View Full Version : Brand new kittens

03-26-2002, 01:30 PM
I posted a while back about a young kitten that showed up at my neighbors. She is very pretty - may be a flame point siamese. However, she is feral and my neighbor attempted but failed to trap her. So she went into heat and brought suitors from all around the neighborhood.

My neighbor just called and the kittens are being born right now. She said two have arrived and they look exactly like Rascal!!!
They are a deep orange tabby just like Rascal.

No! NO! Rascal was altered! Is there a paternity suit on Rascal's paws?

I haven't seen them yet because she is having them in the dirt under the house. But I think one peek at them and I will be a gonner!!

03-26-2002, 01:41 PM
Is there a possible new brother or sister in Rascal's future?:)

03-26-2002, 01:43 PM
Yippee! New kittie siblings for Rascal?!?! Can't wait. Can't Wait. Keep us posted!!!:D

03-26-2002, 01:52 PM
Oh, Gini!! I know we aren't supposed to be happy when the strays have babies......but baby kitties are so precious. I think Rascal would love one!! Or two!! :eek: See what I wish on everyone??? I got Butter....you guys need more too!!! :D

03-26-2002, 02:31 PM
Thanks everyone.........:) :) :)

What I really wanted to do is adopt the mother. She is very pretty with sparkling clear blue eyes and Rascal just adores her.
However, I cannot get near her.

Rascal has been in too many fights recently and I cannot handle any more abscesses. The first one I didn't realize he had until it was too late and the trip to the vets was $$$$$$$.

This time they were on his face so I could watch and clean them regularly. He just loves a good fight too much and whenever I let him out, the first thing he does is go next door and get into a fight over his sweet friend.

I will keep you all posted.

03-26-2002, 05:45 PM
Awwwww....kittens!!! Yes, I'm sure Rascal would like to have a sibling or two;) :D Aww...now I'm getting kitten fever!! I've never actually had a kitten, and would love to experience it!
Maybe there's still hope in socializing the mother.

Do keep up posted!

03-26-2002, 07:58 PM
You neeeeed kittens....
You neeeeed kittens....
You neeeeed kittens....

(and also the Mommy!) ;)

03-27-2002, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
You neeeeed kittens....
You neeeeed kittens....
You neeeeed kittens....

(and also the Mommy!) ;)

This made me laugh and laugh. Mom cat has taken her kittens deep under the neighbor's house. I think it will be a while before I can see them.

03-27-2002, 12:26 PM
Gini - hope you can retrieve those babies and especially Momma - she needs to be spayed. Those babies must be so adorable - keep a watch, they'll start venturing out in about 3 weeks;)

03-27-2002, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by purrley
Gini - hope you can retrieve those babies and especially Momma - she needs to be spayed. Those babies must be so adorable - keep a watch, they'll start venturing out in about 3 weeks;)

Purrley, I couldn't agree with you more. Part of this story is a sore subject with me, because the six month old mother of two, should have been caught and spayed. Sadly, my neighbor completely botched the one and only capture attempt. She feeds her, so she is the only one that can get close to her. After the botched attempt - the six month old wouldn't go near her again, and she went into heat. There are so many cats that roam that yard that I think trying to trap her is going to be a real adventure. But something must be done as soon as we can capture the kittens.

I've tried to share only the fun part - that ironically the kittens look identical to my altered Rascal. Well, he is a RASCAL so you never know!

03-27-2002, 10:00 PM
Miz Gini~

Good luck with those new babies--keepin' my fingers crossed they all find good homes and they all get spayed/"noodled" asap! Sendin' out an extra spay-shul wish that Momma Kitty allows you to trap/spay/tame her; I know she'd have the best of home!

Keep us up-dated on Rascal's "step-family" :) ;)

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-27-2002, 10:43 PM
I've tried to share only the fun part - that ironically the kittens look identical to my altered Rascal. Well, he is a RASCAL so you never know!
good luck catching momma cat and babies. Maybe momma will calm down some and make it easy for you guys. Maybe you can get some pics of the little babies................ I WOULD LOVE TO SEE!!

03-28-2002, 06:52 AM
Gini - I don't know if you know this but Momma will go right back into heat when her babies are about 6 weeks old. Now I didn't know this - I was in a similar situation when I finally could get close to my stray Panda Bear. By the time I could get close to her she was pregnant and subsequently delivered 3 babies. When she bolted out of my house about 6 weeks later, she came back and the back of her neck was all wet so I knew some male had had his way with her. So I called the vet and that's when I was informed about her going back into heat. She was spayed very soon after and indeed she had been inpregnated again.