View Full Version : photobucket or dsl is slow today

11-07-2005, 01:21 PM
Since I am bored waiting for photobucket I decided to vent about it here. No need to reply, I'll be done with this rant when my pictures are done uploading.

I can only load like 6 at a time otherwise it won't download them. I have about 150 various pics that I have to download. Each batch is taking about 10 minutes to download. 50 or so of which I will post here (well on dog general).
Its taking forever. This is the first time it's been like this & its really annoying. Ok I'm done venting.

Toby's my baby
11-07-2005, 01:24 PM
My wireless and photobucket are slow too!

hmm . .. .

11-07-2005, 01:24 PM
I'll reply because I'm bored as well!! hehe

DSL and PB have both had complaints from users as being slow a lot.. DSL speed is greatly affected by where you're located, if you're up or down a hill, the temperature or weather outside.. lots of factors. :( And PB I've heard is just slow in general. If other sites are loading fast then my money is that it's just PB that is slow, not your DSL. In any case I hope they stop giving you problems and you get those pics up soon!! :)

11-07-2005, 01:28 PM
I'll reply because I'm bored as well!! hehe

DSL and PB have both had complaints from users as being slow a lot.. DSL speed is greatly affected by where you're located, if you're up or down a hill, the temperature or weather outside.. lots of factors. :( And PB I've heard is just slow in general. If other sites are loading fast then my money is that it's just PB that is slow, not your DSL. In any case I hope they stop giving you problems and you get those pics up soon!! :)

All the other sites are moving right along. And photobucket has never been slow for me before, ever and it has always uploaded more than 6 pics at a time too. I've never ever had a problem with PB before. :confused:

11-07-2005, 01:32 PM
Sounds like the culprit isn't your DSL then, its PB's servers! Sometimes servers just lag though from high traffic (lots of people accessing the site at the same time) and it goes back to normal after awhile. But in my experiences PB has always lagged a little

edited to add: regardless of that though, ALL websites are going to be slow or lag every now and then, its inevitable! Servers have to go down for maintenance every now and then, you know? ;)