View Full Version : Please help..im worried...

11-05-2005, 12:15 PM
Why is my Tiel eating alot?? You will go over by her and she will start to eat, does she think that we are going to take the food away from her? she never done this before (i have had her for a week today) please help? :confused:

11-05-2005, 03:37 PM
it could be because she has desided you are part of her flock i really don't know see next post

11-05-2005, 03:44 PM
i think you should go to yahoo.com or google.com and type in cockatiels you will get i lot of good info.

11-05-2005, 05:49 PM
How much are you feeding her a day??

11-05-2005, 07:18 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. As long as she is eating a healthy amount, it really shouldn't matter when she eats it and for how long. I find that tiels tend to nibble throughout the day whereas budgies gorge themselves just once and are done for the day :D It kind of reflects my eating habits LOL. I suppose it has to do with the flock situation (singular birds tend to take their time eating while birds in large flocks tend to compete to eat), too.

11-05-2005, 07:36 PM
i fill the tray once a day, she eats all of the food thats in there. i just dont want her ot eat so much she will get sick. i figured she eats alot now because she is used to us, and she didnt eat much when we brought her home. and since she was in a cage at the pet store with lots of other teils she probley wants to eat it all sicne she might think someone else will get it. :confused:

11-05-2005, 07:45 PM
If you're only filling it up once a day don't worry -- she's fine!! :)

11-05-2005, 07:53 PM
we a re trying to get to used to us, but everytime we want to put food in her cage or put our hands near her cage she wil bite, what does it take to make her used to us?

11-05-2005, 08:08 PM
How long have you had her?

11-06-2005, 09:42 AM
we have had her for a week now. latley she has been really cranky, she wil bite at you al the time, she never done that before. i just wish we could get her used to us and hold her. she doesnt even chirp anymore, she used to be really noisy now shes so quiet.

11-06-2005, 10:12 AM
theres nothing to worry about- sometimes when you get a new pet they take a while to settle in. when you approach her so may be worried that you are trying to eat her foot and therefore thinks its necessary to eat it before you do.

but dont worry once she has settled in and relises that you are not a threat she should stop eating it all at oce. just be sure not to keep filling the bowl up other wise she may become obese. im posative that its nothing to worry about though.

Good Luck
Love Vicky

11-06-2005, 10:28 AM
thanks for the help...

we also got her a new perch a sandy one and a rope one, and she wont go on them yet, does that just take awhile too so she gets used to it?

11-06-2005, 12:49 PM
If you've only had her for a week, she is still probably adjusting to her new home, owners, and environment!! You should let her settle in first, and THEN try handling her. She's just stressed out, that's probably why she tries biting at your fingers and such :)

11-06-2005, 02:41 PM
She is just very stressed out. She is in a completly new environment that she is not used to! Make sure you are around as much as possible. Even if you are not neccesarily touching/holding her all the time, make sure you talk and whistle to her. She will get used to you soon. As for the new perches, try not to change around her cage, she is to stressed out right now. Where are the perches located in her cage? Tiels like to be at the highest point in their cage, they feel safe and if they are lower down, she may not want to venture down there when she is feeling so uncomfortable.

11-06-2005, 03:21 PM
we have the perches (rop and sandy) up high, and we have her berry treat thing up there too, so she sits there all day and eats. we got her those new perchesa nd that berry treat and she was chirping away, she seemed really happy. since she never chirped in a couple of days.

how long will it take (usually) until she wil let us handle her?

11-06-2005, 06:03 PM
It is different with every bird. Take some time every day to just sit by her cage and talk to her without reaching your hand in. Get her used to your sound and smell, and after a few days you can start just be reaching in a little to give her a special treat and leaving your hand in while she eats it. It really depends on how much and what kind of interaction she's had with humans in her life.

The last two winters my Dad has bird-sat his neighbor's budgies, Pixie and Dixie, for a few months while she goes to Florida for the winter. Pixie was always pretty afraid of everyone, but a sign of acceptance and affection from Dixie was she would "attack" you. You knew you are okay with her if she'll come over and peck really quickly right on your fingernail. It is pretty silly, but that's just her!

11-06-2005, 07:37 PM
It really varies. Some birds will adjust within a few days, some after a week, some take longer. Each bird is unique and just give her as much attention as you can without physically handling her. She'll warm up, promise ;)

11-07-2005, 03:04 PM
some birds it takes hours some days some weeks and some months to setle into there new home

11-07-2005, 04:42 PM
i have tiels also. i have had mine for about a month and they still bite.

i have 3 in one cage and 2 in another. the three bite, but the other two don't.

11-08-2005, 03:37 PM
Spike is finally comming around, i can touch her and put my hand in the cage without her biting me, but she still shakes even when im not around her, why would that be? theres no noise or anything

11-08-2005, 04:32 PM
Make sure there are NO drafts in the room where her cage is. And make sure the cage isn't by any vents, fans, air conditioner etc.

11-08-2005, 06:29 PM
i read you got spike a rope and sandy perch that's great she is lucky to have a owner like you who loves her,it's great she is letting you pet her :) She is a beauty of a teil