View Full Version : A neat book dedication ...

03-25-2002, 06:47 PM
Recently I read Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown's book "Claws and Effect" pub. March 2001 and was very taken by the dedication. Thought that you'd enjoy reading it, too. It's:

Dedicated to the people who work in animal shelters. You're overworked and underpaid but you have given your life to a different kind of reward. God bless you.

I like thes R.M.B. and S.P.B. mysteries. Lots of humor and the chapters alternate action between the people in small town Virgina and their animals (who have a MUCH better idea of what's going on than the humans do).

Just thought that you'd enjoy reading this dedication, too.

03-25-2002, 06:53 PM
Aren't they the greatest books! Thanks for sharing the dedication with us. Isn't it the truth ..."overworked and underpaid"... Most of them are Underappreciated also.

Guess I better go buy "Claws and Effect". Since joining Pet Talk I am WAY behind in reading. :o ;) Have all the other R.M.B & S.P.B books tho.

03-25-2002, 06:58 PM
I'd forgotten how good those books were, but in the 'cats in mysteries' thread awhile back I was reminded of this series and got rehooked. Enjoy!

03-25-2002, 07:25 PM
Personally I've never read R.M.B. & S.P.B. which is strange because I work in a bookstore so I see them all the time. I have however read the majority of the Susan Conant dog lover's mysteries which I love, but I haven't checked out any of the other animal mysteries and I know there are a few maybe next time I get my $30 coupon I'll use it to get some of the other authors I haven't read.

Oh while I'm on the topic of books I just finished reading a great one called "A Dog Year" by Jon Katz, it's great of course it does have a border collie featured in it and well I'm sort of biased about that ;)

03-25-2002, 07:30 PM
I enjoy the Susan Conant books too -- I really identify with her "Holly Winter" (Um, did I remember the name right?) character who has a hard time remembering people's names but can remember the pet's names in a snap. Sigh. I still have trouble with some of my neighbors names, but I know their fur-kids names almost always (and sometimes their Rainbow Bridge furkids before I ever moved to the neighborhood). Is this a sign of terminal Fur Addicts Anonymous (FAA) behavior?

What's "A Dog Year" about? Do you recommend it?

03-25-2002, 08:02 PM
Don't worry I'm the same way with the names of people and dogs, I learn the dogs name first and then the peoples like a few weeks later.

"A Dog's Year" is about the author who already had two labs who were getting later in years accepting a border collie that had some major issues and the story of what him and Devon (that's the border's name) went through as well as some things that happened to the labs and the eventual addition of another border collie. I loved the book, it even had me crying in places because of the detail and heart that the author used. So yeah I would suggest reading it.

Deb Motter
03-25-2002, 08:04 PM
I just finished reading (and re-reading) a book called _A Dog's Life_-A year in the life of a dog family- by Jane Burton and Michael Allaby.

It has fantasic pictures of a border collie family having pups and raising them. The photos are so good it is almost like having those cute little puppies yourself.
It is also very informative. Yes, I actually read it twice: started over again right after I finished it!