View Full Version : Ex loves

11-10-2005, 12:07 PM
Carol's thread about crushes got me thinking: do you ever think of your exloves? Wonder where they are? What they are doing? Do they think of you? Would it work out if you met today?

I have one ex-boyfriend that I dated for a year and we were "pre-engaged" (which seems so funny to me now) and it ended weirdly. I felt no closure. We both were misrable and wanted out, but neither of us wanted to be the ones to end it. He finally just called me on the phone one day and ended it. I would like to see him today just to tell him that letting me go was the best thing he could have ever done for me. I want to let him know that he made many positive changes to my life, and for that I'm thankful, but mostly I am thankful he's no longer in my life! ;)

I never wonder if we waited a little longer, would we'd have actually made it. I know we were bad for each other, though it was fun while it lasted. It was a poisonous relationship and while we brought things out of each other that are good, we seemed to bring out the worst in each other too.

I learned a lot from him, and I wonder if he learned anything from me. Thats the thing that I wonder most: what did he walk away from our relationship with. Anything?

finn's mom
11-10-2005, 12:21 PM
I have one in particular that I always think about. I don't think I'll ever get him completely out of my blood. We broke up in 2003, January will actually make it three years. And, I probably still miss him the most of anyone I've ever dated. He was my first really passionate, completely adult relationship, and, the one I put the most of myself into, and, the one that left me nearly beaten when it ended. I never felt like there was any closure. And, I do still think of Ben (I posted a few threads about him this spring/summer), too.

11-10-2005, 12:48 PM
So funny that you should bring this up. Just last week my mom told me that she ran into my ex (my 'first love') and said that he looks really good and seems to be doing well. I haven't thought about him in a long time. I would like to thank him for the same thing Catnapper - jerking me around the way he did was the best thing for me; it made me want better for myself. But now I want him to know that I am doing well and am happy. I do wonder what some of the others are doing sometimes...

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-10-2005, 01:08 PM
Around 7 years ago I bumped into my "first love" who broke my heart in high school......

The timing was great - I was as skinny as I have ever been, was dressed to the nines for an inportant meeting, had a great job and was driving a brand new high-performance car.

He had ragged bitten nails, was wearing dirty overalls, an driving a jalopy! Who would have thought that meeting someone on the street could be such a great experience!! LOL

Laura's Babies
11-10-2005, 06:10 PM
I have a few that I think about but I just wonder where they are and what they have done with their lives. Growing up in one state and moving so far away, you never get to see people you grew up with or were "romantic" with when you were so young.

11-10-2005, 08:43 PM
I don't plan on having an exlove ever.. I love my first love & in Jan it'll be 7 years YAY.

11-11-2005, 02:46 AM
Actually most of them I just want to forget lol, but one in particular I met when I was 18 he 17, a lovely, charming sweet English Guy with peaches and cream complexion and dark hair, Simon, he asked me to marry him, I was not in the least bit interested in marriage at 18, could never understand why at 17 he even vaguley thought about it, I broke it off with him, i just was not really bothered about a serious boyfriend then and he was too serious for me, we did catch years later by phone but he was in a relationship then and we never met up again, I often think of him and realise now that I let a good one go there, Ah well was not mean't to be I guess.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-11-2005, 03:44 AM
I work with mine!!!

11-11-2005, 07:13 AM
I don't plan on having an exlove ever.. I love my first love & in Jan it'll be 7 years YAY.

That's what I thought, too. But here I am, 10 years later-with my heart stomped on

Pawsitive Thinking
11-11-2005, 07:30 AM
That's what I thought, too. But here I am, 10 years later-with my heart stomped on

:( :( you've always got us

11-11-2005, 07:40 AM
I work with mine!!!

LOL is that awkward?

Pawsitive Thinking
11-11-2005, 08:40 AM
LOL is that awkward?

Its had its moments but luckily we are really good friends too so are completely comfortable in each other's company

Dakota's Mommy
11-11-2005, 08:50 AM
Although I don't have many ex-boyfriends, one in particular really did turn out to be a loser! Brian and I got together in the Spring of my freshman year, but before I started seeing Brian, the guy I left for him and I had dated for about 4 months. Nothing serious as we were young and in high school. He eventually started dating another girl I kind of knew, and low and behold, she was pregnant by the end of our high school years. Then, when I was pregnant with Jasmine, I was reading the docket of my hometown paper and saw he was being charged with drug charges! Boy am I glad I chose a different path than he did!

11-11-2005, 02:28 PM
My first love was 19 when I was 16. I knew his family well and even 'ran away' for a weekend to stay with them one time.

I found his family on the Internet last year (unusual name) but couldn't find his. I dropped his cousin a brief note, but never heard back.

He wasn't well off, super gorgeous or very special in any particular way, but he was sweet and cared about me when I needed him.

That was 47 years ago and I still think of him now and then.