View Full Version : People make such rude comments!

11-06-2005, 03:27 PM
My mom and i took Kodie & Lucy to Petsmart to get a few things.We were waiting at the end of a isle,trying to figure out where the treats were :o .Anyways, a teenage girl(mabye 15),and 3 other girls were walking 2 puppies(they were there for adoption).Kodie was standing there WAGING his tail,and the teenage girl says "Keep them away from BIG dogs",and it directed towards me and Kodie.That comment made me so mad! Obviously if Kodie was dog-on-dog aggressive,we wouldnt take him to Petsmart.Just the way she said it made me really mad,and she made it sound like all larger dogs are mean or something :rolleyes: .I gave her a look and just ignored her.And like 2 minutes later he was playing with a Westie.And he was enjoying the attention from other people too.

doesnt he look mean!? :rolleyes:

11-06-2005, 03:30 PM
I've seen LOTS of (stupid) people do that, saying "oh, that dog is too big for you to play with". Small dogs need to interact with the big dogs, too, and vice versa. A lot of people are really rude about it. :(

11-06-2005, 03:33 PM

Jk. :D Some people are stupid..... It makes me angry. Little dogs can be just as agressive as big dogs. Two JRT's attacked Mickey at the park once. And a little Poodle tried to eat him at Petland once. lol....

11-06-2005, 03:37 PM
I run into more aggressive small dogs than large dogs. He loved the Wesite though :D.The westies owner was very nice,and i wish more dog owners were like him!

11-06-2005, 03:40 PM
I run into more aggressive small dogs than large dogs.
Same. I honestly think they try to make up for their size.

Toby's my baby
11-06-2005, 03:50 PM
Some people! :mad: To tell you the truth, I have never met an aggressive larger dog, all the aggressive dogs are little that I come across. I know, in my instince that Boo boo is VERY aggressive, and he's only about a foot tall, and he is on the aggressive dog list for our city :eek: But Maggie and Autumn are as gentle as can be.

11-06-2005, 04:23 PM
Some people are just big pains in the butt. Ignore them, they don't know what they are missing.

11-06-2005, 04:28 PM
Oh yes.. very scary looking. :rolleyes:

thankifuly that not all people are like that. :D

11-06-2005, 04:46 PM
Aw poor Kodie! Don't be mad. People are stupid. I wish Sassy would play with Kodie in front of that girl and show her shes just being stupid. Lol, Sassy would be to scared though. Anyway, don't worry.

11-06-2005, 04:58 PM
he would love to meet all the pt doggies!I'm so thankfull not everyone is like that,most people that meet him love him anyways. :) I'm not going to worry about a comment like that,that girl doesnt know him so she shouldnt come to conclusions..well no one should.Poor Kodie wanted to meet the pups too :(

11-06-2005, 05:11 PM
Also, she is missing out on that. She is socializing the puppies wrong. Puppies need to meet big dogs so they won't be scared of them when they are older. that was a good oppurtunity! she missed it lol!

11-06-2005, 05:17 PM
Also, she is missing out on that. She is socializing the puppies wrong. Puppies need to meet big dogs so they won't be scared of them when they are older. that was a good oppurtunity! she missed it lol!

exactly.Thats what my mom said!Dogs need socialization!

Suki Wingy
11-06-2005, 05:19 PM
Don't worry about them, you should see how quickly parents pull away their kids when their answer to "what breed is he?" includes pit bull. :rolleyes:

11-06-2005, 05:32 PM
Hey, she may have know the pups were afraid of big dogs, or that they would attack him - you never know.

11-06-2005, 08:04 PM
I should bring Bijou into the pet supply store more often, but I don't because she is so...energetic, lol! At home, she loves (loves!) our kitties and plays with them constantly...the smallest one is 6 lbs. She would adore playing with a "real" puppy or making friends with doggies at the pet store, but at this point, I would probably do my best to keep Bijou away from any "adoptables" because of her tendency to be very "jumpy" and active in her play. I'm guessing the rescue/shelter folks were just trying to be protective, I'm so sorry your feelings were hurt. I know when the groomers say, "oh, don't be such a crazy girl!" to my Bijou, it makes me feel a bit awkward...she's young, she's an energetic breed and she's always ready to play, she's not "crazy!" Ah well...at least I have our local dog park where Bijou can just be herself with whatever other puppers happen to be there!

11-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Dumb girls! :rolleyes: :mad: And you Kodie just looks as sweet as can be! ;)

11-08-2005, 07:31 PM
Wow!! Some people are really jerks!!!Your dog looks so sweet!!!! ;)

11-08-2005, 11:10 PM
My mum always says that small dogs are worst than big dogs. They grab you by the foot and pit bulls are the worst kind of small dogs but I have to say that pit bulls are not always at fault, sometimes I blame their owners for their behavouir.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-09-2005, 09:26 AM
but I have to say that pit bulls are not always at fault, sometimes I blame their owners for their behavouir.

well said - no matter what the breed is, its usually the owner who is at fault.

Kodie can terrorise me any day!

11-09-2005, 05:55 PM
Kodie can terrorise me any day!

lol.He'll just lick you to death :D If any of the PT'ers get the chance to meet Kodie,i'm sure you'll love him.he loves EVERYONE.

11-09-2005, 06:06 PM
I think Kodie is beautiful! Ignore those stupid girls and don't let them get to you. I would have loved to play with Kodie and if I had been there, would have stopped to admire him.

11-09-2005, 06:46 PM
If those girls were volunteers at the store to walk the puppies, then there were more then likely told not to let them near big dogs & prob told VERY strenly..

When Volunteers walk our puppies from the kennels, they are told the same thing & its quite stern, if they bring the puppies near large dogs, they'll be fired. Its not because the Large dogs r agressive, but its the fact that the larger dogs r stronger, heavier & they could easly harm, break, or kill a small puppy.

Our volunteers r somesimes grumpy cause they are told SO many times what to do & what not to do, that they get annoyed. But its for the safety of the puppies.

OR the girls could be scared of big dogs, & there is nothing wrong with that. Fear is allowed. You just have to learn to ignore retards & keep enjoying your time with your doggie :)

My old dog looked like a Lab & people were scared of him & ran off, some said not to nice things & I ignored them all, except the scared ones that stood still. I usually talked them into petting him.. I also got one of my mentally handicaped friends to put her fears aside & pet, walk & play with my dog.. She was so scared sometimes she hit & kicked him.. But I knew it wasn't her fault & that my dog could handle it & he did manage to win her over.