View Full Version : It Snowed!

03-25-2002, 11:05 PM
Hi! Eberybuddy! Dis 'ere is Keegan Puppy. aka Keegan the Heathen. I wanted to tell ya what I did on Mommy's day off from work.We woke Up MONDAY mornin and were buried under about 6-7 in of snow. I wuz sooooooo excited! I just love snow! Its sooooo much fun! Der is snow everywhere! Mommy and I went out and played for almost an hour. Tho Mommy was playing wif my frisbee and the wind caught it and now its un da roof of the garage. mommy said that we will have to wait till the snow melts. Everytime we go outside I have to play. Mommy gets irritated b/c she knows I gotta potty but I get so excited to play in da snow I forget. She keeps taking me out and I keep forgetting to go. She took me out and I was onda leash and she kept saying "Go poopers, Keegan" and I wuz in da potty area, but I kept UNDIGGIN sticks and stuff to play wif. She stood out der for 15 min waitin on me to go but I never did.
So we went in, then I wuz lettin stinkies,
so out we went,
didn't go,
so we went in,
I let more stinkies.
Out we went. I still found more sticks!
So we went in,
more stinkies,
out we went, FINALLY I went and you would have thought I pooped gold! sheesh! I wuz just playin mom!
And I gotz in trubble. Mommy wuz standin in a little shelter by da house and I wuz chasing a leafie and she kept telling me NO GO POTTY but I wouldn't listen, Mommy bent over to pick up sumthin and I lunged for the leafie again and since I wuz onda rope and pulled mommy headbone furst into da house. Knocked her down! She was very mad! She seyz it hurt alot! So I gotz a timeout when we went inside. But I just had to tell all my Pet Talk friends about my SNOW DAY!

03-25-2002, 11:46 PM
That musta been fun in the snow, but your poor Mommy!! Louie is 3yrs. and still I have to go outside with him 'cause he gets sidetracked. Louie wasn't too thrilled with what little snow we got this year but then again, he'a A Lot lower to the ground than Miss Keegan.

....Louie Sez,
Keegan did ya getz ta bark at the cold flakey stuff? I LOOOOOOOVVVVE to bark at it. Then it hitz my nose and BRRRRRR I's gotz to go insidez. Glad ya gotz ta have fun sorries ya's gotz a time out.:(

03-26-2002, 04:09 AM
Keegan you little devil! I bet you had lots of fun in the snow. Your poor mom though...:D

03-26-2002, 05:54 AM
You was just havin fun right Keegan! You need to do like my Buddy Boy - he just keeps walkin & playin & peein! And he is 3 and a boy who has no time to lift his leg. (he does have to stop when he has to poo tho)!:rolleyes:

03-26-2002, 06:29 AM
Keegan :eek: what a beauty and what a great story teller. Living in Ohio as you and your mom do have you ever thought to call Cinder & Smokie to tell tails :o?? You could sit around the fire and laugh all night at doggie tails. Don't they live in Ohio also?? Oh nevermind....if you guys got together - oh my:eek: Laurie

03-26-2002, 06:42 AM
Keegan, Bella here! It sounds like you had so much fun! We haven't had much snow here at all and I was really lookin' forward to playin' in it. Last winter when I was a wee widdle pupster we didn't have much either. :( You are so lucky! I bet you was just havin' so much fun!!! I wish I coulda been there!

When I was learnin' to go potty outside my mom used to say the same stuff to me, "Bella now you go potty!" Sometimes she would be in her baffrobe :o and I know she was afraid of the neighbors seein' her so she wanted me to be real quick. hehe! Don't they realize we gots to find just the right smell? Sometimes when you have a widdle puppy nose smeller it's hard to find those smells under that white stuff. :) Anyways, Keegan keep up the good work. At least you did finally did go like a good girl. Sorry to hear about your mom's headbone. I bet a few sweet puppy kisses helped to make her feel a liddle better though. :)

03-26-2002, 09:02 AM
Oh my Keegan, I do believe you have joined the Nawtee dawg club, lol but I think it was worth it, right? What fun, there are all kinds of treasures under that snow and what can a girl do but find them all. I'm sure after the initial hurt, your Mom is o.k. and now thinks it's funny too. lol When I go out with Mom, when she wants me to go potty she says, "Let's go, Let's go. I'm not sure if she wants me to go potty or go for a walk. lol
Love Ya, Daisy

03-26-2002, 10:55 AM
Keegan, this is Lexer-Smexer....ehem, I mean Lexi. I didn't even know what the white stuff was until last month! My mommie calls it snow. I think that white stuff is so much fun! I hop aroun' in it like a bunny and then I dive-bomb my new brother Hooch. He is way bigger 'en me but I don't care... I can hold my own. I'm 5 1/2 and I get so excited that I forget to potty too.... as I run I wemember and then do my wittle squat.... 3 or 4 times. I have to make sure I mark a few places ya know. Hooch is so silly, he rolls around in the snow and gets the white stuff all over his face. Well, I kinda do to... as I run I eat the snow.... my mommie says I look funny because I'm running really fast with my nose in the snow! Then when the white stuff is falling fwom the sky my mommie says I look like I gots dandwuff or something like that.

Anyway, the white stuff is really fun just remember to go potty!! Mad mommies are not fun Keegan!! I hates it when my mommie gets mad at me..... it stinks. She especially doesn't like when I run really fast across the street chasing the um, I think mommy calls them sqwirrels? I chase em really fast and then they run up the twee:( No fun. I have never seen them either till a month ago. They are cool. I sit in the house and watch them out the window too:) Oops, gots to go..... mommie is comin'!

Deb Motter
03-26-2002, 11:18 AM
Ha! someone else has figured out how to stay out in the snow for most of the day. If ya "go" right away, ya hafta come in, right? So...hold it as long as possible. If they bring ya in too soon, thats THEIR problem right? They just gotta take ya back out again! Mom will stand out there for a long time saying "Bonnie, squirt, right now!, Bonnie, find a spot!"

The snow is lovely! Gotta find all my sticks!

03-26-2002, 11:30 AM
Lexi, My mommy was chattin wif your mommie on dat 'puter and she kept haffin to get up and take me outside. I kept barking and pawing her and dat's my signal I gotz ta go.
Mommie wants eberone to know that I averaged 4 times outside before I finally pooped!
Mommie loves watchin me inda snow, she can't help but laugh at me when I stand up and look at her wif snow on my nose.
I tried to tell mommie that I just hadta get that leafie before it blew to da neighbors. But she didn't care she was to mad. and sore. and seein stars.
Mommie took piksures of me :rolleyes: imagine that, but it will be awhile before they get 'veloped.

**Mommie is gonna go and do anudder posty for me b/c she member's that Auntie Rachel wanted to hear sum naughty doggie stories.**

03-26-2002, 12:02 PM
OMG, OMG, OMG.... Nawteedawg stories is one thing but this was like reliving my first year with Hannah. At least at this point in time I can smile as I look back. Stay strong Mommie Staci.

03-26-2002, 01:55 PM
Oh Keegan... you silly pup. I hope your momma is feeling better.

We were supposed to get 2 to 4 inches here but so far it's stayed away. *crosses fingers*

03-26-2002, 03:39 PM
Keegan!!!! You had me laughing out loud!! Good thing I'm at home or people would think that I am nuts!! When it snows outside, my two know those "trick mommy into goin outside to play in the snow every 10 minutes" game, too! Ahhhh, the joy of dogs! :)

03-27-2002, 07:44 PM
Cincy here..I just saw snow for my first time dis week...well first dat stayed 'round anyway. Sadie and me, we sure had fun playin in it! We was runnin round da tree playin chase it it wasnt fair cause der is huge piles of snow and sadie id taller den me so she has an easier time jumpin dem den i does...it was fun dough and I wish we had more snow dis winter....but mommiw says it will start gettin warmer soon and den we ken get da pool out. I dont know what dat is...but it sure sounds fun!!!