View Full Version : Promises, promises......

11-13-2005, 05:37 PM
hey PT it seems that our hoomins have FINALLLEEEE got themselves sorted with

a) broadband, and
b) a digital camera, soooooo

lotsa pictures of us to follow we *and you* hopes.....


max, candy and tomxxxxxxx

the patience that is needed, you wouldn't bullleeeeeeeevvvv!!!!!!!!!

11-13-2005, 05:59 PM
And we are waiting for your Photos,and will be glad to see you.
Found Cats,and I love to see Pet Photos.

11-13-2005, 08:37 PM
Hello again Max, Candy, and Tom! Boy, these hoomins are hard to figure out at times. I often wonder why they insist on constantly putting those flashy boxes in our faces especially when we're busy sleeping, eating, or doing kitty things! My Meowmie says they do that so everyone can see how cute we are. Anyway, I do understand the stress you're all under now and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. If this gets out of hand and your situation becomes intolerable, let me know and we'll look at your options. But I do look forward to meeting all of you.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

11-13-2005, 08:57 PM
What wonderful news ... can't wait to see all of the new pics! :D


11-13-2005, 09:42 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures......hope you get the computer and digital camera up and running soon! :)


11-15-2005, 03:17 AM
Hi Groucho, and thanks for the advice! Its good to see your international law purrractice is thriving. We don't mind the situation too much at the moment but will bear your offer in mind.

One matter Tom would like to raise with you, if that's allright. (....Tom clears his throat.....) 'okay its like this. I bravely fought to bring home a micie to them the other night. All wet I was too cos it was raining outside. So, get home and then immediately meowmie grabs me, wrestles the micie out of my jaw and .....are you sitting down.....puts it in the bin!!!! Her voice was raised a bit too. And I thought I was doing good and all :( :( Just wondered if any legal precedent sprung to mind re. the above situation. I mean, what exactly is the definition of Aboose?

Yours in justice,

Tom puss.

11-18-2005, 08:36 PM
Hello there, fellow kitties! I'm sorry for the delay in responding to you. There was a minor problem with the computer. Anyway Tom, that's quite a situation. Catching mousies is what kitty cats do and you're a kitty cat. What hoomins don't understand is that we're bringing them a very special present. After getting wet from hunting in the rain, your Meowmie should have wrapped you up in a nice towel, snuggled you until you were warm and dry, give you treats, then thank you for giving her such a nice mousie. There could be a problem with tossing him in the bin rather than seeking medical care. Based on the case files at Cat Court, your hoomin needs retraining to better understand and accept kitty instincts. It doesn't sound like you were aboosed because your Meowmie didn't yell or punish you and she fed you.
Lots of hoomins are scared of mousies and get crazy when they see one. I kind of think that's the problem.

Your friend,
Groucho the lawyer
Practice limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

11-19-2005, 02:29 AM
Thanks for that Groucho. Actually, to update you, Tom brought home four micies yesterday in total and well it wasn't so bad. He didn't get into trouble, and was even thanked for the gifts, so it looks like your advice has been digested - another result for Groucho yay!

we think from time to time Tom discovers a fresh nest and has to clear it of occupants as this does happen every few weeks. You know when he refuses to come in from the garden and fields when called, too much other chewing business to see to. but its all good carb-free nutrition eh?

Take care Groucho (and meowmie)

love from your Scottish friends xx