View Full Version : So disappointing...

11-03-2005, 06:48 PM
I contacted the lady in charge of "Visiting Pets And People." I am interested in Visa becoming a therapy dog. Well the lady was rude to me the entire time, she even went so far as to have a total FREAKOUT when I mentioned that CKC is now calling groenendaels "Belgian shepherd dogs." She told me that it's illegal because the tervuren is the Belgian shepherd, while groens are Belgian sheepdogs (which is false -- CKC calls all of the varieties Belgian shepherd dogs). It wasn't the fact that she thought I was wrong, it was that she freaked out and told me that she is going to do lots of research now and if it's true she will start some huge petition against it and blahblah. What a freak. She had left a message for me on the answering machine last week, and was really angry because she said she had left it in September. I KNOW she didn't leave it in September. She told me that she's been bed-ridden for two weeks and hasn't been able to use the phone. Then she went on to tell me that everyone in the program is sick and dying and so no one else can enter. She said there MIGHT be a screening next year.

There were a bunch of other things she said that just seemed so odd. It's just so dissapointing. This lady started the program with her groenendael, I thought for sure she would be happy to have another one enter. I know Visa won't pass the screening anyways, but with work, next year she might have a chance.

I will keep working with Visa and getting her socialised --- if there is a screening next year, hopefully I can do it with her. Visa's mother passed the Visiting Pets and People Certification. :)

Oh, and just something funny --- both Visa's mother and niece are in our agility class -- they both joined late. We're the "Belgian group." I'll have to bring my camera and get some pictures of all three next week. :)

Toby's my baby
11-03-2005, 06:54 PM
She sounds VERY rude! I hope Visa does pass the screening though, and I can't wait to see pictures of them all! :)

finn's mom
11-03-2005, 07:35 PM
She sounds stressed. I'm glad that you're not letting her bitterness affect your attempts at training Visa.

11-04-2005, 02:22 AM
I wouldn't worry too much Jordan, you don't really want to be involved with people as self centred as that.

11-04-2005, 08:46 PM
Thanks guys, Visa's breeder told me today that I should go for Visa's CD title this year, so I guess I have something else to look forward to. Hopefully this will help to prepare Visa for therapy.

11-05-2005, 12:11 AM
Sorry about the therapy dog thing. Hopefully you can go on and get her screened anyways...

And woohoo on the obedience! I think you should go for a CD on Visa... it is super duper easy to get :D

11-05-2005, 09:29 AM
You'll have to give me some pointers, Tasha. :D I have never seen an obedience trial. Can you tell me what exactly Visa needs to know how to do in order to get her CD?