View Full Version : adopt a really cute virtual pet!

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:11 PM
Hey, everyone...I wanted to put one of these little pets in my signature, but, thought I'd just do it in here instead. In myspace, it's more interactive and animated...you don't have to click on it to play with it. You just play right there...so, it's not as cute in here, but, it's still fun. Let's see if anyone likes the little pets...and, if you do, post your adopted pet in here! I have a bunny named Hazel in my livejournal (from a book and movie called watership down, and, a fish in myspace called gil (from what about bob?. I think they're adorable! I like the pig a lot, too, although I can't figure out how to clean the mud off him....maybe you just have to wait? Anyway, thought these were cute...

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9aGFtc3Rlci5zd2YmY2xyPTB4ZDU5ZTYxJmNuPWtheWxlZS Zhbj1rYXJpIGFuZCBnYWJp.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9aGFtc3Rlci5zd2YmY2xyPTB4ZDU5ZTYx JmNuPWtheWxlZSZhbj1rYXJpIGFuZCBnYWJp)


11-12-2005, 02:23 PM
I've seen those everywhere but they don't interest me a whole lot. My friend has a penguin on his myspace you can knock off the iceblock. I feel bad doing it :( haha

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:29 PM
I've seen those everywhere but they don't interest me a whole lot. My friend has a penguin on his myspace you can knock off the iceblock. I feel bad doing it :( haha

Yeah, I've seen that one...it's funny. I think the hamster is cute...at this point, I'm stuck online, so, all of it interests me. :)

11-12-2005, 02:31 PM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9cGlnLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhmMWE0YzEmY249a2V2IGtldiZhbj 1hbG1pdGE=.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9cGlnLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhmMWE0YzEmY249 a2V2IGtldiZhbj1hbG1pdGE=)

here's my piggy!!!!

11-12-2005, 02:32 PM
Yeah, I've seen that one...it's funny. I think the hamster is cute...at this point, I'm stuck online, so, all of it interests me. :)

Ahha.. then you might be interested in GoPets (http://www.gopetslive.com/inviter/?dontstay) :D

PS: if y ou join GoPets pleeaseee sign up with http://www.gopetslive.com/inviter/?dontstay and put dontstay as your referral. If you refer people you get gold coins in teh game LOL

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:36 PM
Ahha.. then you might be interested in GoPets (http://www.gopetslive.com/inviter/?dontstay) :D

PS: if y ou join GoPets pleeaseee sign up with http://www.gopetslive.com/inviter/?dontstay and put dontstay as your referral. If you refer people you get gold coins in teh game LOL

I'm not sure if I'll be interested too much, as I don't really want anything I have to actually take care of. ;) But, I'm in the middle of registering...it asks for an optional referral code...do I need that?

11-12-2005, 02:37 PM
I'm not sure if I'll be interested too much, as I don't really want anything I have to actually take care of. ;) But, I'm in the middle of registering...it asks for an optional referral code...do I need that?

just type in 'dontstay' and I'm sure that will work...

You don't really have to 'take care' of them, they don't die or anything lol. It's just cute having other virtual pets from around the world walk around on your desktop :)

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:40 PM
just type in 'dontstay' and I'm sure that will work...

You don't really have to 'take care' of them, they don't die or anything lol. It's just cute having other virtual pets from around the world walk around on your desktop :)

cool, well, i'm doing it now...it already had your name in there, and, then below it it asked for a code...that's why i wasn't sure...

11-12-2005, 02:45 PM
OH I see, naw you can probably leave that one blank. It's addictive, I warn you! ;)

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:47 PM
OH I see, naw you can probably leave that one blank. It's addictive, I warn you! ;)

Not going to happen, it won't let me download. Says something about server name cannot be resolved...ah, well! thanks for showing me the site, though! it looks really cute...

11-12-2005, 02:47 PM
Try it again later ;) Servers are funny and have problems a lot, especially more popular sites

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:48 PM
Almita, the pig is so cute!!!

11-12-2005, 02:54 PM
thanks and i realized that whenever there mud on the pig you grab the waterbottle and spray at the pig. lol

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 02:57 PM
thanks and i realized that whenever there mud on the pig you grab the waterbottle and spray at the pig. lol

What?! I didn't even see a water bottle!!!! I'll be right back!

edited: i'm waiting...but, i still don't see a bottle...does it take awhile to show up?

11-12-2005, 04:01 PM

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9cGlnLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhlMTEyNGUmY249cm9zaWUmYW49bG lueg==.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9cGlnLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhlMTEyNGUmY249 cm9zaWUmYW49bGlueg==)

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9aGVkZ2Vob2cuc3dmJmNscj0weGEyNDdjMSZjbj1ncmFwZS Zhbj1saW56.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9aGVkZ2Vob2cuc3dmJmNscj0weGEyNDdj MSZjbj1ncmFwZSZhbj1saW56)
I'm signing up for gopets now... :)

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm signing up for gopets now... :)

ha ha, grape and rosie, how cute! i may try to sign up for gopets again...it didn't work the last time, but, maybe this time will. :)

11-12-2005, 05:03 PM
I got signed up but I couldn't download the software needed. :p Meh...I'll try again later.

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 05:05 PM
I got signed up but I couldn't download the software needed. :p Meh...I'll try again later.

Mine said last time I tried something about not being able to resolve the name or something...is that what you got?

11-12-2005, 05:07 PM
Nope. Did you get your sign up email and stuff? I got to that part and then tried to download some software that was required and it would start downloading and all of a sudden it would stop.

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 05:10 PM
Nope. Did you get your sign up email and stuff? I got to that part and then tried to download some software that was required and it would start downloading and all of a sudden it would stop.

Yeah I got all that. And, then after the download completed, and, i tried to run it...it said something about name and address not able to be resolved. The site is too busy or something, anyway, too much color or something, my eyes hurt after only a few minutes. :) ha ha, might be too much fun for me. ;)

11-12-2005, 05:12 PM
The site is too busy or something, anyway, too much color or something, my eyes hurt after only a few minutes. :)
Yeah I know what you mean.
I don't have the patience right now to try to figure out how to navigate a new site anyways. :p

11-12-2005, 05:36 PM
Bill the Spider :D

http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhhYTFjNDQm Y249YmlsbCZhbj1zYW1t

darn its not showing up

11-12-2005, 06:13 PM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhiMjUyZDgmY249cHVycGxlIG xlZyZhbj1saW56.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhiMjUyZDgm Y249cHVycGxlIGxlZyZhbj1saW56)

hehe, the spider is awesome. I wish they would move when you put them on here!

finn's mom
11-12-2005, 06:21 PM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhiMjUyZDgmY249cHVycGxlIG xlZyZhbj1saW56.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhiMjUyZDgm Y249cHVycGxlIGxlZyZhbj1saW56)

hehe, the spider is awesome. I wish they would move when you put them on here!

I know, I'd have one in my signature if it did. It moves on myspace, but, I tried it in livejournal, and, you have to click from there too.

11-12-2005, 07:43 PM
Well, I signed up at gopets...but I really don't understand the point of it :o I made a little dog and thats as far as I got :confused:

11-12-2005, 07:49 PM
I got four on my myspace:

11-12-2005, 07:50 PM
Well, I signed up at gopets...but I really don't understand the point of it :o I made a little dog and thats as far as I got :confused:

If you download and run the program on your computer, virtual pets visit your desktop and you can feed them, play with them, groom them... put clothes on them, etc.

11-12-2005, 07:54 PM
Gopets???? What's the URL? I am thinking of neopets, which I still go on sometimes.

11-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Gopets???? What's the URL? I am thinking of neopets, which I still go on sometimes.


Kind of like neopets but better.. they are 'live' :)

Suki Wingy
11-12-2005, 08:45 PM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9dGlnZXIuc3dmJmNscj0weGY4ZTI3MiZjbj1jeW5kZXImYW 49c3VraSB3aW5neQ==.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9dGlnZXIuc3dmJmNscj0weGY4ZTI3MiZj bj1jeW5kZXImYW49c3VraSB3aW5neQ==)
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhmODgzZDcmY249cG9rZXkmYW 49c3VraSB3aW5neQ==.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9c3BpZGVyLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhmODgzZDcm Y249cG9rZXkmYW49c3VraSB3aW5neQ==)

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9ZmlzaC5zd2YmY2xyPTB4OWY2NmU4JmNuPWJ1YmJseSZhbj 1zdWtpIHdpbmd5.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9ZmlzaC5zd2YmY2xyPTB4OWY2NmU4JmNu PWJ1YmJseSZhbj1zdWtpIHdpbmd5)

11-13-2005, 10:00 AM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9cGVuZ3Vpbi5zd2YmY2xyPTB4NGY3NDk5JmNuPWljZWUmYW 49cmFjaGVs.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9cGVuZ3Vpbi5zd2YmY2xyPTB4NGY3NDk5 JmNuPWljZWUmYW49cmFjaGVs)
He's so cute!

and, well...

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9YnVubnkuc3dmJmNscj0weDc0Nzg3YiZjbj1iZW5qYW1pbi Zhbj1yYWNoZWw=.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9YnVubnkuc3dmJmNscj0weDc0Nzg3YiZj bj1iZW5qYW1pbiZhbj1yYWNoZWw=)

11-13-2005, 10:03 AM
What?! I didn't even see a water bottle!!!! I'll be right back!

edited: i'm waiting...but, i still don't see a bottle...does it take awhile to show up?

Well go on the page with my pig or someone else's pig and then there is a little thing that says "more" and there is an apple and a water bottle.

finn's mom
11-13-2005, 10:34 AM
Well go on the page with my pig or someone else's pig and then there is a little thing that says "more" and there is an apple and a water bottle.

Ok, going straight there. :)

edit: OH MY GOSH, that is so cute! I just went and clicked on everyone else's too and I didn't see the "more" on anyone's! But, you can feed the spider a fly and the rabbit a carrot, I'm going to the site to check the other ones out too...I have a rabbit, too, on livejournal, he is really cute. But, now that I know I can feed him a carrot, he's even cuter. :) I wonder if the kitten has anything else, cuz I thought he was kinda cute, but, a little boring. :o

11-13-2005, 10:36 AM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9cGVuZ3Vpbi5zd2YmY2xyPTB4NGY3NDk5JmNuPWljZWUmYW 49cmFjaGVs.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9cGVuZ3Vpbi5zd2YmY2xyPTB4NGY3NDk5 JmNuPWljZWUmYW49cmFjaGVs)
He's so cute!


Awww I love Icee :D

finn's mom
11-13-2005, 10:42 AM
Thanks, Almita, for pointing that out to me, the "more" thing...I just went and the kitten has a great little fishing pole toy. That's cute! :) That little hamster's feet on that wheel, though, that has got to be the cutest thing! ;)

11-13-2005, 10:51 AM
Where does it say "more"? :p :o

11-13-2005, 10:54 AM
Thanks, Almita, for pointing that out to me, the "more" thing...I just went and the kitten has a great little fishing pole toy. That's cute! :) That little hamster's feet on that wheel, though, that has got to be the cutest thing! ;)

Your Welcome I know they are sso cute! I love the piggy!

finn's mom
11-13-2005, 10:57 AM
Where does it say "more"? :p :o

To the bottom right hand corner of certain ones...it's like a little tab...you just put your mouse over it and it pulls up to reveal a fly for the spider, apple and water bottle for the pig, etc...

11-13-2005, 11:02 AM
I did more they are fun I get so bored I mostly do anything.

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9cGlnLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhmMWE0YzEmY249a2V2IGtldiZhbj 1hbG1pdGE=.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9cGlnLnN3ZiZjbHI9MHhmMWE0YzEmY249 a2V2IGtldiZhbj1hbG1pdGE=)

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9dGlnZXIuc3dmJmNscj0weGViZWVkZCZjbj10aWdnZXImYW 49YWxtaXRh.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9dGlnZXIuc3dmJmNscj0weGViZWVkZCZj bj10aWdnZXImYW49YWxtaXRh)

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9ZmlzaC5zd2YmY2xyPTB4MWVmOGZmJmNuPWdpbGwmYW49YW xtaXRh.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9ZmlzaC5zd2YmY2xyPTB4MWVmOGZmJmNu PWdpbGwmYW49YWxtaXRh)

11-13-2005, 11:06 AM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9bGxhbWEuc3dmJmNscj0weDNjZWQ4ZiZjbj1wZWFudXQmYW 49bGlueg==.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9bGxhbWEuc3dmJmNscj0weDNjZWQ4ZiZj bj1wZWFudXQmYW49bGlueg==)


11-13-2005, 01:04 PM
Omg that is too cute! I HAD to get one.! Couldn't resist a pink tiger!

http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9dGlnZXIuc3dmJmNscj0weGVlODRjYSZjbj1saXomYW49cG hpbA==.png
(http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/showpet.php?b=bWM9dGlnZXIuc3dmJmNscj0weGVlODRjYSZj bj1saXomYW49cGhpbA==)

11-13-2005, 01:25 PM
If you download and run the program on your computer, virtual pets visit your desktop and you can feed them, play with them, groom them... put clothes on them, etc.
I found Gopets *extremely* boring and annoying. Sorry :(

I think when I signed up I used your username as a refferer though :)

11-13-2005, 04:48 PM
I found Gopets *extremely* boring and annoying. Sorry :(

I think when I signed up I used your username as a refferer though :)

LOL it got boring to me after awhile too but now mostly since my youngest sister is infatuated with it (neopets, too) I try to get stuff for her.

11-13-2005, 06:54 PM
I am soo confused with gopets.com. How do I get a dog or whatever? It is really confusing for me? (maybe its cause ppl tell me i have an IQ of a fish?) lol

11-13-2005, 07:04 PM
I am soo confused with gopets.com. How do I get a dog or whatever? It is really confusing for me? (maybe its cause ppl tell me i have an IQ of a fish?) lol
After you download, install, and run the program, you can create a dog (or cat) there. :)

finn's mom
11-13-2005, 07:05 PM
http://petimage.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/petimage/bWM9ZmlzaC5zd2YmY2xyPTB4MWVmOGZmJmNuPWdpbGwmYW49YW xtaXRh.png

How funny, my pet on myspace is a fish named gil! I spelled it with one "l", though...I named mine after Bill Murray's pet goldfish in the movie What About Bob?! :)

11-13-2005, 07:06 PM
I've downloaded it and stuff but i can't figure it out...

11-13-2005, 07:16 PM
I've downloaded it and stuff but i can't figure it out...

There should be a window at the top-right and if you click on the blank box it should let you add a new pet