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03-25-2002, 06:40 AM
Hello everybody! I'm very excited, but also worried and stressed for this isn't an easy issue! A co-worker leaves this week for Germany (his country - I work in a multi-national environment, so these departures are quite usual!). He's spent the last three years here, and in the meantime, he adopted a cat - the full story isn't that simple - the cat (was a kitten then) used to wander around the streets, and co-worker's EX-girlfriend sheltered the poor thing. It looks like they split up, and now this co-worker refuses to bring the cat with him back to Germany (due to painful memories it seems :confused: )
He hasn't found anyone to take over the cat, but me (of course :) ) The main problem is that I am also moving in a month and a half .... and I think it would be very distressing for the cat (two moves in two months :eek: ) Another (BIG) problem is that I'm moving because of one of my present flat-mates :( (I'm afraid we don't have the same opinion on a lot of subjects, and well, she's very rude and bad-tempered and has made sharing the flat out of the question for me :( ) so I can't bring the cat in. Now, it seems that the new tenant will allow the cat to stay in the house the time I need to find a new home, and I will be passing by in the meantime to leave food and pet him a bit (the cat, not the tenant :D !!)

I met the cat yesterday, he's a neutered male, three years old, completely BLACK, lovely yellow eyes and very sweet and affectionate, though a bit shy (the nearly former owner told, me, however, that he hadn't seen the cat being so affectionate the first time he met someone :D !!)


- First (this is specially meant for you, Chuck!) the cat is called NILIX (hope I haven't misspelled it!) I've been told that it's a character from Star Trek. Could you please give me an update?? THANK YOU!

- Secondly, and seriously, Nilix is neutered and up to date with routine shots. I don't really know how far or detailed his vet visits have been, but I guess he doesn't have any major problem.
However, his right eye weeps from time to time, and the owner says he's been told that it's a kind of herpes - I plan to bring him to vet and have a complete examination made, to rule out the possibility of Feline Leukemia or Inmunodeficency - I just wondered if someone of you knows about the eye discharge and if it's the symptom of a major disease

Please, any advice or help is welcomed! I need your support, I'm having a rough and stressful time with all these changes (and challenges ahead) At least I hope I could stop worrying about Nilix's welfare and health!



03-25-2002, 07:05 AM

I think that having him checked by the vet it's a good idea. You want to be sure that he is OK before him and Sirocco finally meet. You know hoe they say "Better safe than sorry".

I hope you will find a new home soon, it sounds like you are living under quite stressful conditions at the moment. AND I think you cuold give Nilik the perfect home. :D.

Best of luck and keep us posted.

03-25-2002, 07:24 AM
This kitty will adjust just fine to another move - sounds like this black beauty needs you! Good luck - I'm sure he'll make a wonderful addition to your family:;)

03-25-2002, 11:53 AM

I found this very good link which are written in danish, it's explaining about cats eye diseases. I tried to have it translated from a site called Inter Tran, but I couldn't get it to work. There may be another site which can translate it.

I've had another look and the one called Babelfish should be quite good translating, but unfortunately not from danish.

Then, there might be a good vet site in english. Try and see!

Some of the other members surely know a good one!


Hope this helps!! ;)

03-25-2002, 02:19 PM
Thank you very much, Randi! I´ll take a look on the Internet later... now I´m off to see pasos ;) !!

I´ll keep you all updated!


03-25-2002, 04:00 PM
I'm not sure about the eye problem but the Star Trek's character's name is Neelix (knee-licks). :D

I hope you decide to keep the kitty. He sounds beautiful.

Edwina's Secretary
03-25-2002, 04:08 PM
Sirocco -

A friend of mine has two bengal cats -- brothers. They have cat herpes. In them it is evident as a crusting on the nose and some eye weeping. They came from a cattery and got it from the mother cat.

They were told it would only be a problem if they wanted to show the cats (they don't) and it is not contagious. I will contact my friend and ask if they have had any ill effects.

03-25-2002, 05:20 PM
Thank you, Edwina´s Secretary!! It sounds relieving... I hope that´s all, and that it´s not contagious. I´ll check with the vet, but it makes sense now.. I feel much better!

I´ll keep you updated, and try to post pictures of this lovely Neelix :D It´s true that he needs me, but, then, don´t we need them too? I hope I can work things out here for the cats and me! I am feeling much better now, thank you for being there ;) !


03-25-2002, 05:26 PM
It sounds like your in a stressful situation but I am sure you will give the furry friend a good home. Taking the pet to the vet to get checked out is a good and safe thing to do. Good luck!!

03-25-2002, 07:16 PM
I must admit I don't know much about the eye problem.
My kitties have only had that with a cold and then it
stopped. Just wanted to say bless you for helping this
little guy and Best Of Luck with your many challenges
right now. Please let us know how things turn out. O.K.?

03-26-2002, 03:30 AM
Thank you, Chuck! Now I have a little time so I'll try to find out a bit more about the possible cause for the weeping eye on the Internet. Anyway, I'm taking Neelix to the vet, so I'll have a professional diagnostic but I wanted to have at least a clue to what could be the problem, and be prepared...

I must confess to a Texan that doesn't speak Spanish ;) that I mostly surf English and American sites :o ;) At least the animal related ones I'm afraid are much better, and I also love the BBC site (well, my mother is English :D ) so thank you very much for the links, they're fine!

I'll keep informing you of everything that happens over here, to the cats and me!!!

Thank you very much again to you all!


P.S.: I've just seen Trevina... no wonder you had a busy day :D

03-29-2002, 10:22 AM

How's it going? Hope Neelix is feeling better and you have settled in! Have you had time to see a vet? Any diagnosis? Can't wait for an update - and perhaps a picture!?

Fingers and paws are crossed here! :D

Fister & his mom

03-29-2002, 11:09 AM
Hello, Randi! How nice to find you here :D I´ve just switched on my PC, and then rushed for PetTalk... I´ve missed you these two days (THIS IS REALLY ADDICTIVE!)

Now, the account on Neelix... He seems fine, as I told you, though he is FAT :eek: I´ll have to ask for some advice on diets and exercise ;)... I haven´t been able to take him to the vet yet, for nothing opens on Thursday and Friday (Easter) but I´ll call a Vet to come home tomorrow (I think I can´t take Neelix out from his new home now, he´s in shock and I couldn´t bear seeing him in distress again!) Anyway, he´s isolated, as we´ve taken him to my boyfriend´s house (the one with the patios :) ) and Sirocco is still in my flat.

I was supposed to take Neelix on Wednesday, but the ex-owner could not find him... Neelix just knew something was going on and escaped... We had to wait. I couldn´t sleep well, thinking that anything horrible could have happened to Neelix ... However, next morning the owner phoned me and told me that he had come back, and that I could go and take him... Well, it was really sad, I ended up crying with the former owner as we put Neelix in the carrier. That moment I realized, most than ever, the responsability that having a pet involves. Then we arrived to Neelix´s new home (and mine, if everything goes right ;) ) and he was really scared, it just broke my heart seeing the poor thing who wouldn´t dare to go out from the carrier.. It took a few hours to make him explore a little, and then he hid under the bed! He is still very frightened but he slept in the bed with us :D and purred a lot this morning. He´s also eaten a bit, and we´re waiting to see him, er.. ,well, do his business :o

These last days have been very stressful both for Neelix and me, but I hope everything ends fine!! I´ll keep you updated, and I think it´ll be good news :D !! Neelix has his vet documentation (I mean, the account on shots, illnesses and medical treatment) up to date, and everything is normal and fine... by the way his birthday is 19th March (only ten days ago :) !) and he´s two years old now.

I´ll try to post a picture soon (I could only take a picture of a black shape under the bed now) but I can tell you he looks very much like Tubby, Today´s COTD!!!!

Thank you for your concern and for being there!!

Nita :D

Former User
03-29-2002, 11:24 AM

sorry to be late, but congrats for having another furry friend!
Neelix sounds quite a character, I hope you have plenty of fun with him :)
I'm glad to hear he shared the bed with you guys ;) and that he was purring. Also a good sign that he has eaten! you'll see, in no time, he feels like he is at home and he will be doing some unpleasant things ;)

Good luck with Neelix and yes, do keep us updated!

Have a nice Easter Nita, and kisses for Sirocco and Neelix!

03-29-2002, 12:20 PM
Hola Nita!

I'm so glad to hear that you're in the new place! Now, the worst is over, I'm sure. Any cat would hide the first couple of days in a new place - he'll soon be out investigating and playing. If it's possible, try and keep things quiet around him for a while and perhaps lay on the floor with him, that will help calm him. Let him come to you! It may take a little while. It's a good sign he's eaten and he came up in your bed. He surely feels safe with you! ;)

I hope that Neelix and Sirocco will get along too, it may take a while, so be patient! :D

Happy delayed birthday Neelix!

Ahora, voy a beber un vino tinto por tu SALUD! - y tambien por Neelix y Sirocco, claro!!

Looking forward to the next update!

Un abrazo and purrs

Fister & his mom ;)