View Full Version : Jimmy the wandering sled dog...

10-30-2005, 01:25 AM
A few days ago my buddy called to ask if I'd had any strange dogs show up in my yard. He's a musher too and had been out on a training run. As a reward for their hard work, he sometimes busts a few dogs loose when they get close to home, so they can play a bit. Well, three of his dogs headed for their old home--he recently moved--his old house is pretty close to me. He used to own Pingo and she headed for his house for a long time too--untill she discovered the couch here! Two of them were back where they belong in a couple hours, but there was no sign of Jimmy. Jimmy is a black and tan alaskan husky, skinny, sweet, shy. Very nice little dog and the best dang leader you've ever seen. He's a great dog. No sign of Jimmy, but I've been keeping my eyes open and calling for him whenever my dogs bark at stuff in the forest that I can't see.

Tonight a woman from down the road who is a wee bit nutty and who we try to avoid called me. Skinny little black and tan sled dog, still in his harness, is in her yard and bugging her dogs, who are miserable, nasty dogs. She thinks this is one of my dogs. I didn't bother correcting. I ran down there and sure enough it's Jimmy!!! He was pretty happy to hear someone who knew his name, despite the fact that he really doesn't know me. I knew his name though so I must be alright and he willing trotted along home with me.

He's been on his own for five days! He's a bone rack!! He's a skinny dog to start with and had nothing to loose. I've been feeding him little bits at a time. Don't want to make him sick. He'd eat a whole bag of kibble if he could right now. But other than being hungry, he appears to be uninjured! Phew!

Course, now I can't get my friend or his handler to answer their phones!! Course it is Saturday night, she's young and single and is probably out playing. He only has a cell phone so if he's not in exactly the right area, it won't work. Cells are not very reliable up here! So Jimmy the wandering sled dog is spending the night in the porch. He seems pretty happy there. I've left messages everywhere and I'm sure he will be going home tomorrow. I'd deliver him myself, but B.(my buddy) has been trying to give me one of Pingo's sons lately and my resistance is weakening! ;)

I will get some pics of Jimmy in the morning.

10-30-2005, 07:38 AM
Glad Jimmy was found safe and sound! I'm sure he had quite the adventure!

10-30-2005, 08:41 AM
5 days that is quite a while.Glad hes ok and in good hands.what a story hed have to tell.
What you been up to? :D

finn's mom
10-30-2005, 08:42 AM
You always tell the best stories! Have you ever considered writing? If you haven't, you should definitely write a book about your life with the dogs. I'd read it, that's for sure. And, you just have such a great way of storytelling. Anyway, enough of that. ;) I'm so glad Jimmy is safe with you, he sounds beautiful, I can't wait to see photos!

10-30-2005, 10:09 AM
Im so glad Jimmy is safe at your house!! I agree with Kari, you have some of the best stories to tell!

Ginger's Mom
10-30-2005, 11:17 AM
Glad to hear that Jimmy is safe and in a happy, nuturing environment. I think you should take him home. :D Hehe (new doggie ;)). I, too, agree with Kari, I think a book about your life up there with 22 dogs and all the other happenings would be interesting. Of course, it would also have to include LOTS of pictures. :)

10-30-2005, 11:33 AM
Glad to hear that Jimmy has found a friend that can take him home and give him the food and lovin' he needs:D

Now...what's this about one of Pingo's sons?;)

10-30-2005, 02:42 PM
As usual - Glacier to the rescue!!!!!

10-30-2005, 04:00 PM
Now...what's this about one of Pingo's sons?;)

Oh, I'll give him his own thread! I took a few pics of him this afternoon when I took Jimmy home.

10-30-2005, 04:05 PM
Jimmy is now safely back at his home. He was very happy to be back in a familar place. Actually he's living in the handler's cabin for a little while. He needs to put some weight back on and Jimmy is one of those dogs who naturally has trouble keeping weight on. So he's going to live inside for a bit, easier to gain weight if he's toasty warm and confined.
Jimmy hanging out in the porch this morning. I gave him a bunch of blankets, but he refused to sleep on them!

His ears are way too big for his little head! You can see how skinny he's gotten while he was lost. Poor little thing. I fed him three times last night and twice today before I took him home!

Jimmy in my truck on his way home. He did eventually relax and have a little snooze, but he didn't really perk up until he got home and saw all his buddies in the dog yard. Hopefully, he will stay closer to home from now on!

Queen of Poop
10-30-2005, 04:05 PM
Ya hoo!! Jimmy is found safe and sound by the best person in the world. Thank goodness he was ok. Thank you for taking care of him. You rock!!

finn's mom
10-30-2005, 07:55 PM
Sweet little skinny boy. I'm so glad he's home safe! What an adventure he must have had!

10-30-2005, 09:37 PM
oh, look at those bones sticking up! :eek: He is really thin! He has a sweet face. I'm glad he was found safe and sound! Enjoy the stay at the "fattening up-camp" Jimmy!

10-31-2005, 08:00 AM
Wow, he's such a skinny boy! Glad you found him!

10-31-2005, 08:59 AM
OMG!! Poor skinny boy! Thank Goodness he's back home now!
Come on Jimmy!! Get some meat back on those bones Would ya?!? :D
Way to go Glacier!! :D Yet another happy ending!

10-31-2005, 05:37 PM
Glacier to the rescue!

Poor Jimmy looked a little bit amazed by everything going on, but hopefully he knew a friend was trying to help him!

You are truly an amazing woman!

11-01-2005, 11:30 AM
Poor little guy! Glad you found him safe and sound. :D

I love those "yoda" ears of his.