View Full Version : Talking parents into a dog?

11-12-2005, 04:42 PM
I REALLY want another dog. I beg my parents like every day. But they don't budge. They just tell me : NO MORE DOGS! I am not trying to replace my baby, Sassy. I just want another dog. Because I am thinking Sassy gets lonley during the day when we go out and at night whenn she is locked up in her cage. She cries and howls. So I want to make her happy to. I also want to adopt a dog and save its life. How do you talk your parents into getting another dog?

11-12-2005, 04:47 PM
For your christmas list say the only thing you really want is a dog and write it down, and when they say thats all you want say yes. And they MIGHT say yes. Well good luck. And hope to see my baby Sassy soon. :)

11-12-2005, 04:51 PM
If your parents don't think they are ready for another dog they probably aren't and personally i wouldn't push it. From personal experience, I can say that if you whine and bug them about it you'll get no where. Maybe let the subject go for awhile. In the mean time you can research breeds, when you know what kind of breed you want write down info about it and present it to your parents. This way they know about the dog you want to get and they know that you are being mature about it.

11-12-2005, 04:54 PM
Well, first off if you are the only one happy to bring another dog into the family, maybe its best off not to get another dog. How old are you? In the long run, whenever you leave the house, they will have to care for the dog, more likely than not.

With that said, maybe you could do some research, and make up a sheet with the points of getting another dog. Other than your want and you saying your current dog is lonely, there honestly isn't very many reasons why you should get another one. What is the reasoning behind not getting another dog? Is there anyway to get around that? Do you pick up after your current dog? Do you have time for both dogs, how much time do you have with the one dog? Is your current dog well trained? Could you possibly pay for the extra food, vet bills, etc? Try to figure something out to make sure that you will be fully responsible for the new dog.

11-12-2005, 04:58 PM
your parents know what's best and i bet if you show them between now and Christmas that you can be responsible enough for a second dog maybe they will suprise you with a very nice christmas gift.

Good Luck!

11-12-2005, 05:40 PM
Stop begging every day, as that will just make them immune to your request. Consider that they will bear much of the responsibility as far as vetrinary bills, food bills, etc., and will be ultimately and legally responsible for the new dog. Also, in a few years you will graduate from high school and be off to college. Fiove years seems like forever right now, but it is a short part of a dog's lifetime. Most dorms do not let you take pets with you - those are few and far between. So once again, the new dog would be your parents' responsibility.

Once you have acknowledged all this in your heart, and thought about it long and hard, if you still want another dog, sit down calmly with your parents and discuss what, if anything, you can do to prove you are responsible enough to care for it. Set clear goals, and see if you can reach a compromise with them.

11-12-2005, 05:52 PM
I'd stop asking everyday. I did that for years and never got my dog.. then I stopped and my mom started showing interest in a dog slowly. After we got our first dog, I really wanted a second dog. I knew she'd say no so I started taking care of Kai (doing all the feeding, walking, training, etc). Shortly after, we got our second dog. I just recently started taking full responsibility for both dogs (all vet bills, paying for food, walks, training, everything).. which made it much easier for me when we talked about getting a third (we didn't end up adopting him cause my boys didn't get along with him).

So my advice is to stop asking everyday.. and just show them you're ready by devoting more time to your current dog.

11-12-2005, 06:09 PM
i agree asking everyday will REALLY bug them my parents wont budge about a new dog either, they feel that if we get a new dog the dogs i currently have will be pushed out of the way wich would never happen!!! but i thought about it and even though id love to have a new dog i decided im not ready i have enough pets for now an dif a new dog comes in it will most likey need training ect and then i wouldnt be able to give much time to my other fuzz butts

11-12-2005, 06:10 PM
I know how hard it is when you want a second dog and your family isn't quite ready. What you need to do is realize that your parents have the big picture in mind -- the needs of your current dog as well as your family members, etc. There are so many expenses in owning a dog and caring for him/her successfully, and if your parents aren't ready, you need to respect that they have everyone's best interests at heart.

We currently have three cats and our collie -- I have found the most perfect, most wonderful pup through Petfinder that I adore, but because we have five children as well as our sweet fur-family of four, I know that we need to wait a while prior to adding an additional dog. I have to believe that another family will adopt this pretty little pup and take as good care of her as I wish I could! When the time is right, there will surely be another perfect, wonderful pup that needs us just as much, and we'll pursue an adoption then. Be patient, love your current dog, learn as much as you can about the responsibilities of caring for your pets, and trust your parents. The right time will likely come sooner than you think for another dog.

Best wishes!

11-12-2005, 06:16 PM
You know, I guess I never realized all that stuff. Maybe a new dog isn't the best idea. But if my parents WILL let me get one I will. But I guess I'll stop bugging them. I don't really like taking care of Sassy. I mean its boring feeding her and stuff. But the walking her and playing with her is fun. But you have to consider the hard stuff. Thanks guys! I think I'll just wait till I am in or out of college. Thanks alot!:)

11-12-2005, 06:20 PM
Thanks tricollie! I have finally realized my family isn't ready for another dog. We have the time and stuff but they still aren't ready. I'll stop bugging them for one. But I will not stop longing for one. I hope you find a perfect pup Tricollie:)

11-12-2005, 06:48 PM
When we only had Shadow I would bug and bug my parents for another dog, soon I realized it wasn't getting me anywhere and a little while later my mom surprised me with a puppy (or two...lol) and it all went downhill from there :p We have a housefull now, and its not all because of me, it gets stressfull sometimes but I wouldn't have it any other way. My parents are starting to freak out a little, I am considering moving about an hour away for college next fall and the responsibility of all of my pets will fall on their shoulders, they are a little overwhelmed just thinking about it and I feel absolutely horrible. My original plan was to go to a college where I can still live at home but we are still waiting to hear if I got accepted.

I know how you feel though, even though I know I can't have any more dogs I really really wish I could take in just one more from the shelter, I spent all day at my animal shelter today and we had a huge adoption event. Of course I fell in love with each and every dog there and wished I could take them home so they wouldn't have to be stuck in that nasty place any longer but its really not possible...

Sorry for rambling...I agree if your parents aren't ready then theres really nothing you can do but wait. Good luck!

11-12-2005, 07:03 PM