View Full Version : Before getting a cat...

11-01-2005, 09:20 AM
Hi everyone! I don't know if I ever posted over at the cat side before.

I'll be honest, I never really liked cats that much. I used to think that they were just smelly animals owned by crazy cat ladies. :p BUT then over the summer I had to pet sit for my friends cats. They were so cool! They are playful, and smart, and comical (And actually, they don't smell bad)

For a few months now I've been thinking about getting a cat in the future. I read that rabbits and cats can get along, which would be cool, and Daphne has been okay with all the cats she's met. I wouldn't get a kitty until I move out, because my mom is severely allergic, but maybe within a year.

Anyway, for my question. What do I need to know before getting a cat? I mean, I have some knowledge, but are there books or websites I should read? I want to be prepared!

I would want all the animals to get along, so should I get a kitten, or is that just a myth? ...And I have other questions, but maybe if you can get me started I'll find some answers.


11-01-2005, 09:32 AM
If you look at Kirsten's website Catmom (http://www.catmom.de/engl/), you'll get a lot of good info. :)

11-01-2005, 09:36 AM
Congrats on wanting a cat!

You'll need to read up on what plants & food are poisonous to cats. I would hope you wouldn't declaw your cat, if you know nothing regarding declaw, please do some research as to what declawing truly is. Then you'll ned to learn how to train your kitty to use scratching posts instead of your couch ;)

As for getting a kitten to ensure all the animals get along: that is somehwhat a myth. If you got a kitten, be prepared for it ot drive all the other animals nutty. Kittens are high energy and demand A LOT of attention. If you get a kitten, its usually recommended to get TWO, so they have each other to entertain instead of relying on meowmie and the other animals who don't necessarily have the same energy level. I always suggest an older kitten, about 6 months if you want a kitten... because by then its true personality is there. All kittens are cuddly, lap kitties. That goes away by 6 months. Then who's a lap kitty then will truly be a lap kitty. Who is independant then will be an independant kitty. Think about what kind of cat woud best fit into your family. Will you be happiest with a cat that is social and intereacts with you and the other animals? One who is into everything and always your shadow? One who is quiet and docile? One who would enjoy the company of the other animals, but prefer to be left alone? All these things should be really thought out before had, so that when you go to the shelter, you say what kind of cat you're looking for. Of course, there's always the chance that one will pick you... then you know its right!

11-01-2005, 09:38 AM
I used to think that they were just smelly animals owned by crazy cat ladies. :p
Hey! I resemble that remark! ;)

11-01-2005, 01:12 PM
I would cosider a Young Cat,about 18 Months to Two Yeras old,as they are settled but still active.
Good luck,on your new Companion Cat.

11-02-2005, 07:28 AM
Thank you! Heehee, no offence to crazy cat ladies! ^_^

Great site, and a lot of things to think about. Thanks all.