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View Full Version : Oh for the love of dog, Emerson! :(

11-08-2005, 02:44 AM
Oh my, what a night!!! We were sound asleep, Malone & Marigold were on the big bed with us, but Emerson was sleeping on the floor snuggled in a quilt. I vaguely remember telling him to go lay down once or twice as he was pacing around the room. I fell back asleep, but was rudely awoken to a very rude smell assaulting my nose. My poor little black dog had been asking to go out, :( and I didn't even know it. :( When I turned the light on, he was shivering and shaking in the corner.

I am really worried about Emerson right now. He has only had diaherria once before since we got him. The only change in his diet is some new treats (he has had 3 of them -- scooby snacks). But what I am wondering is, on Saturday I took him for a LONG walk up in the woods and down to the river. At one point he drank out of a puddle (ewww!) and he took a long drink out of the river. I do hope he doesn't have parasites or something. :eek: :eek:

My dearest hubby deserves a prize right now. He wasn't feeling good (coming down with a bad cold) and yet is such a trooper to clean it up for me.

We are going to be sleeping the rest of the night in the guest room 'til our room airs out.

11-08-2005, 03:33 AM
Get well soon Emerson! I've had Duke need to go before and me not know. I'm sure the smell was unpleasant. I hope hels not bad sick. Give your hubby a Scooby Snack for his good deed!

Cinder & Smoke
11-08-2005, 03:39 AM

Poor Emmerson! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif

Here's the "common fix" >>>

"For diarrhea in adult pets, Dr. McCullough suggests
withholding food for 12 to 24 hours.
"Then start your pet on small frequent meals of boiled hamburger and rice
and see if the diarrhea stops." However, if blood, foreign objects, or greasy feces
are being passed, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian.
Chronic diarrhea with sustained weight loss needs to be assessed by your
veterinarian as well. "We need to find out whether weight loss is associated
with diarrhea or something else," explains Dr. McCullough."

See the entire article at:
By the University of Illinois - College of Veterinary Medicine

While withholding all food - ALLOW the dog free access to fresh WATER.

Feel Better Soon - Emmerson!

11-08-2005, 04:50 AM
Ive always wonderd about the water thing too.

i know if we drink water that were not used to.. it gives us the 'runs' too.
so maybe its something as simple as that..

or perhaps just the snacks..
ya know how dogs tum-tums are... doesnt take much and.. oopsies. :o

11-08-2005, 05:10 AM
Anna I'm so sorry to hear about poor Emerson and hope he's feeling better soon. {{{HUGS}}}

I've given mine pepto for diaherria.

KUDOS to that hubby of yours, he deserves 2 Scooby Snacks;)

11-08-2005, 06:11 AM
Thank you for all the good thoughts, and thanks to Phred for the link.

I never got back to sleep, he asked to go out every 15 minutes ever since then. :eek: :( It's weird though -- he is so miserable outside, but then when he comes back in he is bouncy and wants to play. :rolleyes:

We just gave him some Pepto, so hopefully that will settle his tummy soon!\

Edit to say that I am planning on calling the vet when they get in, to see what they advise.

Ginger's Mom
11-08-2005, 06:33 AM
So sorry to hear about Emerson. The vet will probably give you metrodozolone (that is probably spelled very wrong, but it is something to that effect), and tell you to give him a small bland dinner (chicken and rice). That metro, whatever it is, works great. It really does clear up tummy troubles quickly. Hugs to you and Emerson, I hope he is feeling better soon.

11-08-2005, 08:23 AM
Awww Poor Emerson. I hope it's nothing too severe.


11-08-2005, 09:00 AM
:( Poor guy. Get well soon Emerson! (((HUGS)))

11-08-2005, 09:17 AM
I just went through both of my pups having hookworm because little Miss Sierra killed and ate a bunny.... and BOY did their poo STINK!! Wooo Weee :eek:
I would at least take a poo sample to the vet to see if they see anything, esp since he drank out of a puddle.
I hope he feels better soon!!

11-08-2005, 02:13 PM
Really good news! I just went home on my lunchbreak to check on the boyz, and no accidents or anything! I let him out, and all he did was take a leak!

I left Emerson in the kitchen with his quilt and a couple of toys and he did awesome! Nothing chewed, broken, or even touched! So, now I am thinking of weaning him off the crate on maybe a permanent basis? :eek: :D

11-08-2005, 02:14 PM
I hope he feels better soon..... AND I hope you get some sleep tonight!

11-08-2005, 04:43 PM
My old dog could only drink our town water, other wise he would get the runs REALLY bad!

When we went to PEI (2000km drive), we packed him a tub of water (3'X2'). When he got into bad water, he was fed pure rice for 2 days & vitamins. If we added beef that would make him very ill.

11-08-2005, 04:47 PM
I am glad I read to the bottom of the thread!! This is good news Anna. I was going to post that I was worried about giardia as that is what Robyn (Christiansmommy) had to deal with when Dale drank pond water. It sounds like Emerson is on the road to recovery and that is good news! What a sweetie that boy is, to try and tell you he needed to go out. Poor widdle guy. Isn't it time we saw a picture or two? :p WE WANT EMERSON PICTURES! teehee!

11-08-2005, 09:00 PM
Oh Emerson!! I'm glad you're feeling better, what a horrible night for you, Mommy & Daddy! No more drinks from that puddle or river again!

Anna- Was it the Conn. River!??!?!?! :eek: If so, that's probably why he's sick! :eek:

11-08-2005, 11:03 PM
I'm glad to see that boy of yours is feeling better Anna:D

11-08-2005, 11:07 PM
Scooby snacks did MAXIMUS really bad. But I'm thinking it was
probably the water that made EMERSON sick. I always try to keep
MAXIMUS from drinking "odd" water. I only let him drink water I
keep in the car. Either tap or bottled, when we're out. I let him
drink creek water because it's running, and I'd drink it too.

I hope you feel better soon EMMERS. No more puddles for you.

11-08-2005, 11:19 PM
aawww poor Emmers!!!
I am glad he is feeling better and behaving! ;)

11-09-2005, 12:01 AM
Ohh, I'm so sorry to hear that Emerson and you had a rough night. I'm glad to hear that he is better now. Give him a hug from me, please!