View Full Version : Not AGAIN!!!!! :(:(:(

10-29-2005, 09:18 AM
Well, another Tink medical problem has arose and this ones probably serious...She has bloody diarrhea.:( She seems fine though...Im going to give her some pedialyte and see if that helps, but its not much blood, and u can barely tell its there, but still I'm worried...Any advice would be appreciated, I'm going to go force some pedialyte in her...

10-29-2005, 09:56 AM
From what I've learned at work is that a tiny amount of blood in the stool, is usually caused by stress. If its a large amount of blood, its usually caused by a worm that wraps around the intestein & causes it to bleed a lot.

So take her to the vet to rule out the evil worm or any other problem she may have.

10-29-2005, 10:04 AM
From what I've learned at work is that a tiny amount of blood in the stool, is usually caused by stress. If its a large amount of blood, its usually caused by a worm that wraps around the intestein & causes it to bleed a lot.

So take her to the vet to rule out the evil worm or any other problem she may have.
At the moment, it probably is stress...i hope...we cant take her to the vet till Friday, cus my mom cant afford a $200 vet bill at the moment...Shes pooping like crazy...would that have anything to do with it? She poops like 2x every hour!

10-29-2005, 10:45 AM
Poor Tink, so many problems for such alittle bitty thing, hope she gets better soon.. :(

10-29-2005, 11:00 AM
Poor Tink, so many problems for such alittle bitty thing, hope she gets better soon.. :(
I know...:(

10-29-2005, 11:01 AM
Please answer some of these questions & I can "try" to give ideas as to what might be wrong. But regardless, she does need to see a vet anyways.

How long have you had her?
Where did you get her?
How long has she been ill?
What food was she on at, where ever you got her?
What food is she on right now?
Is she coughing?
Is there thing coming out of her nose?
Is it clear, green or yellow?
Is it runny or thick?
Is she drinking any water?
Is she eating all the food the bag said she should be eating?

10-29-2005, 11:05 AM
Age?12 weeks
How long have you had her?about 4 weeks
Where did you get her? a breeder/maybe puppy mill
How long has she been ill?since this morning with the bloody diarrhea
What food was she on at, where ever you got her? Puppy Chow
What food is she on right now?Puppy Chow(its all she will eat)
Is she coughing?no
Is there thing coming out of her nose?no
Is it clear, green or yellow?her poop? yellow
Is it runny or thick?runny
Is she drinking any water?not really
Is she eating all the food the bag said she should be eating?nope she hasnt eat, we gave her some pedialyte and syrup(if we dont give her syrup her bloodsugar drops)

10-29-2005, 11:21 AM
Not coughing is a good thing.
No food switching is good.

Not eating & drinking is bad.


Did she get any people food yesterday?? or early this morning??

Did she do anything stressful yesterday or this morning??

Was anyone fighting or yelling yesterday or this morning??

Did anyone scold her yesterday or this morning??

Is she going through any training that shes not liking??

10-29-2005, 11:24 AM
If she has diarrhea for a long time then she can get dehydrated... keep a good eye on her and try to make her drink water. I think that not the diarrhea but dehydration could be the big problem actually with as little as she is if she won't eat or drink and pooping as much as you say she is she could get dehydrated VERY fast. Try some gatorade?

10-29-2005, 11:24 AM
Not coughing is a good thing.
No food switching is good.

Not eating & drinking is bad.


Did she get any people food yesterday?? or early this morning??

Did she do anything stressful yesterday or this morning??

Was anyone fighting or yelling yesterday or this morning??

Did anyone scold her yesterday or this morning??

Is she going through any training that shes not liking??
She hasnt ever ate a drop of people food
she went to work with me and my mom last night, but she usually likes that...maybe thats it?
nobody was fighting
nobody scoleded her
she may not like being housebroken...?

10-29-2005, 11:25 AM
If she has diarrhea for a long time then she can get dehydrated... keep a good eye on her and try to make her drink water. I think that not the diarrhea but dehydration could be the big problem actually with as little as she is if she won't eat or drink and pooping as much as you say she is she could get dehydrated VERY fast. Try some gatorade?
Im force feeding her pedialyte mixed with syrup, and the syrup is for her bloodsugar like i said, and instead of water i used unflavored pedialyte

10-29-2005, 11:27 AM
Oh you said you were GOING to but didn't say you did ;)

10-29-2005, 11:29 AM
Oh you said you were GOING to but didn't say you did ;)
oh lol

10-29-2005, 11:33 AM
Well regardless good luck, give her a day or two and hopefully it will clear up by then. If not she neeeeeds to get her little butt (no pun intended!) to the vet for an exam. Diarrhea every now and then is almost normal (Charlie actually had explosive diarrhea three weeks ago from stress and his butt was bleeding) but if it doesn't go away then there could be a bigger problem. Good luck and I'll have her in my thoughts in hopes she gets better!

10-29-2005, 11:36 AM
Well regardless good luck, give her a day or two and hopefully it will clear up by then. If not she neeeeeds to get her little butt (no pun intended!) to the vet for an exam. Diarrhea every now and then is almost normal (Charlie actually had explosive diarrhea three weeks ago from stress and his butt was bleeding) but if it doesn't go away then there could be a bigger problem. Good luck and I'll have her in my thoughts in hopes she gets better!
she has an appointment Tuesday for her 3rd set of shots, but we may have to change it to friday...thanks jessika :)

10-29-2005, 11:37 AM
being house trained might be hard on her, but taking her to work might have triggered it aswell. Its so easy to upset a small breed puppy.

We don't take our small breed puppies for walks in the store or let them run free in the puppy love room. That seems to be too stressful on them & they have runny poops all over the place & then they poop too much in their kennels & get covered in poop. We find leaving them in their kennels is MUCH easier on them, because its something they know. We pet them & hold them all the time, but they never go far from their kennels. Everytime someone wants to look at them with intent to buy one, they usually get upset, so we try to make this quick & painless for the puppy.

When you said there is very little blood. Is is as small as a drop of blood? Cause thats the amount we see in stressed dogs.

Oh & keep up the pedialyte, as mentioned above, she can get dehydrated from getting the runs & not drinking.

If she still refuses to drink on her own, get a syringe (sp) & give her a couple drops in her cheak, at a time, until shes had about 5cc. DO this MANY times through out the day & keep her quiet & on your property. Don't let friends handle her & try to snuggle her lots, if she likes that.

If she pooping every 20 mins, bring her outside every 20 mins & when she poops or pees (even if its runny) PRAISE her like crazy, uses the excited baby talk, our puppies at work go NUTS for excited baby talk :)

We taught one puppy to smile, but he only does it if you say smile in the excited baby talk.

So her being ill like this might be an advantage to the house training. Just make sure shes peeing & isn't constapated.

10-29-2005, 11:46 AM
being house trained might be hard on her, but taking her to work might have triggered it aswell. Its so easy to upset a small breed puppy.

We don't take our small breed puppies for walks in the store or let them run free in the puppy love room. That seems to be too stressful on them & they have runny poops all over the place & then they poop too much in their kennels & get covered in poop. We find leaving them in their kennels is MUCH easier on them, because its something they know. We pet them & hold them all the time, but they never go far from their kennels. Everytime someone wants to look at them with intent to buy one, they usually get upset, so we try to make this quick & painless for the puppy.

When you said there is very little blood. Is is as small as a drop of blood? Cause thats the amount we see in stressed dogs.

Oh & keep up the pedialyte, as mentioned above, she can get dehydrated from getting the runs & not drinking.

If she still refuses to drink on her own, get a syringe (sp) & give her a couple drops in her cheak, at a time, until shes had about 5cc. DO this MANY times through out the day & keep her quiet & on your property. Don't let friends handle her & try to snuggle her lots, if she likes that.

If she pooping every 20 mins, bring her outside every 20 mins & when she poops or pees (even if its runny) PRAISE her like crazy, uses the excited baby talk, our puppies at work go NUTS for excited baby talk :)

We taught one puppy to smile, but he only does it if you say smile in the excited baby talk.

So her being ill like this might be an advantage to the house training. Just make sure shes peeing & isn't constapated.
Shes not allowed outside yet...shes too tiny..and..shes being housetrained with puppy pads :)

10-29-2005, 11:48 AM
The earlier you start training her to go potty outside the better, TRUST me. Puppy pads are good for at night when you're sleeping or if you're gone during the day, but if you're home you REALLY need to start bringing ehr outside. Otherwise she'll get so used to going on the pads you're going to have a much harder time training her to go outside :(

10-29-2005, 11:50 AM
The earlier you start training her to go potty outside the better, TRUST me. Puppy pads are good for at night when you're sleeping or if you're gone during the day, but if you're home you REALLY need to start bringing ehr outside. Otherwise she'll get so used to going on the pads you're going to have a much harder time training her to go outside :(

her collar doesnt even fit, and we are afraid she will slip outta it...
and...we'll just use puppy pads for now...

10-29-2005, 11:51 AM
Aww. I hope she is alright :)

10-29-2005, 11:52 AM
ok, then every 20 mins put her on the puppy pad & praise her every time she goes, whether its runny or not. If she just squats & tries to go, but nothing comes out, praise her for that. & say simething along the lines of tink pee peed YAY!

Cause then later on, all you have to do is say, tink do you have to pee pee? & she should run to the door. Thats how we trained our big guy.

Also alot of people litter train their small dogs, so the dog doesn't have to go out in the heat or in the freezing cold.

Since she seems sensitive, litter training might be best. You should use sentless litter & a little box with a lid, cause alot of small dogs will play in the clean litter (which shouldn't be encouraged).

Hope this helps :)

10-29-2005, 11:55 AM
ok, then every 20 mins put her on the puppy pad & praise her every time she goes, whether its runny or not. If she just squats & tries to go, but nothing comes out, praise her for that. & say simething along the lines of tink pee peed YAY!

Cause then later on, all you have to do is say, tink do you have to pee pee? & she should run to the door. Thats how we trained our big guy.

Also alot of people litter train their small dogs, so the dog doesn't have to go out in the heat or in the freezing cold.

Since she seems sensitive, litter training might be best. You should use sentless litter & a little box with a lid, cause alot of small dogs will play in the clean litter (which shouldn't be encouraged).

Hope this helps :)
Yeah....she does get cold easily, so I'll try it...nows shes up running around :D

10-29-2005, 11:58 AM
thats a good sign :)

10-29-2005, 12:03 PM
yup! :D I can't wait to take her outside though...we have to buy her a leash, and then she will probably be allowed :D

10-29-2005, 12:07 PM
OH just a thought -- you said she's too small for her collar and you're afraid it will slip off?? Well for smaller dogs actually you should probably get a harness instead. ;D

10-29-2005, 12:09 PM
a harness would be even bigger on her :p lol she weighs a little over a pound!!! :eek:

10-29-2005, 12:10 PM
Try getting a harness for a ferret or bunny ;)

That's a trick I used to tell people while working at PetCo. They would come in looking for collars for ITTY BITTY almost newborn kittens. The regular cat and kitten collars would be too big so I just told them to get a ferret collar. :)

10-29-2005, 12:12 PM
Try getting a harness for a ferret or bunny ;)

That's a trick I used to tell people while working at PetCo. They would come in looking for collars for ITTY BITTY almost newborn kittens. The regular cat and kitten collars would be too big so I just told them to get a ferret collar. :)
Oh...well...this collar will fit eventually lol

10-29-2005, 02:17 PM
You said her blood sugar drops...is she hypoglycemic (sp?)?

10-29-2005, 02:21 PM
You said her blood sugar drops...is she hypoglycemic (sp?)?
Yes she is...

10-29-2005, 02:42 PM
I would DEFINATELY call the vet and see what you should do...this doesn't sound good at all. :(

10-29-2005, 02:45 PM
I would DEFINATELY call the vet and see what you should do...this doesn't sound good at all. :(
She finally ate and drank some water, and the last time she pooped it wasnt as bloody as it had been and she drank water and peed too

10-29-2005, 06:58 PM
thats good but what you could do also scince her collar is too small is get a leash and put the clip through the handle and it should form a new circle collar like thing put it over her head and pull the end of the leash so it tight enough there is no way she can get out of it you should end up with the clip part in your hand ill take pictures of you dont understand what im saying

10-29-2005, 07:18 PM
I find that doing the looping leash can get too tight, & since she is so tiny, it would really harm or scare her too much. Its ok for a larger dog, but even then I still do not recomend it. I don't encourage strangling dogs.

10-29-2005, 08:51 PM
have you tried putting more holes is her collar?Thats what we have done.

I hope she gets better soon.

10-30-2005, 07:44 AM
have you tried putting more holes is her collar?Thats what we have done.

I hope she gets better soon.
We may do that, but since shes not going outside yet, it doesnt matter at the moment...

10-30-2005, 05:18 PM
Are you sure the syrup is a good idea? As far as I know, sugar is one of the worst things you can give a dog that is having these problems. Sugar upsets the balance of intestinal flora, letting bad bacteria take over the intestines. If the bloody diahrrea is due to a bacterial infection, the syrup will only make it worse.

Good luck, I hope she gets better soon.

10-30-2005, 05:36 PM
I wouldn't give the dog syrup-a product called Nutri-Cal is much better. A friend of mine breeds Chihuahuas and she always has severals tubes on hand.

10-30-2005, 08:10 PM
The only time a dog will display diarrhea as a result of stress is if the stress has resulted in illness.

There is no such thing as a worm that wraps itself around the intestine. Worms live inside the intestine, and some such as the round worm have as part of their life cycle the release of microfillaie into the blood stream. Other worms such as the hookworm attach to the intestinal wall. Since you are keeping your puppy up to date on its worming, and keeping it inside, the chances of problems due to worms or other parasites drops dramatically.

I did a brief search on your posts and couldn't find any prior on your dog's illnesses, so the background is quite unclear and how it was arrived at that the puppy was hypoglycemic(?).

The diarrhea you describe is typical as originating in the upper small intestine, and is indicative of digestive problems. Most likely it's directly related to giving the puppy syrup or sucrose based sugar. It's not unreasonable for large amounts of sugar ingested to cause flatulence, digestive upsets, including diarrhea in a puppy. This in turn as another poster suggested could cause imbalances in the bacteria flora in the intestine.

In general a hypoglycemic puppy should not be given sugar routinely unless the begining of a seizure is detected. What you can quickly get into is a situation where you give sugar, the puppy over produces insulin, creating a rebound effect or another sudden drop in the blood sugar. Probably there are other puppy foods out there other than Purina puppy chow that would be better. It is important that the puppy is given free choice per the food, so that it can feed several times a day, rather than a couple of large meals. In fact most puppies should be fed free choice unless they are the fast growing large breeds.

Your Vet will probably give you some Metronidazole and possibly prescribe some lomotil to calm down the intestinal movements. If the saliva of the puppy becomes stringy or vicous, then it's dehydrated, and you should seek immediate medical attention. You should ask your Vet about a diet that will control the blood sugar- without sugar/syrup being given. A puppy may or may not grow out of hypoglycemia depending on the underlying condition.

10-31-2005, 01:04 AM
The only time a dog will display diarrhea as a result of stress is if the stress has resulted in illness.

While I agree with the rest of your statements, I don't agree with this. I worked in a kennel, and a lot of dogs would have diarrhea because of the stress of being in a situation like that. Bloody diarrhea, sometimes is stress related and other times not. If it is indeed parasites, then yes it can result in the diarrhea. One round of worming dosen't always take away all of the worms.

10-31-2005, 12:12 PM
I know it's hard with all the problems you've been having with her but she really needs to see a vet. I'd probably go to another vet for a second opinion.

I know it's not your fault, but your mother should of really thought this through before getting a new puppy. She should of had enough money set aside should an emergancy arise (like this one). :( It's too bad.

I can't offer any advice as you really need to get her to the vets but I do wish you the best of luck with her.

Have you contacted the breeder at all? I know she is from a BYB, but still I'd be on their ass day & night, over & over again until something is done. I'd be pounding them about their negligence on breeding such poor specimans. You'd bet your bottom dollar I'd be getting something out of them, at least some help on determining what is wrong & how to correct it. If there was any type of warranty (which there should of been for that price!!) I'd be getting them to pay for every dollar spent at the vets. Really, you need to let them know that their breeding habits are absolutely terrible. You need to get the word out. Report them to your local vet offices (even the ones you don't go to), to the shelters etc... to let them know about all the problems. Even if they can't do anything about it it will at least warn others not to buy from them.

10-31-2005, 05:00 PM
how is she doing today?

10-31-2005, 05:05 PM
I talked to her and Tink passed away :(

10-31-2005, 05:11 PM
Shes gone...:'(

10-31-2005, 05:13 PM
I talked to her and Tink passed away :(

Are you JOKING?? That poor girl, and the poor pup! I really hope they take lv4dogs advice and contact the breeder and get the word out NEVER to purchase a puppy from such an irresponsible breeder ever again!!!!!

Then again perhaps they should have got her medical help as we all suggested..

10-31-2005, 05:16 PM
I'm so sorry. :(

10-31-2005, 05:18 PM
Heres the thread...

Anita Cholaine
11-01-2005, 01:23 PM
OMG, I'm so sorry:(... Now, the best thing you can do is to contact the breeder, so that this horrible person willl never be selling puppies again