View Full Version : What are you getting you dog for christmas?!

10-29-2005, 03:23 PM
Okay, I so sorry, buuut, I just can't WAIT to go shopping for my lil' Sadie girl! And I know that it's a wee bit early to start a thread like this one, but since the Christmas photo contest was already started.... I thought that I could make one like this.

Ok, I'll stop bllabbing! :D :o
I want to get Sadie....
[COLOR=Red]A bag of treats
Some kind of new toy
A big pressed rawhide bone
And I don't really know what else!

So, what are you going to get you furbaby(ies)

10-29-2005, 03:43 PM
oh gosh, i don't plan this early. last year i only had Beanie and he got a HUGE rawhide and 2 little t-shirts and some toys.

all my dogs will probably get something along the lines of toys, rawhides, new beds, etc.

finn's mom
10-29-2005, 03:43 PM
I have no idea...maybe one of those things to allow them to run beside the bicycle...if I haven't already gotten one! Ummm...some all-terrain boots, maybe...for sure, I'll get him one or two new toys and some yummy treats. He'll probably have salmon for dinner. It's his birthday, too, on Christmas Eve! :)

10-29-2005, 03:45 PM
I'm not sure, yet, but I do know that they will get a lot! I already have doggie Christmas catalogs and I've been marking off my favorite things and there is a lot of stuff I want for them! But Mandy's birthday is in January and Nova's in February so I will probably use some of the Christmas stuff as birthday presents.

10-29-2005, 03:56 PM
*. . . I just can't WAIT to go shopping for my lil' Sadie girl! And I know that it's a wee bit early to start a thread like this one. . .
LOL! I already bought one of their toys a month ago! It's a stretch tug-of-war toy, they're gonna love it! I will get a few more squeeky toys, & fill stockings with treats (I use my kid's Christmas stockings- now that they're grown and don't live here anymore). They also get special holiday meals - complete with turkey & gravy, and I like to plan time for extra attention, like a really long hike or trip to the dogpark. Great way to digest a big meal! This was taken on Christmas day last year - Santa sent them their favorite - SNOW!!

10-29-2005, 04:00 PM
I'll start with Rufus (these are what i plan on getting them)
Rufus-new attachment for his cage and a bag of food :D
Roxy-some Beggin strips(her fave!), some rawhide stuff, treats, maybe a toy
Tink-a shirt or 2, some toys, a treat or 2

10-29-2005, 04:04 PM
ooohhhh jeez. Well surprisingly, Hooch LOVES swimming after things, and fetching things, sooooo, I will be getting him LOTS of toys. LOTS of pig ear bones (those are his fav.), and of course, LOTS OF XTRA FOOD AND TREATS!

10-29-2005, 04:07 PM
I usually don't buy them anything until the middle of December but here's a list of what I'd like to get each of them....

- squeaky tennis balls & regular tennis balls
- new frisbee
- a stuffed duck that makes quacking noises

Winston & Keeva:
- Rubber ball
- new Kong
- a large bone of some sort

- Some sort of treats
- a new mouse toy
- small tennis ball

10-29-2005, 05:30 PM
My bunch usually get lots of new toys, some treats, some bones maybe and anything else I find that they might like :D

10-29-2005, 05:44 PM
I usually go shopping at Petsmart and Petcetera and just pick whatever. I usually end up spending 50-100 on Birthdays, Gotcha Days and Christmas.

10-29-2005, 05:47 PM
I've already got a stash going in the closet. ;) Mine are getting a big container to hold their food, maybe a bed or two, toys, and treats. I love shopping for my furkids for Christmas! :D

10-29-2005, 05:52 PM
I bought them a lot of toys already.
This is what i've got so far:
(the snowman)
(one red and one green)

And I already have a list ready for when their shampoo and conditioner comes in, it's back ordered until November 16th.

10-29-2005, 05:59 PM
prob some bones they always get a huge one form my parents but ive got a job and money this year :D roxy(rabbit)-will be getting new clothes and toys
thunder-bones and treats maybe one of those stockings with treats and stuff in them already and a new jinglebell collar(probly will be givin to him earlier on in december)and maybe some booties
rockee-a coat , treats maybe a new squeeky toy and booties
gorge(snake)-umm well maybe i will buy him a big mouse or something...or a new thing for his tank