF has been cut into) I do recall from speaking to the glaziers who we had out at the time, its simply a more involved job for them (and more costly for you) but it can be done. It cost us in the region of 30pounds I think about4 years ago now. If you've never bought a catflap before they come I think especially with double, and triple glazing, and thick, thick doors in mind. they don't automatically sit flush with your window. Its like a sort of plastic 'tunnel' and once you physically fit it through the hole that has been cut, you slide the outside and inside door of the catflap hard against the glass. Then, just saw away the length of plastic tunnel that you don't need. As an illustration, we probably had a length of plastic tunnel that was surplus to the tune of 25cms worth or so. Hope this makes sense! Its a good idea as well to seal the edges both inside and out with some clear silicon to keep it watertight.

Purrsonally I would avoid getting a magnetic flap mainly because the two boys were always losing their collars and it occurred to me that on many an occasion, if I had a magnetic flap, they would have not been able to gain access to the safety of their home. [ I eventually gave up with collars as figured they were getting them stuck or caught on something so might get stuck themselves somewhere for good.....they are chipped though] but Candy is another story and simply never manages to lose her collar. So if you have no worries about Brody doing this then perhaps a magnetic flap's not such a bad idea, plus I do know you have issues about the pup. Just a thought to bear in mind though.

Now, turning to the muddy paw prints. Believe me, I am never done wiping these away. As I say, our access is through the bathroom so having had that recently gutted and replaced in the summer I now have a nice wipe clean tiled surface at the flap and then laminate which is easier to clean. Still and all, the pledge wipes and damp cloth are always to hand, especially at this time of the year. could you consider installing a flap in a window where the surface would be easier to clean. Failing which I agree it would be a good idea to make the current wall to a degree wipe-friendly, changing the paintwork eg. I do know B&Q do plenty of hard wearing paints, to create a wipeable and tough surface. From looking at bathroom paints in there recently they have for example a type of paint where they have pictures of kids scuffing their bikes/skates etc against the walls and skirting. Or how about fashioning something out of one of those clear kitchen runner type mats, you know the kind where they are bobbly on the underside. Would it be possible to cut something like that into shape and fit it so as to protect the surface, or buy a huge roll of bubble wrap as protection and replace this frequently. I can't obviously picture your room so its difficult to say really.

why not have a try in the likes of Lakeland Limited - they are brilliant for all sorts of ingenious stuff you don't find anywhere else. How's this product for starters:-

http://www.lakelandlimited.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/GBP/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=lZiy4VJRTZZe7hEqvJq-5_qRL0RTr7X9w6Y=?ProductID=Mz_AqAYUz_oAAAD8nOSOCSw e

I only looked briefly but am sure they will have something else. You can order online too if you don't have a store nearby.

I do so sympathise though and agree it is getting so cold now. But at the same time it would be horrendous for darling little Brody, to have her outside access banned and she would not understand why. For all that some people keep their cats as indoor ones (and I wish sometimes ours were = less worry) I know that to suddenly impose these four walls all of the time on Max, Candy and Tom. they would completely hate it, it would be cruel to my mind. Worse still, you don't even want to consider the possibility of having to part with her, that won't happen. You CAN find a way round this, it'll just take a bit of thought and reorgnisation.

Lastly though, for all I am constantly cleaning up after them (and believe me we could make pot pourri from all the garden debris that gets trailed in) I always say that only cats that come home safe to you can make dirty paw marks in your home. So they are a real privilege after all!!!!

Do let us know how you get on, and hope this helps a bit.


Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2005, 07:01 AM
More great ideas - I agree that confining Brody to barracks would be too unkind especially with that darn dog to contend with!

11-16-2005, 08:34 AM
Someone I know put a cat flap in the wall next to the door, but because it was letting in cold air they built a little porch attached to it. So basically Harry (the cat) walks through the flap and then through a small room and out the door. This helped cut down the drat and there was no need to put it in the window

Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2005, 08:45 AM
Lots of fantastic ideas - thanks guys. I will get to keep my Bro-Bro!! :D

Laura's Babies
11-16-2005, 08:48 AM
Glad that is you and not me! I would NOT get rid of my cat for nobody but that is how I am....

Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2005, 08:52 AM
Glad that is you and not me! I would NOT get rid of my cat for nobody but that is how I am....

Don't worry - he'll go before my kitty does!

11-16-2005, 09:44 AM
We are glad that Brody is staying.I think that I ahve a special affection for Brody as he looks so much like My Scrappires,Mr Scrappy Angels,and Little Scrappy 2.
I hope that eventually the Puppy will grow out of his chasing and that he and Brodie will be Companions.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-16-2005, 09:47 AM
I hope that eventually the Puppy will grow out of his chasing and that he and Brodie will be Companions.

They have been spotted cuddled up together on the sofa - seem to get on better when we're not around. I am determined that they will get along because I couldn't be without either of them

11-16-2005, 11:27 AM
Someone I know put a cat flap in the wall next to the door, but because it was letting in cold air they built a little porch attached to it. So basically Harry (the cat) walks through the flap and then through a small room and out the door. This helped cut down the drat and there was no need to put it in the window

I have a couple friends who have a cat/door door right in the wall!
One of my friends had a cat door installed in her door just this past spring and it is a double glazed door. It was like $100 more for the installation *if I remember correctly*. I do know that it wasn't a whole lot more.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-17-2005, 03:43 AM
Thanks for all your suggestions. I went home armed with lots of ideas, ready to do battle....to find that hubby had left the window open all day for Brody!!! Guess he knows in a straight competition my grey fluffy angel would win outright! ;)

Going to print out this thread just in case this issues raises it head again!

11-17-2005, 06:08 PM
I have seen a few of those cat flaps in the wall with the box type thingie on one side, now I know what it is.

Personally I'd throw the hubby out before I even considered rehousing the cat!

Being the second time around for both of us we have an agreement that no relatives/friends of his or mine stay at our house, if they come to town they have to find alternative accommodation.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-18-2005, 08:53 AM
Personally I'd throw the hubby out before I even considered rehousing the cat!

With you on that one!