View Full Version : Wierd noises

11-03-2005, 10:02 AM
This is what Nova does when she's tired and you ask her to speak. After a while she'll bark, though. It's so funny. :D (View the video below!)

You can also view this thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=92044) for another video of her being wierd.

Right click and press "save as" and view it in Windows Media Player :)

11-03-2005, 10:07 AM
LOL she grunts (that's what I call it) like Bon does! I love it:D

11-03-2005, 04:14 PM
LOL she grunts, barks, whines, ... everything except howling ... which would be a pretty wierd thing for a Lab to do :eek:

11-03-2005, 04:18 PM
lol! Thats so cute! :D

Ginger's Mom
11-03-2005, 06:12 PM
Well, it took so long to download that I forgot what it was (dial-up :rolleyes:), but it was worth it. :D She is a cute and silly girl.

11-04-2005, 10:19 PM
LOL, isn't she? She's one silly pup!

11-04-2005, 11:05 PM
lol..how cute..lol.. :D

11-05-2005, 08:55 AM
OMG...I just love it! Nova is beautiful and hearing her made me giggle. Please give that girl a hug from me.

11-05-2005, 09:06 AM
Awww!! I wish I could get a video of Jack, he does the same thing and he'll start to bark/howl and looses his voice, it is the funniest sound I have ever heard, he tends to sound like a seal!

11-05-2005, 10:23 AM
You should try to get a video of that!! Sounds really funny :)

Toby's my baby
11-05-2005, 10:27 AM
LOL! That is so cute! I like you voice too ;) :p

11-05-2005, 08:19 PM
You like my voice? Eww I think I sound wierd lol