View Full Version : Samantha still loves pumpkins!

11-13-2005, 06:58 PM
I know Halloween is over but I was sick with a cold during the week of Halloween and didn't get to post these photos earlier.
Samantha has always enjoyed the company of our Halloween pumpkins.
She loves to scritch her head on the stem of the biggest pumpkin.

Here she tries out a Halloweeny pose.

A few more scritches on the big pumpkin.

Posing with the kitty pumpkin.
I like to make a kitty cat pumpkin every year.

Samantha would like it if you refrain from making any wisecracks about her resembling the pumpkins. :p

That's all the pumpkin photos.
Hope you enjoyed them. :)

11-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Hi Samantha!

Who would say you resemble those round pumpkins? ;)

You are just too cute!

11-13-2005, 07:50 PM
Those are some terrific pictures of Samantha and the pumpkins - love that kitty carved one :) Thanks for sharing - I really enjoyed seeing Samantha as always.

11-13-2005, 08:00 PM
Samantha, you look great next to those pumpkins. I for one never gave a moment's consideration that you resembled a pumpkin at all. Don't listen to anyone who does! :D

11-13-2005, 08:04 PM
Now Samantha, who could possibly even think you look like a pumpkin? Sure, pumpkins can be cute when they grow up to be jack-o-lanterns but they only stay for a short while. But you're so gorgeous and fuzzy! I'll take headbumpies, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses from sweet you over a pumpkin any day!

11-13-2005, 08:07 PM
Samantha you look just like the pumpkins!!

Just kidding ;)
Great pictures!

11-13-2005, 09:02 PM
Awww Samantha, no way anyone could mistake you for a pumpkin! You look so pretty out there, giving us a tour of your pumpkin patch. Hats off to whoever carved the kitty cat one .... that's great! :D


11-13-2005, 09:25 PM
AAAWWWWWWWWwwwwwwww, Samantha, YOU are such a "pumpkin" yourself! :D But you are MUCH more adorable than any of those orange ones you were posing with! :D You look like an absolute sweet-heart! :)


Laura's Babies
11-13-2005, 11:52 PM
Samantha is SO pretty! Love the cat face carved pumpkin! It really looks like Samantha enjoys the pumpkins too.

11-14-2005, 12:49 AM
Great pictures. I love the pumpkin with cat face. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-14-2005, 01:20 AM
Don't worry Samantha - Connor is " cuddly" too - and I call him my PUMPKIN all the time. Samantha - you are just adorable, and soooo pretty posing with your kitty pumpkin

11-14-2005, 03:13 AM
Samantha, no we would never make jokes about you being a pumpkin. We can easily tell the colors apart even if the shape is the same :D :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-14-2005, 03:15 AM
I love "cudly" cats, so don't worry Samantha, you look fantastic!!

Killearn Kitties
11-14-2005, 04:56 AM
Rise above it, Samantha. You are simply beautiful.

11-14-2005, 08:54 AM
This i think,is the first time,taht I have ever seen a Kitty Pumpkin.
The Orange One,that is,as Moose resembles a gray and white Tabby Pumpkin.
Samanthas too beautiful to be a Pumpkin.

11-14-2005, 09:21 AM
Great photos.She sure is a pumkin model ;) :D

smokey the elder
11-14-2005, 10:12 AM
No one could ever mistake you for a pumpkin. Everyone knows that pumpkins are orange!

11-14-2005, 01:17 PM
Samantha says thanks everyone for all the nice replies. :)
For those of you who are newer here, my pumpkin comment was in reference to a thread I had posted a couple of years ago of Samantha and her pumpkins.

She has lost some weight since then so she doesn't look as round as she used to. ;)