View Full Version : What are your dog's behavioral problems?

10-29-2005, 05:46 PM
What are your dog's behavioral problems? One of Hooch's is jumping on the door when the door bell rings! Now there are scratches on the door!

10-29-2005, 06:09 PM
Nova - barking

Mandy - barking, isn't crate trained, dog-aggressive, selective hearing *rolls eyes*

10-29-2005, 06:11 PM
My dog has problems with other dogs. always starting fights. so one dog only for me. :(
and hes scared of the dark. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
and doesnt like my mom. LOL

and he LOVES popcorn. but thats a good thing. :D

Toby's my baby
10-29-2005, 06:21 PM
Maggie : bites people like a police dog when they run, not other people, just me and my sister, but she doesnt if you tell her no :o

Autumn : None :D

Boo boo : where do you start?? He hates other dogs and fights with them, bites little kids so when youngsters come over we have to tie him up, bites peope if you try to keep him away from someone with food, he is on the "dangerous dogs" list for our town at the police station, he bite off my friends cheak, mite me in the lip, and he tore my sisters head open when she was trying to get a leash on him :eek: :rolleyes: Not to cool, but we love him.

10-29-2005, 06:26 PM
Charlie: runs off if he's outside off a leash and won't come back because he's afraid of his own shadow. And he chews on things sometimes he shouldn't be (like, the couch..). OH yeah VERY FEW times he's actually jumped up on the kitchen table and ATE the food off of my plate when I left the room for like five minutes!!

Jamie: gets into the trash and dirty laundry and gets dirty socks and underwear out :( She also sneaks into the bathroom trashcan and shreds tissues!

10-29-2005, 06:32 PM
Ahh yes I forgot that both the dogs like to raid the trashcans, especially the one in the bathroom for the center of the toilet paper rolls ... they like to chew those up. And Nova likes to chew up socks and basically anything, but she's a puppy so it's not really a behavioral problem.

10-29-2005, 08:11 PM
thunder- dosent listen(very well trained but when hes out..whole dif story)
he is too freindly for his own good and runs up to dogs that arent freindly at the park, he is road stupid , gets into garbages and tears them apart, other than that hes good(a little pully on the leash)

rockee-well here comes the list
HATES big dogs semi ok with little dogs,gose on the beds, cant sit still for 1 second,follows my mum everywhere(REALLY annoying)begs like hell, dosent listen , is afraid of the rain and having baths,and can be just down right annoying sometimes but wat a really liek about her is she will plaby ball and stuff but thunder wont

10-29-2005, 08:20 PM
Simba: Sometimes doesn't like other people/dogs. He has gotten 99.9% better over the years but there's still that once in a blue moon time.

Nala: I can't think of anything that's bad enough to list. She's a good girl a majority of the time! She is scared of a lot of things.

Kiara: She barks at people when she first meets them. Once she warms up to them she's fine.

10-29-2005, 08:53 PM
Nebo likes most dogs but he doesn't get along with all of them. He can ignore small dogs growling and trying to be dominant toward him (like Reggie) but not bigger dogs, especially males...and *especially* unneutered males. He thinks he's a tough guy. :rolleyes: He's not the best on a leash, he does know how to heal but he'll only do it if I walk him alone...if there's other dogs around he pulls. He's afraid of strangers sometimes. If he's in a new place he's afraid of most people and acts really skittish. If he's in a familiar place he's fine with most people except some men frighten him. He's usually ok with people at home and friendly but sometimes still weird around strange men even at home. He knows the come command but has selective hearing plus he's a husky which are known to run off so I'm sure he would run away off leash, I will not even risk it with him ever.

Sydney's main problem is barking. She is a schnauzer afterall.......she will get herself all riled up barking at things outside and she simply will not stop even when told to, I have to go and get her inside. She barks and runs at the door. She's the number 1 garbage hound. She's always trying to sneak in and get stuff out, especially toilet paper...which she spreads throughout the house.

Reggie is a grumpy old dog. He growls at (and sometimes bites at) Nebo if Nebo even walks by him. He tries to guard the basement from Nebo too lol. Luckily Nebo just ignores him 99% of the time. He also like to bark and run at the door and sometimes things outside.

Ok I made them all sound bad but they really are good dogs I promise! No they are not obedience champions but they are well behaved most of the time! ;)

10-29-2005, 10:48 PM
Happy is fear aggresive with starnge dogs, and is bent on killing on pointers and schnauzers, she seriously goes crazy when she see's one, her eyes glaze over and tries to shred them, but she is ONLY like that with those 2 breeds :eek:

Misty is very dominant of other dogs, she is very submissive with people, but she really likes to use her power as top dog, and has to be pryed away if we want the other dogs to be able to do anything. she does use this power for good too though, if dogs are fighting she walks in between them and they will stop, the dogs could have never met her before and they will listen to her.

Ripley likes people too much, he runs away just to meet new people, I was pretty suprised the first time I found out that Ripley had been pracing into strangers houses to say hi lol

Blair bites. he HATES starngers in his house, and has no problem at all with attacking someone who behaves as if this house belongs to them(aka anyone but me, my mom or my brother walking in my house) however I am not sure I would call this a bahaviour PROBLEM, as this breed is required to be like this, it was to prevent theives from stealing them or their flock, cant steal what ya cant catch lol

Perky barks, she barks at EVERYTHING and refuses to shut up.

10-29-2005, 11:10 PM
Visa is shy with strangers, chases cats, whines when she sees me but can't be near me, scratches the door is she is left out too long, she goes into drive when she sees another dog running offleash when she is onleash, she grabs your clothing or jumps on you when she is confused, frustrated, or anxious.

finn's mom
10-29-2005, 11:14 PM
Finn can be agressive with male dogs, usually unneutered ones. Not sure, yet, if it's fear aggression or dominance aggression. I hope to get him into some sort of advanced training to find out if there's anything that we can do about that. And, he will still get ahold of things and chew them up if I leave them out. The other night, he almost chewed up two glue sticks. I got to him before he broke the sticks open, though...

10-29-2005, 11:30 PM
Katie and Tori are completely uncontrollable when we have company! It is embarrassing. I know it is all my fault but I can't seem to correct the problem. Both of them get so excited. They jump all over the guests and when a guest actually manages to sit down they are both right there in that person's face wiggling and waggling and breathing all over them and Katie even paws at their feet. I either have to put them outside or put them in their crates. It probably takes an hour for them to calm down and usually longer than that.

They also both dig! Big time diggers! Tori is the main one and Katie seems to follow along now. I hate it!! My backyard is a disaster. I am constantly wiping thier feet and Tori hates that. The yard is disgusting and they get all muddy!

Thats about it for my girls. Those are the two things that drive me crazy and embarrass me...lol.

Katie is dog aggressive but I don't know if that is a behavioral problem or just her akita nature;)

10-29-2005, 11:33 PM
Tango is fear aggresive with strange dogs, and goes absolutely crazy when she see's a brindle dog for some reason. She is also very shy around new people and barks out of fear.

Keeva is very dominant and protective, she can get aggressive when she's jealous of something.

Winston is weary of strangers, especially men but other than that he's pretty good.

Tia is scared of the world, she only trusts family and close friends.

10-29-2005, 11:36 PM
the jumping on the door thing is hooch's only problem i can think of right now...

10-30-2005, 07:57 AM
Kaedyn has A LOT of issues to work on. He has aggression issues, mainly. I think it was sparked by something that happened to him before I got him since I don't know what his history was like. He lunges at people but never bites. He actually backs up if a threatening stranger moves towards him.

He also dislikes cats, and birds (major problem since I have four). He is very picky about which dogs he likes too.

He also barks at anyone who passes our house and I swear he sometimes barks just for fun.

I've been working with a behaviorist and he is MUCH better now. He tolerates the birds, and has done much better outside. He still has a lot to work on but he's getting there. :D

Kai also has a few behavioral problems.. but nothing as serious as Kaedyn's. He's fearful of a lot of things.. especially cars. He hasn't had a proper walk in months because it's absolutely impossible to take him to the end of the block. I'm going to work with the behaviorist on Kai's issues soon too.

10-30-2005, 08:24 AM
Marta's main problems are being pushy about getting pets (even as I'm writing this she is trying to push my arm to pet her!) and barking at agressive dogs- for some reason she thinks she's "police" and will bark at dogs that are being agressive or mean at the dog park.

Adele doesn't like puppies and will growl and snap at them :( and she goes nuts in the car no matter what I try! She is so happy she just runs back and forth in the back seat. I think I'll try a car-harness, but she'll probably find a way to get out...

new mom to a veiled
10-30-2005, 09:10 AM
Thor LOVES to get into the garbage, and pulls when on leash. I think the pulling is a game for him. When my husband walks him he pulls like crazy, and when I walk him he isn't as bad.......so guess who gets to do 99.9% of the walking!!! I don't mind....... :p

10-30-2005, 09:12 AM
Shadow...I can't think of any! She has always been a super good dog, no issues with people or other dogs, never has chewed up anything...shes getting older and a little more sore now so her biggest problem is growling at the younger dogs when they're playing but thats about it.

Mini...overall she is a great dog, her biggest problem would have to be jumping up on people when they come over or critter killing. She loves to go "hunting" in the backyard and usually ends up killing bunnies, squirrells, coons or opossums :(

Micki...hmmm, where do I begin...He is dog aggressive, he hates overly hyper dogs, he doesn't like men, he likes my dad and brothers but thats about it.But with these issues he has gotten 89% better...we still have some work but he can walk through a crowd of people and dogs now without incident, we wouldn't have been able to do that 2 years ago. He also barks and barks and barks when people come over and he doesn't shut up until they acknowledge him. He is also a critter killer, a squirrell chaser and a trash eater.

Kyra - She is terrified of new people and since shes small everybody that comes over wants to pick her up and she absolutely hates new people picking her up. She also is very noisy and is very protective of my mom.

Jack - He is super good most of the time, he gets along with other dogs when hes offleash but has an onleash problem. He also is horrible with distractions and will pay no attention to me if there is another dog nearby. We are starting obedience classes tomorrow, hopefully this will help. He also thinks hes Kyra-sized. He trys to walk on end tables or climbs on top of people that are on the couch. He also can't be trusted out of his crate during the day, he gets bored really easily and eats things...like the couch. He gets in the trash and in the laundry, if I have a pair of pants that had treats in them at one time he eats out the pockets (Micki does this too).

10-30-2005, 09:16 AM
Lucy- She's shy around children and she doesnt know how to act around them.Thats about it,i cant think of anything else! Edit- She pulls on the leash like a mad-man!I'm still working on it with her.

Kodie- Doesnt come when called,so he cant be offleash in the front yard like Lucy :rolleyes:. Stubborn with training. Likes to steal pillows and destroy them :o But he hasnt done that in a while since we put all the pillows away,lol. He likes to dig when he's bored. Hmm,,thats about it for him.Other than that he's a well behaved dog!

10-30-2005, 09:24 AM
Roxey, I would have to say her one and only downfall is digging. She does it much, much less than she did when she was a pup.

Huney, if she's really wanting in the house she'll press her nose to the door and paw a little, and when we first start on walks she'll pull but then after a bit she'll quit.

Bon, MY only problem with him is his jumping. Not that he jumps on us, but he gets too overly excited when we have company and will jump on them. It only takes a few minutes for him to calm down but this behavior is unacceptable since he's so huge...he could knock you down.
He's been aggressive towards other dogs but I don't fault him for that.

Now that we've stated our dogs behavioral problems we need to say their good characteristics, we sound like we have bad dogs :p

10-30-2005, 09:40 AM
Frisk: Barking, chasing the people that walk in our neighborhood, going off to play with the neighbor's dog and not coming when we call, snatching food out of peoples hands, begging for food, slight food-aggresion, and...thats about all.

Ethan: Now here is our little problem child :D .... he attacks people if they have coffee in their hands, barking, dog-aggressive, rough-housing a little too hard sometimes, he hallucinates and acts like he sees things and barks at nothing, jumping up on people, trys to hog all the attention, chews things up, eats too fast sometimes and pukes it all up ...and a does a few others things that we need to work on, but he has improved oh so much since last year when we adopted him.

Ginger's Mom
10-30-2005, 11:09 AM
My biggest problem with Ginger is that one someone comes to the door she will try to run out. I can come and go as I please and she will stay. But let anyone else knock on the door, or let a visitor/neighbor come in or out of the condo and she will run out the door. I always have to be very careful about having a tight grip on her collar when anyone other than myself uses the front door. :(

Another bad habit she has picked up in the last 6 months or so is stealing her friends toys. Whenever we go visit one of her doggie friends, she almost always tries to take one of their toys with her when it is time to leave. One time she was playing a backyard with one of her friends, and she actually tried to push his toy out underneath the fence so she could get it later. :rolleyes:

And lastly, she is a very timid dog. I really wish she wasn't as fearful of everything.