View Full Version : Gorgeous Eric

11-01-2005, 09:40 AM
Hi everyone! I don't generally post here because I don't have a cat but we visited some friends who owns gorgeous a cat on the weekend and manage to get some pictures :)

Snowy, my Jack Russell was not so keen on the cat. She kept barking on him :o The cat, Eric, is actually bigger than Snowy so he was not scared of her but as I said Snowy kept barking at him so we couldn't keep them together in the same room :(

maybe if they see each other more often they will get along one day.
Anyway here are the pictures:

is there someone behind me?


zoom picture

isn't he gorgeous? :)

hopefully Snowy will lay down beside Eric one day, instead of me :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2005, 09:58 AM
Yes, Eric is a gorgeous big boy! Snowy might want to watch what he says because it looks like Eric could put him in his place in a big hurry. ;) :D

11-01-2005, 10:15 AM
snowy knew this was eric's territory! what a big boy he is :)

11-01-2005, 10:35 AM
This big boy is very cute! And your Snowy too! :)

11-01-2005, 10:54 AM
What a handsome fellow that is!

11-01-2005, 06:41 PM
Eric is such a Big Handsome Cat,taht the Found Cat Ladies are staring at the screen.
What a Dude! What a Hunk!
Then the Cat Version of the Wolf Whistle!!
Eric has Fans,I bet all over Pet Talk!!!

11-01-2005, 07:40 PM
Eric is one handsome guy! Give them some time to check each other out and get to know each other, with time and patience they'll be best friends before you know it!

11-02-2005, 04:31 AM
Wow! Eric is gorgeous!!! LOVE that first picture with him in the background and his eyes shining. Bee-yoo-tee-ful! :D :D

11-02-2005, 05:18 AM
B E A U T I F U L :D :D :D

Killearn Kitties
11-02-2005, 06:33 AM
Eric looks a fierce and scary cat! :eek: Poor Snowy certainly looks like she thinks so in that second picture!