View Full Version : Fritz won't sleep! Help!

03-28-2002, 02:37 PM
Fritz has me up 3 times a night to go out. What can I do to stop him? My husband says I should just say "no" and tell him to lie down. I can't do that because he'll go downstairs and do it on the carpet! Help! I'm exhausted :)

Deb Motter
03-28-2002, 02:48 PM
I'd have him vet checked for a urinary tract infection. In fact a general checkup seems to be in order first of all.

03-28-2002, 02:50 PM
Never thought of that. I thought it was probably behavioral. I'll have him checked this weekend.

03-28-2002, 05:25 PM
How long do you leave his water bowl down? My vet advises if you have a dog who constantly needs to get up to go potty during the night (and have no UTI) you lift the water bowl at about 7pm. and make sure he goes out for his last potty right before you go to bed, last thing. Does he have any problem "holding it" during the day if you are out for several hours? Has he always done this since puppyhood? Was he crated then? I'm guessing he's not now. Would he tolerate being crated at night? Sounds like dear, little Fritzy may need to learn to hold it a bit longer, perhaps. Maybe he just wants attention?? My Lab Star gets me up too, but she wants to play!:rolleyes: It would happen every night at 3am!!! My vet told me I HAD to ignore her, even if she whined or barked. I would always give in!!! No more! To start I would go into another bedroom, or put her downstairs:( and she would stop crying after several minutes. It took a few weeks, but now she knows that we don't get up to play at night!!:) I would suggest getting Fritz checked by the vet first to make sure he's not sick of course, and ask what his/her opinion is. I know that Star was waking me up because she wanted attention and I let her be in control!!! NO MORE...Well, most of the time!:D Let us know how it goes!! Love and hugs to the sweetie pie!

03-28-2002, 05:33 PM

I think you're right (as usual!). He wants to play. He's got this new (bad) habit of going outside and getting a piece of ice and bringing it in the house. He loves ice! During the day, he's in his crate and he holds it from 7:30am until 1:00pm and from 1:00pm until anywhere from 4:30pm to 7:00pm. That's why I don't think it's a medical problem. I had the same problem with Rocky (my deceased Boxer). I guess I'm not strict enough :D Maybe I'm the one who needs help. I'm being bossed around by my Poodle ;) I can't crate him at night. He'd cry all night and so would I!