View Full Version : Update on me and Kia (pics)

03-27-2002, 10:48 AM
Breakups can be hard.

I want to thank all of you that were there for me and Kia while we were adjusting to life without Michael. Kia has been more playful lately and really likes this one guy whom I've been dating.

Kia even got to spend some time with my new beau's parents while he and I were on a mini vacation.

She absolutely adores him, his parents, and brother.

I have them up at my website. :)

Kia visits the Miller's (http://ramanth.tripod.com/kiaatmillers.html)

Kia's Weekend with the Miller's (http://ramanth.tripod.com/kiaweekend.html)

Kia and I are spending Easter Sunday with Andy and his family.

My grandpa has been very ill and my parents are leaving for Florida on Thursday to visit him. He's back in intensive care after a relapse. :(

03-27-2002, 11:24 AM
I'm so glad things are going well for you! Is Andy the new man? He's a cutie! And he looks like he's a nice guy, know what I mean? He has a nice face! Kia is probably happier because you are!
I hope your grandfather will be OK. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

03-27-2002, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by jennifert
I'm so glad things are going well for you! Is Andy the new man? He's a cutie! And he looks like he's a nice guy, know what I mean? He has a nice face! Kia is probably happier because you are!
I hope your grandfather will be OK. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Yep, it's Andy. :) We look so beat in the photo... not very flattering. ;) He's very nice and he likes Kia a lot.

This is Andy and I in Indianapolis while his parents were watching Kia. :D

It's always hard to find dog sitters when visiting galaxies far far away... :p :D

03-27-2002, 11:43 AM

I am so glad that things are working out for you. And what great pictures of her you have posted! She looks so happy. Best of luck to you, Andy, and Kia. He looks like a nice guy. I am very baised when it comes to Andys. So far, all Andys are great. Mine is the man of my dreams....

03-27-2002, 11:50 AM
You're right, you and Andy look so much better in the second picture!! NOT!
I'm scared of you!!! I can't even "do" Halloween, I'm afraid of the dark and people dressed in costumes! (Don't ask, it must be something from my childhood that I can't even remember! Tell me the story behind the costumes, is it a Star Wars thing? Did you post something already?

03-27-2002, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by jennifert
You're right, you and Andy look so much better in the second picture!! NOT!
I'm scared of you!!! I can't even "do" Halloween, I'm afraid of the dark and people dressed in costumes! (Don't ask, it must be something from my childhood that I can't even remember! Tell me the story behind the costumes, is it a Star Wars thing? Did you post something already?

AWW! I didn't mean to scare you.

It is indeed a Star Wars thing. Andy and I belong to the 501st Legion (http://www.501st.com) , a worldwide Star Wars costuming club. We dress up for conventions, events, exhibits, and charity events. And of course... halloween. :)

This specific event was at the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. They were hosting the Star Wars: Art of the Starfighter exhibit. We had a lot of fun. :)

03-27-2002, 02:10 PM
Tripod says your site is "Temporarily Unavailable":( Bummed. I don't get to see all the CUTENESS........... But I am so HAPPY that you and Kia are doing so well! Andy sounds like a great guy. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. It's really Icky when loved ones get sick. Glad you have Kia and now Andy to be by your side. Can't wait til we see more pictures! :D :D

03-27-2002, 02:39 PM
It's 3:35 EST, and I got to my site okay. Try now Loud Lou! Sorry tripod was being mean.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. :)

03-27-2002, 02:53 PM
Kimmy- Those GRRREAT pictures!!! Kia is stunning! A beauty queen if ya ask me! Thanks for sharing your site. It's great. Thanks for letting me know it was back up. Tri-Pod wasn't being really being mean Web-Servers all over the place seem to be having a tough time today.... one of our servers is in Scotland and its been down for a while now:( Makes for a very STRESSFUL day here. Thanks for cheering me up. Kia can put a smile on anyones face!

03-27-2002, 03:29 PM
What nice pictures!! Kia is such a sweety!!

03-28-2002, 06:16 AM
I'm pleased things are brightening up for you :) The pictures of Kia are great. I hope that your grandfather will get better soon.

03-28-2002, 08:46 AM
Those are WONDERFUL pictures of Kia! Sounds like you had alot of fun! Give that cutie (Kia-not Andy:rolleyes: )lots of hugs & kisses for me!:D

03-28-2002, 09:12 AM
Kimmy, those are wonderful photos of Kia and the family. I am so glad things are working out for you now. I don't think I have ever mentioned this to you but I just had to tell you how beautiful I think KIa is. A beautiful face and looks so nice and calm.
I'm really sorry to hear about your Grandfather and I hope he makes a complete recovery.

03-28-2002, 10:15 AM
:D :D :D :D Thanks everyone! :)