View Full Version : full moon madness

03-28-2002, 09:23 AM
I'm not sure what's going on here but my kittens have gone mad. They changed overnight from normal energetic kitten play to turbo- charged projectiles. I thought they might have gotten into some catnip but there isn't any and they are only 14 weeks old . I've only had them for 2 weeks ....were they more sedate because of an adjustment period? Have I not had kittens for so long I've forgotten how super energized they are? Or do others find that a full moon brings out kitty madness!!!!:eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-28-2002, 10:31 AM
lailamara, in our household, I think it's because it's spring. Tubby has been extra active for about a month now, and I know others here, like Ritzie and Marius have been experiencing the same thing, although Marius' is more in the love struck department. ;)

It could be the period of adjustment as you say, because cats do need to settle into a new place, but I'm sure the weather is getting nicer in Canada also, so maybe it's a combination of the moon and spring! :eek:

03-28-2002, 10:45 AM
YumYum and Dutchess are the same way they run and chase each other all around the house and they beg to go outside at night. It is probably just cause its spring..who knows!


03-28-2002, 08:00 PM
Lailamara; yes, my furkids definitely act up on a full Moon. They were hyper-active last evening and as far as I can remember, some of them were probably active all night. Because when I awoke this morning there were only Tigress and Ophie (Ophilia) on the bed with me. The others were bedded down in other places. This usually indicates they were active (playing) during the night, while I was sleeping.

............wayne :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-28-2002, 08:34 PM
If that is the case Tinky must always think it is a full moon.............. SHE IS CRAZY!!!!

03-28-2002, 09:56 PM
My cats get extra hyper before a full moon. Sunny can become affected as early as a week before a full moon. My parents cat used to get hyper during a new moon. The moon really does control a lot of things.

03-29-2002, 06:07 AM
The full moon was complete at about 9:30 AM, PST, on Thursday the 28th. Last evening they were back to their normal selves, and there was peace in the house again ! :) .. I have also noticed that upon the waxing Full Moon, they will jump up on shelves, grabbing with their claws something to catch on to, but then it is not sufficient to hold their weitght and comes crashing to the floor. Some of my furkids have taken some serious tumbles doing this. And this doesn't include the mess I have to clean up after they do such things, which usually includes their water dishes and food bowles.:D


03-29-2002, 02:28 PM
Wayne, like your furkids my two have gone back to being energetic not hyper and are sleeping off whatever hit them the other day. I think I'll take advantage of the lull and grab a nap myself.:)

03-29-2002, 05:45 PM
My vote would be for SPRING. Aby kittens go through the "terrible twos" for months on end. Get ready. My only advice is to play play play with them during waking hours and hope that they sleep at night. They love to play, as you may have found out by now. My guys have one toy that I have to hide between playing sessions. It is a fishing pole for cats, with a little fishy attached to the end of the line. They go crazy for it and I can drag it and them all around the house with them in tow. Good luck. Hehehehehehehehe. Kittens!:eek: :eek: :eek:

03-29-2002, 06:02 PM
I'm supposing that the spring season doesn't help the situation. But like lailamara says, her furkids do go a bit "crazy" just before a Full Moon and I have noticed the same reaction in mine. Since I am with them every day, it is definitely noticable whenever they begin to act differently, and it doesn't appear to make any difference what season it is. If a full Moon is coming, I can see that their behavior patterns change ("Lunacy"). That the Full and New Moons also affect people, often including myself.

I have not really invested any time in playing with my furkids, and what time I have put into them in the past for playing, they usually do not respond as I woul like. therefore, I do not play with them other than the usual tummy rubbing and scrithies that they all enjoy.


Lennie B.
03-30-2002, 07:40 PM
My handsome boy (a fifteen pound brown and white mackerel tabby domestic longhair) gets a little goofy every evening at around ten o'clock, whether there's a full moon or not. He launches himself at stationary objects, such as chair backs and the top of his scratching post, causing them to wobble dangerously. Another of his favourite late night activities is chasing a plastic kitty spring wildly around the house, until he loses it underneath a piece of furniture and is forced to take a breather on the dining room table.

03-31-2002, 09:14 AM
Lennie I'm trying to imagine a 15 pond projectile compared to 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 pound projectiles reeking havoc over here. Yikes, Demolition Derby time. Oh they also go nuts every evening or whenever it strikes their fancy but I haven't seen anything as frantic as during the full moon. I'll have to see if on April 26 the next full moon they go super crazy. The father of one of them is called La Luna Ticked and the other has a relative named Moonlight Sonata. Who knows??