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03-26-2002, 02:50 PM
I have a 8 month old chocolate lab that is crated during the day and at night. I feel so guilty about doing this, but whenever I try to leave him alone for even an hour, he chews up something! Our yard is not fenced in completely, so I tie him up outside for a little while and there he just barks and whines. He obviously does not like being alone, because he's not destructive when I'm with him. It's getting a little frustrating because my husband has gotten fed up with it (he's also having accidents in the house) and wants to get rid of him. I need some advice on what I can do to change these behaviors!!!!! :(

Deb Motter
03-26-2002, 03:39 PM
Welcome to pet talk. I hope we can be of some help.

An 8 mo old lab is a real challenge to anyone, but this poor pup needs TIME with his people and lots of exercise. He is just going crazy being crated all day.

Can you puppy proof ONE room like the kitchen to keep him in during the day using child gates?
Can you let him sleep in your bedroom at night?
You MUST find time to take him for some long walks, or games of fetch DAILY. Do all you can to tire him out.
Can you feed and take him out on a regular schedule?
Can you possibly fence the rest of the yard?
Could you put up a trolley line that he could at least run around on a little?
Can you get him some good stuffable chew toys like a couple of big Kongs that you can fill with dog food moistened with peanut butter? (Get kongs at a pet store)
You say he is not destructive when you are with him...keep him with you as much as possible then.

If you are unable to do most of these things I would really suggest that you find another home for this pup.

03-26-2002, 03:49 PM
You will get some help from lots of people here. But they might need more information - how long have you had this pup? Have you taken it to any training yet? You said he is crated day/night just how long is he in this crate at a time? Will you be getting your fence finished soon? Do you take him out after every meal, after play time and right b/4 bed? A lab needs lots of exercise and can tend to stay in a puppy stage longer than some other breeds. Did he just start having accidents in the house?

03-26-2002, 03:54 PM
Thank you for your suggestions. I do walk him in the morning and then we go to the dog park after work for about an hour - that usually tires him out. I've given him Kong balls, but he gets bored with them when he's alone. It seems no matter how tired he may be, when I leave him alone, he can't sit still. How I wish I could bring him to work with me!! I will try harder at puppy-proofing my house in hopes that he won't chew when left alone. Roughly, at what age do most people leave there dogs out all day?? I'll let you know how it goes - thank you!!

03-26-2002, 04:00 PM
In response to Sammi, I've had Gunner since he was 3 months old. He seemed housetrained for awhile and then forgot it - so I guess he was never trained. I take him out after every meal and quite often before and after that. Sometimes he just pees in the kitchen when no one is looking! I've been trying to reward him more when he goes outside.

As for the fence, we can't afford one. I'm just nervous about leaving him home alone all day - the mess he makes after one hour is bad!! I guess I can come hom during lunch to check on him. I'm so new at all this!!!! Thanks for being patient with me :)

03-26-2002, 04:54 PM
Please email this problem to me! My new computer will not let me answer with more than two lines!! I CAN help you!!!

Deb Motter
03-26-2002, 05:06 PM
OK, you are trying to get him exercised, that's good!

It does sound like he hasn't quite got the idea about potty training. Try getting some spray cleaner WITH ENZYMES in the pet section of Walmart or any pet store. It should be specifically for urine cleanups and say it will erase the smell of his own urine, which may attract him to the spot again. Even if you can't smell it, he can. Then keep taking him out on a regular schedule and praising him for doing his business outside.

I'm not sure what you mean by leaving them out all day? Out of the crate or outside? If you can puppy proof one room and secure it, he shouldn't have to spend the day in a crate. We stopped using the crate completely at about 10 weeks of age in a puppy proof house. We never used it when we were home.

If you mean leaving him outside, well, being tied all day would be awfully unhappy for him wouldn't it? Plus the weather and other animals are also problems.

Did you try putting something yummy inside the kongs? If you do and freeze them they last a long time for chewing. The kind I am talking about is not a ball, but kind of snowman shaped and hollow.

Obedience training was also mentioned, this may help to occupy his mind a bit and give you something to do with him in the house.

I don't know if you like to bike, but there is a great contraption called a "Bikerdog" that you attach to you bike and to the dog by a harness. Your hands are free and the dog is very secure and cannot pull you over. We use it all the time for our very hyper 12 mo. old pup, Bonnie. It will tire out the dog, but of course you have to use common sense about how fast to go. It is sold on the internet at bikerdog.com. It costs $50 but has been worth it's weight in gold to us becasue she likes to run, run, run!

Hang in there with Gunner. It may be a while yet before he settles down, but lots chew toys will help. Have you tried the animal hooves available in pet stores for dogs to chew? Bon loves those.

03-26-2002, 08:19 PM
You say this biker dog thing, keeps you from getting pulled over? Sounds like what I need! Roxey loves to run & I just can't keep up with her, you have one? Tell me more please:)

03-26-2002, 08:36 PM
Please don't crate him so much and tie him out alone. What he needs is YOU!!!! :( Labs are such social dogs and not only is he going through the puppy stage, which should be expected until he is about 2, he's lonely. One hour a day isn't going to do it for him.

Please try to spend more time with him, even if it means getting up a little earlier, coming home at lunch, and dedicating some time to him in the evening when you get home from work, and then just bring him indoors where you are for the evening. Love him lots. He will become a wonderful pal before it is overwith.

And email Carrie......she will be able to help you.

03-27-2002, 09:11 AM
Just want everyone to know, I puppy-proofed my kitchen and put Gunner in tere last night (husband is allergic, so the dog can't be in our bedroom :( ) - he did fantastic!!! He slept the entire night and didn't even wake me up at the usual 6am!! I left him in there for the day with lots of toys, so we'll see how he does. Thanks for all your help!!!