View Full Version : holey smokes Happy!

10-31-2005, 10:32 PM
good greif I though Misty could pull hard! lol because Misty pulls very hard all the time I made Mistys leather collar stronger then the collar I made Happy as dshe is almost never leashed much less pulls lol well for halloween I put Mistys collar on Happy just as a safety precaution, not a problem at all until we had to stop by my friends uncles who has cats so I tied Happy up outside the front door. now Misty who pulls my arm out of the socket has never been able to even slightly damage her collar, its incredably strong, I have had more then one professionally made collar break when Misty pulled, so Misty being unable to even dent the rings or harm the leather was impressive, so I figered, no problem this thing with be able to hold up to Happy. well while she was tied up she saw a cat.... she pulled and barked ONCE, when I got home I washed the collar(she had rubbed her neck in mud earlier) and fter it was clean I saw the damage she had done, in only one pull she tore a 5 inch hole through the leather, and bent, not 1 but 2 of the rings out of shape! I could not believe it, if she manged to do that. well I am really glad that leash was not attached to my arm at the time! :eek: I sewed up the tear in the collar and now I need to find some plyers to fix the rings, the collar is still good its not totally broken or anything the rings are just a bit misshaped now lol