View Full Version : Harlee spent the weekend with us

11-07-2005, 03:39 PM
Bella and Ripley were hostess and host to their big Swissie cousin all weekend. Except for Ripley occasionally showing his pearly whites to Harlee when he is in my lap and she comes to see me, they did very well. :) She is amazingly submissive to him and backs up when he does his *tooth display." LOL! Here are a couple of pictures which really aren't that great but it gives you an idea of how big Harlee is now next to my two.

THE SMELLY YARD. Three dogs each find three separate and interesting smells in the yard. :rolleyes:

A TRIANGLE OF DOGS. How about a game of Ring Around the Rosey?

MONKEY IN THE MIDDLE. Of course Ripley is the monkey in more ways than one. Silly boy!

PLEASE LET US IN. Although the temperature was about 70 eventually the trio wanted to join the humans inside.

Sorry that they aren't better. Most of the weekend was taken up with moving things out of our little vacation house at Ocean City so there wasn't much time to actually play with the pupsters since it was a *working weekend.* Fortunately they didn't seem to mind. :) By the way, Ripley is 14 lbs., Bella is 42 lbs. and Harlee weighs in at a hefty 80 lbs. (just about equal to two Bellas) these days!

11-07-2005, 03:43 PM
Awww the cousins are all having so much fun together. Pam you do such a good job grooming bella and ripley, I am in awe.

11-07-2005, 03:44 PM
they look cute together!Sounds like they had fun,and im glad they got along! :)
How old is Harlee now? :o

11-07-2005, 03:51 PM
they look cute together!Sounds like they had fun,and im glad they got along! :)
How old is Harlee now? :o

My Harlee girl is almost 9 months old. She will probably outweigh Dale when she is full grown, he was 100 lbs. She is stockier than him, he was more tall and lanky. I had a request a while back for some pics of her, I will have to get my act together :)


11-07-2005, 03:54 PM
What cuties! Glad everything went well!

Toby's my baby
11-07-2005, 03:57 PM
They are good pictures! Harlee is huge next to Bella and Ripley! Looks like they had fun together though!

11-07-2005, 03:58 PM
I just love Swissies! They're such gorgeous dogs. Glad the pups got along! :)

11-07-2005, 04:01 PM
What a good looking family of pups there. Harlee, WOW, look at how much she has grown. :eek:

11-07-2005, 04:04 PM
My Harlee girl is almost 9 months old. She will probably outweigh Dale when she is full grown, he was 100 lbs. She is stockier than him, he was more tall and lanky. I had a request a while back for some pics of her, I will have to get my act together :)

100 pounds isn't that big for a Swissie!

And you better get to posting some pictures! ;)

Ginger's Mom
11-07-2005, 04:08 PM
I am so jealous!!! Look at those gorgeous doggies. :) They look like they were having a good time hanging out together. I love the way they all seemed to stick together. You have a nice big backyard for them to explore, but everytime you look out they seemed to be near each other. How sweet. :)

11-07-2005, 04:43 PM
Oh I'm so glad to finally see these pictures, I've been patiently waiting:D

It sounds like everyone got along well and they had a good time, I'm glad to hear it!
You know you say Robyn that Harlee is bigger, for some reason I though she looked taller and leaner than Dale. Amazing how photos can fool you:)

They are all gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing these pictures Pam!

11-07-2005, 05:26 PM
100 pounds isn't that big for a Swissie!

And you better get to posting some pictures! ;)

My boy wasn't quite 2 years old when he died, so he wasn't fully grown yet. He was also the smallest one of the litter, so he was on the low end for weight. My girl, the one in the pics, still has until she is 2-3 years old to continue growing. Male Swissie can be anywhere from 110-140 lbs. Females, which is what Harlee is, can be anywhere from like 90-120 lbs. I think my girl will be 110 full grown, since she is already 80 lbs and only 8 1/2 months old.

I will have to post pics sometime soon :)

11-07-2005, 05:30 PM
My boy wasn't quite 2 years old when he died, so he wasn't fully grown yet. He was also the smallest one of the litter, so he was on the low end for weight. My girl, the one in the pics, still has until she is 2-3 years old to continue growing. Male Swissie can be anywhere from 110-140 lbs. Females, which is what Harlee is, can be anywhere from like 90-120 lbs. I think my girl will be 110 full grown, since she is already 80 lbs and only 8 1/2 months old.

I will have to post pics sometime soon :)
Aw I'm so sorry about your boy. Two years is so young :(

11-07-2005, 05:32 PM
Oh I'm so glad to finally see these pictures, I've been patiently waiting:D

It sounds like everyone got along well and they had a good time, I'm glad to hear it!
You know you say Robyn that Harlee is bigger, for some reason I though she looked taller and leaner than Dale. Amazing how photos can fool you:)

They are all gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing these pictures Pam!

Dale was 100 lbs when he died at almost 2 years old, Harlee is already 80 lbs and is only 8 1/2 months, so while she doesn't weigh as much yet as he did...I am sure she will outweigh him full grown. Dale was tall for a Swissie. He was always skinny in the waist...but very tall...even more so then some of the 140 lb Swissies we met at Swissie events...but he wasn't as stocky as the big boys...just had the height :) Harlee is more proportioned...not quite as tall, but thicker all over...i can't wait to see how big she gets :) Anyway... :)

Thanks for the nice comments :)

11-08-2005, 06:14 AM
Talking about tall, those long legs of Bella's are so gorgeous. Thanks for the pictures, Pam. What a joy that all the dogs can romp together in that big yard.

Harlee seems so calm for as young as she is or is that just because I am not seeing her *in action*?

11-08-2005, 08:29 AM
Cute photos! :D Harlee sure is growing like a weed! :eek:

Good luck with the move. :) I've been to Ocean City before. Love the boardwalk. :)