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11-06-2005, 10:48 AM
Hi there all you cat people. Tiger here, our meowmie has been holding out on sharing us with you meowmies and daddies out there. Guess what? Our meowmie even caught Miagi and myself in a 'kodak moment' on her bed together and waiting to be fed together. I finally learned how to post pictures, but don't tell my meowmie. ;) She is so computer what's that word as you humans say? literate..yeah that's it and I picked it up. Who says that dogs can learn tricks, but cats can, too. ;) I can't belive my meowmie making me use her photobucket account that is titled 'hotdiggitydawg' what do you think about me making a photobucket account called hawttigerdycat? because that's what I am. ;) Okay on to the pictures....in the next post. stay tuned. Give me a little time...I'm a cat you know. :p

11-06-2005, 11:07 AM
me on the left and miagi on the right
here's me, I found it and thought I'd share,
aren't I handsome? :D
here I am this morning
Me: What are you looking at? you fool!

that's all. I thought I had one more but I couldn't find it. I hope you enjoyed seeing us and I will promise to let meowmie not hold out on you all again.

11-06-2005, 11:08 AM
Awwww Tiger, I am so glad that you have learned to post pictures for us.
I really think that you should get an account called, "Hawttigerdycat" then you will be able to post more pictures when meowmie is busy. :D

Looking forward to seeing your pictures. :)

OOOPPPPSSSSS!!!! Looks like we posted at the same time.
Yes Tiger, you are one handsome fella that's for sure and Miagi is cute too. :D

Great pictures. :)

11-06-2005, 12:12 PM
Hi Tiger ... you are certainly one computer-saavy kitty, and handsome too! I enjoyed seeing you and Miagi! Hope you'll be posting yourselves more often now! ;)


11-06-2005, 12:48 PM
Aww Hi Tiger! :)

11-06-2005, 01:00 PM
Tiger, you are too smart! ;) What handsome boys you both are! :)

11-06-2005, 01:06 PM
Hey there Tiger! Yes, you certainly are handsome. You're also one very smart kitty knowing how to use the computer like that. Those are great pictures of you and Miagi. Concatulations on a job well done and don't worry, your secret is safe with us. We won't breathe a word to your Meowmie about your computer skills. By the way, do you give computer lessons?

11-06-2005, 01:10 PM
Its so good to see you once more,Tiger and Miagi and the Found Cats,Porchies and Angels are sending you a Big MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW

11-06-2005, 01:48 PM
Way to go, Tiger! Way to learn how to use the computer since your Meowmie has neglected getting pictures of you and Miagi on here so much! :D You are a very HANDSOME kitty, and smart! I love the way you included Miagi in your post--that shows how considerate and thoughtful you are, too. You just let your Meowmie go right on "neglecting" things in terms of posting pictures of you on here. You do a better job of it anyway, and it will serve her right! :D


P.S. I think there are some kitty lawyers on PT who will help you if you ever find it necessary to file charges against your Meowmie for the neglect issues! :D