View Full Version : Onyx and Ivy time....

11-15-2005, 07:26 PM
Since it was made clear to me yesterday that at least two of my kitties have not been getting their fair share of PT exposure, I thought I'd post some pictures of Ivy and Onyx.

Onyx is my big ball of purring love. He weighs 19 pounds, has the double coat and temperment of a Maine Coon. He's very sweet and gentle, full of purrs and snuggles. He was a wee kitten when he was left outside the shelter doors in a box with his littermates. They were all adopted very quickly, but as a solid black cat, Onyx waited and waited. I agreed to foster him when he was four months old. I adopted him a day later--why bother waiting!???

The big guy lounging about in an empty dog biscuit box.
He has a minor nip addiction! It makes him a little possessive of the scratching posts when fresh nip is on them!
He is very fond of Pingo and is often found snuggled up to her. This confuses Pingo greatly since she has been taught that if she wants to be inside, she must ignore the cats. That's the rule for all the dogs around here. She takes great pains not to look directly at Onyx when he cuddles up to her!
He likes to hide under the blankets.

He adores the other cats, with the exception of Polly Paws. He would be her buddy too, but she's a hissy, spitty little thing and has no use for Onyx. He has learned to just stay out of her way!

Ivy is coming up....

11-15-2005, 07:36 PM
Princess Ivy is a bit of a recluse. You see the other cats are mere commoners and are beneath her. She's a snot in the nicest possible way. She loves her humans, but is not particularly bonded to the other cats.
She hangs out under the table. If you ever eat a meal at our house, you must be on alert for tiny grey paws reaching up from under the table. She likes to feel around until she grabs something off your plate!
She is truly a princess! She is regal, calm and demure and the cleanest cat you've ever seen! We can keep Ivy busy for hours just by tapping her front paws--human germs must be washed immediately. When she's done cleaning herself, she moves on to us. She grooms my hands frequently and occasionally I am awoken by little sandpaper kisses as she cleans my face!
Princesses always get the best sunbeams.

She's a very good supervisor
She monitors my computer use.
And makes sure the dishwasher is unloaded promptly!
And makes sure the cupboards are properly organized!

Ivy is also a shelter cat. She was born at the shelter to a stray momma. Adopted at 8 weeks and returned a year later. The couple who originally adopted her was breaking up. The woman had left and the man didn't want her **&$^^@%%$ cat in his words! I used to think that was pretty horrid of him, but there are much worse things he could have done to Ivy. At least he brought her back to the shelter, unharmed, where she had a chance to find a new life. His loss is my gain--she's a little doll. Since Dominique died, Ivy has taken over many of her roles--including pillow sharing with me every night, drinking from the dogs' dishes, (although Ivy drinks by daintly dipping her paw in the water). She sleeps under the covers every night with her little head on my pillow, just like Dom used to. Ivy sometimes stretches her paw out and sleeps with her little paw resting on my cheek, especially if she thinks I'm upset. She's very sweet.

I will try to remember to show them off more often!

Laura's Babies
11-15-2005, 07:37 PM
:eek: Aren't you glad you got HIM!!!!! He is BEAUTIFUL! A awesome cat that anyone would be proud to be owned by! Man, he is really stunning! Yes, he definetly needs more PT time!

Ivy IS a princess! Looks very elegant and royal.. She too, is stunning!

11-15-2005, 08:01 PM
Onyx is amazingly large and GORGEOUS! I love the picture of him claiming the catnip tree as his own!!! :eek: :D

Ivy is a beauty as well, and what a good helper around the house! ;) I loved picturing her reaching her sneaky paws up for table scraps ... my Grace will just politely reach up and gently touch the edge of your plate ... it's so sweet, who can refuse? :rolleyes: ;)

11-15-2005, 08:09 PM
Onyx and Ivy are both very beautiful kitties! How lucky you are to have them. Onyx waited quite awhile for you to figure out that he needed to come home with you, didn't he! ;) And Ivy probably knew it all along, too. She had to go to that other home for a year, but figured out how to get the man to bring her back so she could go to her REAL furever after home, with YOU! :D


11-15-2005, 11:11 PM
Onyx is one big gorgeous black bear of a cat. I can see why he became part of the family. He sounds like one big lovebug.

Ivy suits her roll well as a Princess and is quite the helper around the house.
I just love her kissable face.

Great pictures and I enjoyed reading all about them. :)

11-15-2005, 11:43 PM
I'm so glad that these two found their way into your heart and your home. :)

Onyx is such a big laid back teddy bear of a cat and he really reminds me of my RB Pepper. :)

Ivy is such a beautiful little girl and being a princess seems to really suit her. :)

Thanks for sharing their stories and pictures with us. :)

11-16-2005, 02:02 AM
They are such gorgeous cats and obviously loved very much. :)

11-16-2005, 03:43 AM
Big sweet Ivy and little Princess Onyx are gorgeous! Thanks for the pics! :)

11-16-2005, 04:07 AM
What beautiful pictures to wake up to first thing this morning. Thank you! :)

Killearn Kitties
11-16-2005, 07:40 AM
The idea of a grey paw feeling around the edge of my plate for some tasty morsel is just too cute for words!!! (Don't tell my girls I said so!)

Thanks for the pictures. Absolutely gorgeous! :D

smokey the elder
11-16-2005, 07:50 AM
What sweeties! I love the "Siamese sandwich" Onyx is involved in. And it looks like Princess rules the roost with an (iron-colored?) velvet paw.

Queen of Poop
11-16-2005, 08:37 AM
Thank you for sharing, they are both beautiful babies. I love the snuggle photo with Onyx and Pingo.

11-16-2005, 09:51 AM
They certainly are very Photgenic Cats.
Onyx is such a Big Cat,a Gentle Giant,and at times like these I wish that Ragnar would come back for a visit.
And Ivy,is a delight,and I love that photo where he is reaching out to you.
Thank You for sharing Your Cats.

11-16-2005, 10:50 AM
;) Aweee what adorable & pretty babies..

11-16-2005, 11:33 AM
What cuties!
I had to double read everything, it sounds like you are describing my two to a tee. Well almost.
Meko's personality is just like Onyx's!
And Tiki is exactly like Ivy.

The ONLY difference is that Meko doesn't really bond with other cats. I can't believe how similiar our cats are.

Your kitties are absolutely beautiful!!!

11-16-2005, 12:48 PM
As always, great pictures and stories of great kitties. Onyx and Ivy are both beautiful.