View Full Version : The age old question....

11-14-2005, 07:00 PM
What is so exciting about a bag?

The bag in question sat in the livingroom for three days before Pouncer saw something interesting in it... all of the sudden it was THE place to be last night :rolleyes:

And another question:
How could this possibly be comfy? :eek:

Pouncer slept like this allllll night. His widdle blue paw sticking out and the little tail just twitching away. The little patient is healing well. You can tell he still doesn't feel well, but he's been much more active and made a half-hearted attempt at tormenting Abby last night :rolleyes:

11-14-2005, 07:09 PM
Pouncer and Scrappy Angel are visiting telling Pouncer,that he has to be more careful in the future.
And thats an interesting bag,I think the Scrappy 2,would be in on the mob of Cats looking it over.
We hope that the Guardian Angels can convine Pouncer,to avoid Ouchies,and as the Sergeant said on Hill Street Blues,be careful out there.

11-14-2005, 07:51 PM
GREAT pictures! :D Let us know if you discover the answer to the age-old question! :D


11-14-2005, 08:29 PM
That's not just any bag, that one is extra big and pretty too! :eek:
What a cutie pie picture of Pouncer all squished up in that basket. Poor boy was probably ticked off that he couldn't get his "blue leg" in there and comfy too! I'm glad to hear that he his getting better though .... soon he will be "Free" to torment Abby again!

11-14-2005, 08:39 PM
The riddle of the bag is really no great mystery... it was those awful, dreaded BAG MICE! How fortunate for you that Pouncer noticed them in time!