View Full Version : I have a proplem....

11-11-2005, 06:57 PM
My problem is that my dog is new and I'm trying to tech her to fetch and she'll get it and try and bury it in my mother's flowers!!! I am teach her not to but she'll still do it then my other dog caught on and started doin it to!!! now my mom is not mad but she is thretining me to plant new flowers!!! I hate to plant flowers!!! I'm in a lot of troble!!! HELP!!! Please!! :confused:

11-11-2005, 07:31 PM
When she brings you an object, any object (toy, sock, whatever) tell her "GOOD BRING!" Then when you play fetch, after throwing and she picks it up, tell her "BRING" and she should bring you the object instead of trying to bury it!

Another good thing to teach in this case is the "leave it!" command.

11-16-2005, 01:36 PM
start with a 6 foot lead and just drop the ball/toy, then say 'bring', let her go to it, say 'bring' and pop the leash to get her to return to you, repeat maybe 5 times max at any one time. When she reaches you take hold of the ball/toy and say 'drop' (you can make her drop by pushing the skin of the upper lip into the incisors) -- then praise praise praise each time. Praise for the 'bring' and praise for the 'drop'. Have a treat handy to start with for the bring part.

After a day or two or three with the short lead go to a long lead (20-30 feet depending on the size of the dog) -- repeat the exercise. You will know when she gets it. You won't have to leash pop - continue with the praise always.

Also, if she takes off with it when off lead - turn your back and go away from her (do not chase her - it is then a game for her) and tell her to come. When she gets to you praise her for the come and then do the 'drop' routine.

I'm starting to train a field ESS to retrieve to hand -- and this is our routine.