View Full Version : (warning) Grizzly man movie

11-04-2005, 11:14 PM
I was just made aware of this move it is to be shown on public tv and in schools. Please donot let your children think this is ok.
It is about Tim Riddeour and the way he approched wild grizzleys It ultimaly he and his girl friend were killed by some of the ones they "befreinded". His approch was to walk up to thm slowly telling them he loved them (nuts I know) . Please if your school is going to show this film make your school also have a wildlife agent they to explain how dangerous this man lived.
I am so furious about this film, I was there in the park this summer when the 2 folks from Oregon were mauled but good. Not good and this could result in many more bears being killed becouse the saying here is a fed bear is a dead bear.

11-04-2005, 11:43 PM
I saw the movie. The guy is ABSOLUTLY NUTS. It is an awful movie, the guy literally is crazy. He was asking for what he got. He would reach out and touch the nose of the bear. The movie is awful, people should never do what he did.

11-05-2005, 07:46 AM
I have heard about this man and the movie. The guy sounded crazy. If I remember right I think the man who made the movie also thought the grizzly man was not in touch with the real world.

11-05-2005, 09:21 AM
I was just made aware of this move it is to be shown on public tv and in schools. Please donot let your children think this is ok.
It is about Tim Riddeour and the way he approched wild grizzleys It ultimaly he and his girl friend were killed by some of the ones they "befreinded". His approch was to walk up to thm slowly telling them he loved them (nuts I know) . Please if your school is going to show this film make your school also have a wildlife agent they to explain how dangerous this man lived.
I am so furious about this film, I was there in the park this summer when the 2 folks from Oregon were mauled but good. Not good and this could result in many more bears being killed becouse the saying here is a fed bear is a dead bear.

I'm confused. I haven't seen this movie. Of course I've heard of this nut (since I live in Alaska) but I'm thinking showing the movie would not encourage children to think of wild animals as "Disney characters". Afterall, this nut and his girlfriend were killed and eaten by the bears. How would the children get the impression that thinking of wild animals as a friend is a good thing? How would they get the idea that feeding bears is a good thing? Like I said, I'm confused ~ but that seems to be a common thing for me these day! :D

11-05-2005, 11:30 AM
You would be suprprized at what pele will do thinking that National park animals are like zoo ones (trained and worked with every day) I had to stop 3 families last year who were fallowing a wild bull moose couse they wanted to tale a pic of the kids (5&6ys) with the "cute moosy"
So people thinking it would be nice to pet a bear Please need I say more.

11-05-2005, 11:51 AM
You would be suprprized at what pele will do thinking that National park animals are like zoo ones (trained and worked with every day) I had to stop 3 families last year who were fallowing a wild bull moose couse they wanted to tale a pic of the kids (5&6ys) with the "cute moosy"
So people thinking it would be nice to pet a bear Please need I say more.

Geez, that is terrible. Some people are really lacking in the common sense catagory. I've been to many national parks and seen idiots trying to walk right up to wild animals, uh hello?! People think the bison at Yellowstone are just big furry cows I swear.... And I thought it was stupid last night because I had Nebo outside a store and a guy just comes up and holds his little kid right up to Nebo's face! (not that Nebo would hurt the kid, he just kissed him, he loves kids but still not a good idea to do that with a strange dog!)

I was interested in seeing the movie though, I read an article about something like this a while ago, I think it may have been the same person. I would think with the guy actually getting killed by a bear it would not encourage people to go up to them though?

11-05-2005, 09:44 PM
That movie was playing at the theater this past week. I wanted to see it because I had read a book about the guy but didn't get to go. Personally, I hope PBS picks it up so I can watch it at home. I think kids need to see it so they know that wild animals should be left alone. Bears are not Teddy Bears.

I'm fascinated by wildlife and would give anything to be in the wildlife biology type of field. I think it's awesome & a privliage to view wildlife (from fox to moose). But to try to interact with them and to try to become a part of their pack or family is just plain nuts. You're only asking for trouble.

That's just my opinion.
