View Full Version : Need help...Carrie/Candy

03-26-2002, 06:31 AM
As you probabally know, I adopted a new dog over a week ago. Ever since I brought her into my house, Graham has been barking very often, and he does not want to stop when we try to stop him. If we lived in the house it would only simply be annoying, but since we are in an apartment, we could get kicked out if anyone complains, which IS going to happen because of the hours that Graham chooses to bark. You see, Graham rarely barked, and when he did, it was when we got a visitor. It was very under control, and putting him into a down/stay by the door when I opened it for a visitor gave me control and he stopped barking.

Problem is, Graham has been barking VERY often, and for unknown reasons. It seems that at 2 or 3 or 4 in the morning, perhaps Graham hears something outside because he barks, waking everyone up. This has only been happening since we adopted the new dog, but it's been happening every single night since we have had her. I know for a fact that he is not barking at her, because he wakes her up when he starts up, also. She gets up out of her doggie bed and she's all startled. Graham also barks alot more during the day, but thank goodness, everyone in my building seems to head off to work in the mornings, so hopefully few people hear him during the day.

Why would Graham start this barking problem after we adopted this new dog? Why does he not want to stop barking when I tell him to? He never used to have a problem with it in the past and I am not only frustrated, but I am worried that we will lose our apartment and have nowhere to go.

Please, help me. I know that this has been brought up in the past, but it was never an issue for me so, unfortunately, I pretty much ignored the subject.

03-26-2002, 04:45 PM
Please email this to me - my new computer will not let me post more than two lines on this site!!

03-26-2002, 04:51 PM
Well I don't know if I can help you to stop the behavior but I can commiserate with you as I have had this problem also with 2 dogs in the house. My roommate's dog started this barking in the middle of the night too when Duncan came into the house as a second dog. I don't know why unless it has something to do with being part of a "pack" now and they are trying to work out dominance issues....but I do know that it has diminished greatly in the last few weeks. It used to be so bad, I was up 3 or 4 or times a night. (I also have neighbors :o )
Trying to get them to stop sometimes is so frustrating because they just look at you like, "Don't you get it, you need to do something! I can't stop barking! Something is going on but I don't know what it is or why I'm barking at it!" I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping others have some great advice!
PS. Someone one told me that a great way to train a dog the "quiet" command was to teach them to "speak" first. Well Duncan can speak just fine but we're getting nowhere with quiet!!! ;)

03-26-2002, 06:11 PM

I would say "are you kidding?", but i don't think you
joke around very much. LOL. Please tell the namebrand
of your new computer. It sounds way too complicated...

03-26-2002, 06:34 PM
to this thread so we learn, too.

03-26-2002, 06:43 PM

Thanks for saying that. I am still in disbelief & wish
that I could help Carrie figure out her new pc. I've
been missing her comments. Also wondered what
advice she would give on the Chinese Crested dog
Powderpuff. Liz.

03-26-2002, 07:29 PM
Lizbud, I was looking forward to Carrie's reply on that thread, too. (I just got a new computer, also, but fortunately no limitations on inputs. Just fewer trips to the library! I love it there, but it did get really old, as you might imagine!)

Good luck getting the bugs out of your new system, Carrie! :eek: :confused:

03-28-2002, 12:25 PM
Thanks everyone!

I emailed a reply to AdoreMyDogs and I think it should be her decision to share it or not as it was sent to her directly and that makes it private mail - doesn't it????? Not sure, so I'll leave it there.......

I haven't replied to the Chinese crested thread as I think that KYS gave excellent advice there.

Dixieland Dancer
03-29-2002, 09:20 AM
I am sure Carrie's advice is Just what the doctor ordered. If you still want me to reply, just send me a PM.

03-29-2002, 07:54 PM
Thank you so much everyone, and thank you so much, Carrie! Below is the email that Carrie sent me. It's wonderful, as usual!

Carrie, I sent a reply to the email you sent me with a whole bunch more questions....did you get it? I hope so, but if not I can try to remember what I asked and re-send another email. Or maybe I can just post the questions here?

Again, thank you :D And by the way, wouldn't it figure, Graham hasen't barked at night time since I sent you the email...perhaps he read the email first and stopped barking in fear of having to be locked out of the bedroom!

Thanks for emailing - I was starting to feel really left out!!! I don't know what is wrong with this machine but hopefully we will iron out the bugs and get back to normal soon!!

My guess is that Graham is using this behaviour as an attention grabber and to try and confirm and stabalise his place in the pack. By barking at stupid o' clock in the morning he can judge how quickly the rest of the pack respond to his lead and this will make him feel a lot better and more secure now that there is another creature in the house that speaks dog as well as he can. Graham thought he was the only one clever enough to do that and his idea of the world has been shaken and his position in it seems a lot less secure than it used to be.

I assume that Graham shares a room with you at night?
I'm pretty sure he does so will answer as though he does.

Prepare yourself for a couple of nights of less sleep before it gets better.

As soon as Graham starts to bark get up, take his collar and lead him out of the room. Shut the door and move away from the door. As soon as he is quiet allow him back in. It will soon dawn on him that leadership is not his thing and it is up to you how the pack behaves, not him. Do not speak or look at him while you do this or when you allow him back into the room.

It won't take long but it will seem like a long time!! It always does at four in the morning!!!!!

Good luck - please let me know how it goes,
Love Carrie

04-01-2002, 10:02 AM
Carrie, I just read your response to Leslie's barking problem! I was pretty close I think, at least recognizing that it may have something to do with a new dog in the house and the pack behavior! Now I need to move on and learn how to correct the behavior rather than just recognize it!! Like you said confidence is the key!! Maybe I'll get this thing yet!!! :D ;)