View Full Version : Can my family have some PT prayers?

11-07-2005, 11:53 PM
Jeesh where to begin? What a month!
The week of my birthday - (Oct 17th)
1) I chipped my tooth - that was no biggie
2) My cousin had his ACL repaired = knee surgery (he's doing fine now just a big slow - off crutches etc)
3) My uncle was starting to get sick and having right sided chest/abdominal pain - he saw his doctor had an ultrasound - had a bad gallbladder on my birthday (Oct 20) he was rushed into emergency surgery to have it removed. They put a drain in b/c it was draining bile and I think b/c it was so infected also. He STILL has the drain in and it is STILL draining.
4) My foot had been bothering me for about 3 weeks and I finally saw a foot doctor and he confirmed what I knew - I had a stress fracture but it was healing well and I was doing ok but on 10-30-05 I fell getting into my car and my left (fractured) foot stayed where it was and I felt it pop - ie: re-break - so I took myself to the ER (first time I had ever been there) ended up on crutches for the weekend and non weight bearing. NOW I am in a boot and doing ok - doesn't hurt much - just trying to not be stupid as I don't want to REBREAK it again.
5) Today my grandma was at the YMCA for her water aerobics class and after she was done and getting ready to leave she was walking up the hall and tripped and fell down and busted her lip - scratched up her nose and broke her knee cap. She has broken her knee cap 3 times - so this is the 2nd time for this one - she has done both of them. So she is to see an orthapedic dr. tomorrow - the ER doc didn't think she would need surgery this time.

*sigh* I HOPE that is all!
thank you for the thoughts and prayers!

11-07-2005, 11:54 PM
Staci I'm sorry that all of this has happened in such a short time. Sending prayers that everyone heals quickly!

11-08-2005, 12:04 AM
That certainly sounds like enough to me!!

I wave my magic wand - and all will be well - and only positive things will happen to you and your family the rest of the year.

Well, I will also pray that is so!

11-08-2005, 12:39 AM
Staci, I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family are having such bad luck lately. :( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care.

Cinder & Smoke
11-08-2005, 02:39 AM

Gud GRIEF! :(

Maybe you should get everyone in the Family an umbrella!

That dark cloud seems to be stuck over your neighorhood! :p

We'll all pray for some SunShine :) out your way!

{{{Hugs}}} ;)

11-08-2005, 05:15 AM
Goodness Staci, you've had quite the last month haven't you:o
I'm sorry to hear of all the bad luck, I'll be wishing you and your
family all the good luck I can spare;)
Anna, Mark and the kids

11-08-2005, 06:29 AM

Man, I thought I had bad luck!! I'm sorry to hear about everyone in your family. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way from New England. I can feel your pain, girl. I broke my right foot and was on crutches for 4 weeks years ago. What a pain!! Hope everyone feels better.

BIG (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))

11-08-2005, 07:28 AM
Staci, sending prayers for the whole family that they all get better soon. Sounds like you have had a bad month for sickness in the family, I do hope you and your family get over the bad hump and get through this with flying colors. Please keep us updated, and let us know how you are all doing!


Daisy and Delilah
11-08-2005, 07:48 AM
Staci, it sounds like you guys do have a dark cloud over all of you!! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family from Florida!! (((((HUGS)))))

11-08-2005, 08:43 AM
I know how it feels when nothing seems to be going your way! The list just seems to grow and grow!

You and your family are in our thoughts.

4 Dog Mother
11-08-2005, 12:52 PM
Prayers coming your way that things get better!

11-08-2005, 01:52 PM
Hope things get better soon..thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

11-08-2005, 01:55 PM
Sending good thoughts to you & your family. Hope things improve for you all.

11-10-2005, 12:14 AM
Oh you poor, poor thing. :( Prayers that everything gets back to normal for you soon!!

11-10-2005, 09:18 AM
*HUGS* Hope everyone heals up quickly and things start to look up!