View Full Version : Ginger has a sore foot

Ginger's Mom
11-01-2005, 08:56 PM
Ginger has hurt her foot somehow (right front foot). I feel bad because I noticed it was bothering her this weekend, but I didn't see anything wrong and she was still running around and playing, so I didn't do anything about it. Yesterday she started limping, today she is really limping and won't play. Whenever we come in from a walk she spends a good ten minutes licking it. Yes, I am going to call the vet tomorrow. I wasn't sure if I should wrap it or anything, because I don't really know what it wrong, and I am not good at wrapping things anyway. Can I give her anything for the pain (I am assuming there is pain) until we see the vet? I really don't know a whole lot about injuries or illnesses.

11-01-2005, 09:38 PM
Ginger very well could have something stuck in her foot or could have hurt it in another way. In the event something could be lodged, I would NOT wrap it - that may only cause more pain and swelling. How much does she weigh? She could safely have one-half of a tablet of Children's Aspirin. ASPIRIN ONLY! Also make sure it does not have any other combinations with it (allergy, cold, etc.)

Ginger's Mom
11-01-2005, 09:42 PM
Thanks for your response. I wasn't sure if she was allowed to have aspirin, I had a vague recollection that it may be dangerous for them. I appreciate your help, I will see if I have any plain aspirin (or run to the corner store if I do not). Oh and she is kind of porky at 34 pounds. :eek: So size-wise I think it would be alright. Thank you again.

PJ's Mom
11-01-2005, 11:39 PM
Ginger, I hope your boo boo foot gets better soon. :)

Does she still have her dewclaws? Bailey hurts her little thumb every so often and we have to go see the vet about it. He usually gives her a small cortisone injection and she's feeling fine the next day. :)

11-02-2005, 12:17 AM
Aspirin is ok on a short term basis. It can cause upset tummies if used for too long. It's tylenol and other acetiminophen brands that are dangerous. I used to occasionally give my dogs a low dose aspirin. Don't have to anymore since my vet just gave me a big ol' bottle of Metacam to use as needed, plus Goldie has meloxicam too(same drug in a different form).

I'd let her rest it as much as possible until you can talk to your vet. She probably just stepped on something the wrong way or poked herself.

I hope Ginger is feeling better soon.

11-02-2005, 02:21 AM
We give my dog allergy medication to make her sleepy during oncoming thunderstorms...if need be you could use that too. Just a pill, or 1/2 a pill. People also use it for puppies that have an injury they shouldn't be jumping around with. :D

And aspirin is perfectly fine, although if used for too long i've heard of stomach ulcers and such. Did she rub her pad raw? Or maybe just sore...anyways keep us updated.

Daisy and Delilah
11-02-2005, 05:56 AM
Awwwwww!! Poor Ginger! I hope all is well with her today at the vet Joyce(if she needs to go). Hugs and kisses coming your way Ginger girl :D :D :D

Ginger's Mom
11-02-2005, 06:34 AM
Thank you for all of your help and comments. She has a 1:30 vet appointment. It is definitely bothering her more every day. Dawn, she does still have her dew claw, and that may be what it is. Last week she was biting at her nail on her dew claw, I just figured that it needed to be cut, so I took her to PetsMart and had them clip her nails. But then Sunday she started having problems, now she really doesn't want to put weight on that paw and keeps licking it. Maybe she got the nail caught in the rug and pulled something? I don't know, but hopefully we will find out this afternoon.

It's a good thing I never had skin kids, huh? :D Broke your toe? Here honey, let me cut your nails. LOL. Thanks again, I will let everyone know.

11-02-2005, 09:30 AM
I'm sorry I didn't see this post yesterday. Poor Ginger. :( I feel it's very hard to see any cut or abrasion on a dog's foot. It could be very small, but
really hurt her. :( Good luck at the Vet today. Hope he helps her feel better

11-02-2005, 10:00 AM
Awww, poor Ginger.
I hope the vet takes good care of you today. Good luck!
Tell your mommy that you will be fine! :)

11-02-2005, 11:21 AM
Poor Ginger. Good luck at the vets office!

Nanook sends his love!

11-02-2005, 12:11 PM
no advice here, just support. (((Ginger's Mom & Ginger))) I will pray that it isn't anything too serious.

PJ's Mom
11-02-2005, 01:40 PM
Any news yet?

Ginger's Mom
11-02-2005, 01:49 PM
Thank you so much everyone, we are back. Well, the vet did a much more thorough job of checking Ginger's pad than I did. She does have a small pointy growth on her foot that apparently has a cut in it, which is what is causing her discomfort. Vet said she wasn't sure if the cut and subsequent irritation caused the growth, or if she has an unusual growth that was cut (actually she seemed to think the second was more plausible). In any case, I am to bathe her paw twice a day in a hot Epsom Salt solution, and she has one pill a day each for inflamation and infection. Go back in five to seven days for follow-up. The vet said if the growth remains after the treatment, we may want to consider having it lasered off, only because it is in such an unusual spot and could get cut again during normal play at the park. She made sure that she said that she did not in anyway think that it was cancerous, just in an unpleasant location. No need to limit her activity, just if she looks like she is limping or having a hard time walking, we should go home. So all in all, not a bad trip to the doctors at all. :) Now I am off to buy Epsom Salt. :rolleyes:

Thanks again, everyone. :)
And Ginger says thanks Nanook. :o

11-02-2005, 01:56 PM
So sorry I didn't see this before but I'm glad to hear that everything is ok. I hope the salts help and I'm glad she's not restricted in any way (bet she is too;)).
{{{HUGS}}} to your big girl:D

PJ's Mom
11-03-2005, 11:18 PM
How's Ginger today? :)

Ginger's Mom
11-04-2005, 05:59 AM
She is doing better, thanks for asking. :) Ginger still does not want to walk far, and spends a fair amount of time licking that paw. But she is willing to play with me at night. I have to bathe her paw twice a day (really wrapping it in a washrag dipped in hot epsom salt solution), but the problem is keeping her from licking it afterward. So far I have been bribing her not to with treats. She is pretty happy about that. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
11-04-2005, 08:02 AM
Hope you are all better soon

11-04-2005, 08:53 AM
Hope The Sore Foot Gets Better!

11-16-2005, 05:43 PM
I hope Ginger's foot is all better soon! :)

11-28-2005, 11:17 AM
Sorry I didn't see this earlier, Ginger! I am glad it wasn't anything too serious! Please have a fast recovery girl!