View Full Version : Hello all - a quick update/apology

09-06-2001, 07:03 PM
All's going pretty well with Max and Petey. We're still being really vigorous in our corrections, etc., and rewarding with love, "Good boys!", and treats aplenty.

The apology is because I've been less than active in other people's posts to this point - sort of selfish I realize. Please know it's NOT 'cause I'm not interested - it's 'cause we're in moving hell - we're painting one place (in an apt. where the new paint doesn't seem to want to cover the old pink walls - yes. Pink.) and packing another place, with movers coming this Sat. morning. All that, plus we're back on a regular dialup modem until we move and can arrange to go back on DSL.

In any case, I've missed the fun here - well, as much fun as a newbie can have, anyway - and I'll be back as soon as we're all settled in!

Cinder & Smoke
09-06-2001, 07:14 PM
Hey Mom ~ No polligy needed ~ we all get busy :D!

Pink ? walls? COOL! :cool: Shudda kept em :D!

Don't furgetz to "pack" :eek: the FurKidz!!

09-06-2001, 08:03 PM
No apology needed. We all do get busy. We are in the process of remodeling. I just ordered new living room furniture and a new dining room set. Now I have to get the carpet in before the furniture comes and I have to paint before the carpet comes and Danny needs to replace the drywall in sections before I paint. In other words, none of us have time to write on every thread but we all care.
P/S Ricky is very angry with me right now. It has been thundering for hours and I bathed him. Two of his least favorite things in one day. Makes him a little moody.

09-06-2001, 09:23 PM
As long as you cover up those Pepto-Bismal walls, you're forgiven! There's no accounting for taste, huh? Phred? LOL :D
Hurry and finish so you can keep up with us!!!

09-06-2001, 09:23 PM
As long as you cover up those Pepto-Bismal walls, you're forgiven! There's no accounting for taste, huh? Phred? LOL :D
Hurry and finish so you can keep up with us!!!

09-06-2001, 09:23 PM
As long as you cover up those Pepto-Bismal walls, you're forgiven! There's no accounting for taste, huh? Phred? LOL :D
Hurry and finish so you can keep up with us!!!

09-06-2001, 09:25 PM
Well!! 3 posts!! HUH? :confused: Well, I guess I made my point !!! :rolleyes:

09-06-2001, 09:26 PM
Karen, you just took the words right out of my mouth! :D :D :D

09-06-2001, 09:43 PM
That was very sweet of you to update us!! No apology is necessary... we don't start worrying until you have been gone at least 7 days... that's when we put out the APB.... "Another Pettalker Be-missing!!!"

Good luck with your painting and your moving! I'm glad to hear things are progressing with Max and Petey too!!! :D!

09-06-2001, 09:48 PM

Dixieland Dancer
09-07-2001, 07:34 AM
I really like the APB thing too! What a sense of humor some of you have. :D Have to agree you are forgiven as long as the Pink walls are covered over and Maxs and Petey are getting lots of lovin and treats!!!!!!

09-07-2001, 02:56 PM
Sounds like you're doing great with your boys. I just went through a big move myself so I feel your pain. Thanks for updating us so we don't have to put you on our list of people to worry about :) Give the pooches kisses for me!

09-07-2001, 03:02 PM
Pepto-Bismol walls... Yep, we had 'em too! The guest room of our house was bright bright pink! That was the first redecorating job my husband conquered! Our upstairs carpet is still kind of a dark shade of pepto-bismol, but, no one every goes up there except me, Joe and the dogs, and we learned to just ignore until we can afford to re-carpet!
If we ever move, the buyers will probably hate us! We've done our living room in brick red, our den in hunter green, and our dining room in pale bright yellow! (Sounds shocking, but most people are pleasantly surprised when they see our home!)
Good luck with the moving process!

09-07-2001, 06:02 PM
Jessica I think those colors sound awesome! I am very into the ecletic and colorful homes... country style... shabby sheik.. all that stuff! I haven't conquered the whole thing yet... don't really want to until we get a bigger house but it will kind of like yours!

Keep us posted on Max and Petey okay mom?! :D!

Daisy's Mom
09-07-2001, 07:11 PM
Hey! Don't worry, we understand that you're busy :) I hope the moving goes well! Can't wait to hear more from you about your two cuties.