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View Full Version : problem dogs HELP

11-03-2005, 06:46 PM
ok well first problem is rockee-
she hates big dogs and ill attack them right away but is fine wih little dogs dose any1 know why? is it because she feels less intimidated?

second problem thunder-
i brought him to my nans and he is very house trained and she has a little dog and he peed on there floor!!!!!!!! i couldnt belive it i was in total shock!why the heck did he pee in their house?!!?

11-03-2005, 06:56 PM
Rockee may feel intimitated by larger dogs and thus acts aggressively towards them! :)

And Thunder was in a new house that he was not familiar with. Even if he's visited there before, he doesn't live there. So along with the car ride there (it COULD have stressed him out??) I'd bet my money that that's why he had an accident -- he was in an unfamiliar house :) Jamie did the same thing when we were out of town visiting my fiancée's parents.

11-03-2005, 09:25 PM
Small dogs do not seem to bother Rocky, while we
are on our walks. Med. to Large dogs, he wants
to bully.

Funny story,
I took Rocky to my now x-husbands house.
Their was a fake large potted plant near the entrance.
Rocky was so excited visiting, he ran straight for the plant and
lifted his leg. Wasn't funny than, but the story is now. ;)

11-04-2005, 12:12 AM
SammyJ does not go in the house..Hes only had 3 accidents ...lol..but evey time we go to my sisters house...he pees on some thing..by the kitchen table, no matter how hard to try to catch him he always mangaes to do it..dont know why but he does...lol.. :D

11-04-2005, 05:41 AM
the acr ride was litraly 30 seconds it takes 2 minutes to walk to my nanas house so i dont see how it could have bothered him

11-04-2005, 05:58 AM
Maybe your nana's dog had pee'd there before and Thunder was covering up his scent. The scent of dog pee lingers for ages, even if you clean it up.