View Full Version : Mickey's bored

11-05-2005, 06:06 PM
So this week Mickey's been complaining a lot. (aka whining)

He's been bored this week, for some reason.

We've gone for our 2-3 walks each day, played outside, played inside, gets his meals (duh....), had treats.. We'd go to the park, but it's too cold.

But seeing as how he is Border Collie, I think it's time to have a routine job like how some people go to the dog park, or are in agility..

BUT.. we can't put him into agility or bring him to the dog park.

1) We don't have the time for agility right now
2) There are no dog parks closer than 45mins away

Sure, I sound like one of those people who doesn't "MAKE" the time, but I do. But look at it this way.

Both parents work, all kids in school except 1 who is in university..

We don't have the time for a commitment like the dog park once a week or agility.

Any ideas as to things we can do? I can make time to take him places walking distance and outside and such, but anything involving transportation is a nono.

11-05-2005, 06:21 PM
do brain work. physical exersize is not enough for a BC, brain work will tire them out MUCH faster. train him to help out around the house for example, have him gather laundry into a basket or put garbage in the trash can, teach him to get the lights or close the doors, or even put the toilet seat down. this way he has a job,and he will feel needed, it will keep him occupied, it will work his brain, and it will help you out.

11-05-2005, 06:24 PM
lol, Mickey's never showed much interest in house work. But, uh, just how would I teach him that?

11-05-2005, 06:29 PM
clicker training works best for this, make him think the housework is a fun game, play with things like say a sock and pretend it a great toy, the toss it to him and have him bring it back, keep the basket in front of you and encourage him to drop the sock in the basket then pile on the praise, he's a border collie he should catch on pretty quick lol

11-05-2005, 06:38 PM
Hmm.. That's pretty cool! I think I'll try that sock thing for starters. Thanks! :D

11-05-2005, 06:56 PM
Yeah, no, he won't play with a sock.... lol

11-05-2005, 08:45 PM
lol what kinds of things does he like? playing with the sock worked for my guys cuz they will play with anything if I make it interesting enugh, but your could for axample stick a tennis ball inside the sock or some treats, . is he clicker trained? this would be a while lot simpler with clicker training lol just click and treat walking toward the sock, then touching the sck, then picking up the sock, then bringing the sock close,r and finally dropping the sock in the basket. its not playing this way, but the sock or whatever artical of clothing would simply be an object that just so happens to be part of the game to get the treats.

11-05-2005, 09:07 PM
He isn't much for balls, or anything BCs are tradionally for, lol.

He's more for squeaky toys and such.

No, he's not clicker trained.

When he gets his toys, he's not letting go. Especially if he's putting it away in a basket. ;)

11-05-2005, 09:08 PM
Oh gosh, Jamie won't stay AWAY from socks. I really need to get a clicker though, maybe I'll teach her to put the socks she digs out from the laundry away when she's done slobbering all over them ;)

11-06-2005, 12:05 AM
Oh gosh, Jamie won't stay AWAY from socks. I really need to get a clicker though, maybe I'll teach her to put the socks she digs out from the laundry away when she's done slobbering all over them ;)
LOL yeah right ... good luck with that. I can't imagine any dog except a BC doing housework. BCs really do need brain stimulus, don't they?

11-06-2005, 12:43 AM
LOL yeah right ... good luck with that. I can't imagine any dog except a BC doing housework. BCs really do need brain stimulus, don't they?

Ohhh you don't know Jamie. She's so trainable and SMART, she surprises ME. I bet I could teach her one new trick a day if I wanted to. :o

11-10-2005, 06:49 AM
LOL yeah right ... good luck with that. I can't imagine any dog except a BC doing housework. BCs really do need brain stimulus, don't they?

Any dog can do the tricks labeled as "housework"! They just need the right motivation and training.

Kiara, my 1 year old mixed breed, knows how to throw out trash, put her toys away, pick up and bring me items by name, and numerous other silly commands. :p

11-11-2005, 07:55 AM
Is Mickey food motivated? You could teach him to turn on the lights. Jack learned how to do this in about 5 minutes.

First I taught him to jump up near the light switch and after he got the hang of that I put a tiny bit of peanut butter on the underside of the switch and told him "lights on" and he used his nose to get the peanut butter, pushed up the switch and he gets a treat. He now wants to turn on the lights ALL the time!! We're still working on turning them back off, lol.

Jack is a lab/beagle mix and he knows so many tricks. He gets bored extremely easy and always wants to be doing something, if hes not he gets destructive. I taught him fun little tricks like "beep beep" is back up, You ask him if he bites and he nods yes (ask the same question to my Micki and he shakes his head no) Bow to me and many many more, lol...if you keep Mickeys mind stimulated he won't be as bored and its really fun, I really enjoy teaching my dogs new tricks and then when people come over its even more fun to show them off :p

11-12-2005, 07:23 AM
You could always try to build a make-shift agility course in your yard! Just little things to jump over, or crawl through.
Just a thought!