View Full Version : Why do I even get out of bed?

11-11-2005, 10:33 AM
Sigh, I am sorry to vent so much lately. Its seems as if this month is out to get me! I have NEVER had a month like this November!

So far, I have Pouncer biting my mom and breaking his foot, my own health issues (which the tests STILL have not resolved and we're up to $800 out of pocket that the insurance company doesn't pay) and now hubby has a serious health crisis on top of his work crisis (the stress from work raised his blood pressure dangerously high and he's been passing out, dr. is worried about a myriad of things now).

Yesterday's mail had two $40 tickets for using the EZ-Pass on the turnpike. Dearest hubby was used to having the EZ-Pass, so when he drive my car two weeks ago (his car was undrivable and cost $800 to fix) he forgot he didn't have the EZ-Pass on his windshield and just went through the EZ-Pass lane instead of picking up a toll ticket. :(

Now, November strikes again!

We bought a new computer for the girls the other night. Its not the world's greatest computer, but it'll work perfectly for their school work. I have not gotten a chance to install the new computer yet. I don't feel like doing any work today (though I do have loads to do) so I decided to install it this morning. I got the keyboard out, then the mouse. Ok, so far, so good. Then I take out the tower, you know, that big expensive thing.... and DROPPED it!!! Its cracked, and the door to the CD drive fell off :eek: :eek: :eek: God knows what I did to it internally. :(

Ok, I am here in near tears. I'd be in full-fledged tears if we had not gotten the extended warranty. Luckily the extended warranty covers EVERYTHING, including my stupidity of dropping the tower. Funny thing, I was MAD at hubbby for spending the extra money for the warranty, claiming is was a waste of money. :o

What ELSE can go wrong this month? Its only the 11th, so I have quite a bit of time to go before November is just a bad memory. :(

Pawsitive Thinking
11-11-2005, 10:39 AM
Oh poor you - just not your month is it? I do detect some humour in your posting so all is not lost. Would a UK hug help? [HUG]

Samantha Puppy
11-11-2005, 10:43 AM
Sounds like my January 2005. That was a horrible month - I had ongoing problems at work; I had an accident in my car and totaled it, screwed up something with my husband's car which cost several hundred in repairs, and blew out a tire on my parent's car - all within 3 days of each other; and my husband and I were going through a very, very rough time. It sucked, big time.

But it ended, as all bad things do. Just grin and bear it, you are never given more than you can take. Just keep repeating that and before you know it, December will be here! :)

11-11-2005, 10:44 AM
Ah, if not for my humor I think I'd have cracked by now. I keep just trying to find humor in the situation. Perhaps contact a few sitcoms and give them ideas from my life for the next few episodes? ;)

I only hope December IS better. I love love love Christmas. It would royally stink if my Christmas spoiled for any reason. 4 years ago, Christmas was HORRIBLE because my MIL was dying of cancer and Sam-Dog was dying of cancer too. They went to heaven within days of each other between Christmas and New Years. Talk about icky Christmases. From now on, Christmas is only allowed to be happy and wonderful! I say so! :D

11-11-2005, 10:44 AM
It can only go up.... *HUGS*

Pawsitive Thinking
11-11-2005, 10:45 AM
Ah, if not for my humpor I think I'd have cracked by now. I keep just trying to find humor in the situation. Perhaps contact a few sitcoms and give them ideas from my life for the next few episodes? ;)

They'd think you were making it all up ;)

11-11-2005, 10:48 AM
They'd think you were making it all up ;)
Only if I tell them about how clumsy I've been too..... I spilled not one, not two, but three FULL glasses of tea yesterday within an hour of each other. I have up after the third one and went thirsty for the night. LOL :D thanks, you're making me feel better already! :D :D

Pawsitive Thinking
11-11-2005, 10:52 AM
Only if I tell them about how clumsy I've been too..... I spilled not one, not two, but three FULL glasses of tea yesterday within an hour of each other. I have up after the third one and went thirsty for the night. LOL :D thanks, you're making me feel better already! :D :D

Remember "Life of Brian"? Altogether now "always look on the bright side of life....." Friends of mine yelled that to me across a crowded nightclub floor after a particularly disastrous night - still makes me laugh when I think of it

11-11-2005, 11:30 AM
Oh you poor thing ((((HUGS)))) I know how you feel. I think we all get in these ruts from time to time when it seems like nothing can go right. Thank goodness for that extended warranty on the computer!

11-11-2005, 11:38 AM
You need a giant Pet Talk hug! Here you go............ {{{{{{HUG!!!}}}}}

11-11-2005, 11:50 AM
Geez, when it rains it pours! You didnt break a mirror did you? ;) I hope things get better soon. They have to right? :D (((Hugs)))

11-11-2005, 11:57 AM
I am so sorry you're feeling bad!!! =(

But maybe this will help some...We were using my EZ-Pass in my friend's car and somehow it didn't register...you should be able to have the tolls applied to your acc't w/o having the pay the tickets. PM me if you have any questions.

Yesterday's mail had two $40 tickets for using the EZ-Pass on the turnpike. Dearest hubby was used to having the EZ-Pass, so when he drive my car two weeks ago (his car was undrivable and cost $800 to fix) he forgot he didn't have the EZ-Pass on his windshield and just went through the EZ-Pass lane instead of picking up a toll ticket. :(