View Full Version : I Guess I Should Feel More Blessed, Than Depressed!

11-05-2005, 08:22 PM
I was looking at pictures of my dear boy Willy, who died unexpectedly last year. :( I never realised I had him for FOURTEEN years!!! And he was a well seasoned full fledged tom cat when I was finally able to get him! :eek: The vets guessed him to be at least 3-5 years old at the time he went in for his neuter etc. Here's a link to his rescue story....http://www.chkittyclub.com/pages/cat_family/jan/willy.htm
And the post after I lost him
http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=46847&highlight=Willy :(
I had NO clue that sweet boy was with me for as long as he was!!! :) I miss him so terribly still. Especially when he'd lick my hand, and I'd wipe it across his cheeks so he thought he was cleaning himself. I was determined that I was NOT going to let him live outside like that! And I did make him go *POOF*! And was rewarded by his devotion and determination. :) :) :) I feel better already! He died an OLD MANCAT!!!!! But darn it all..it just wasn't long enough for my heart!

11-05-2005, 08:39 PM
Beloved pets never live long enough, but the joy they bring us outlive the pain we feel at losing them. Part of your heart will always belong to Willy.

11-05-2005, 09:32 PM
Oh Jan, I just finished reading all about your precious Willy. You were determined to rescue this poor boy and you did. (Which doesn't surpirise me in the least.)
How devoted you were to this sweet boy. He had the best 14 years of his life with you, as it is obvious he had to struggle the first few years. I think he survived as long as he did as he knew that someone like you would finally come and rescue him and thank God that you did.
He couldn't have landed up in a better home. You gave him 14 years of love and the best care that any cat could have gotten and in return, Willy gave you his unconditional love and devotion. He was such a handsome boy.
Try not to be so sad because he is gone, SMILE, because you were lucky to have him in your life. Remember the sweet memories you have of your beloved Willy.
He was dearly loved and will never be forgotten.

R.I.P. dear Willy

11-06-2005, 08:24 AM
I was just thinking that it was eight years ago,since the Animal Rescue picked Ebony up.
He was blinded by Science,and I wish that he had gotten,not to be afraid of me.
And like all of our rescues you wish that you had more time with them,especially as they become Senior Kittyzens,and you become more attached to them.
But we will have All The Time that we will need with Our Cats,at The Rainbow Bridge,One Fine Day.

11-06-2005, 12:33 PM
Oh Jan, I had never read this story or known of your special boy! My heart breaks for you as you deal with the anniversary of his passing. But you know, Willy was a very lucky little guy and boy was he loved and pampered! That should bring your heart so much joy to know that you saved him and gave him all of that!


11-06-2005, 01:13 PM
You were the best thing that ever happened to Willy and I know he loved you.

I cannot imagine the hell that poor cat went through until you saved his life.

I know you miss him very much.

11-06-2005, 01:33 PM
I can't even begin to imagine the depth of pain you are feeling, missing him! That is an amazing story, and the fact that he survived for so long on his own before you succeeded in trapping him shows how strong his will to live was! He was meant to be in your life, and you in his. Please find comfort in the fact that he is now at the Rainbow Bridge, playing and carefree and no longer crippled.....


11-06-2005, 01:36 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Willy was the only cat I ever got cremated as he was so special to me. Poor boy had been through Hell on the streets, and it was truly a miracle he survived outside for as long as he did! :eek: He was crossing a very busy street with basically just the use of his hind legs. He was my special heart kitty, and I adored him, and he adored me in return. I miss my little Prince to this day. I wish I could have him back as a bed buddy for longer...forever! ;) In a funny way, I think the Kirby's life was spared when I showed the workers at the shelter pics of Willy when they asked why I wanted a deformed cat when there's so many healthy ones available? And my vet who was also the shelter vet put in a good word for me and surprise...Kirby came home with me. :) And he gets around remarkably well for having radial aplasia. Willy had the same condition.

11-06-2005, 01:57 PM
Kissies to precious little Kirby!

Kim ;)

11-06-2005, 03:15 PM
Kissies to precious little Kirby!

Kim ;)
Kim, Kirby gets all the kisses his sweet little heart desires. :) He is such a lovebug, and it's comical when he comes crashing into me for lovings. Talk about body slams lol! :eek: :D Lately he's taken to my hubby at night. So he gets double the love! ;)

11-06-2005, 03:52 PM
Awwwww, I'd love some of those body slams myself! ;)