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View Full Version : Striker is unhappy

10-28-2005, 05:21 PM
Have you ever seen anything so pitiful? Striker says, "Lady, will you clean off this counter so I can find a place to sit?!"

10-28-2005, 05:30 PM
WOW Striker looks JUST like our Katherine!!


Hehe. Well at least he looks comfy on the counter, dirty or not! :)

10-28-2005, 05:38 PM
Striker is a very striking Cat,please pardon the pun.
And after all he does need a place,to sit down there should be a designated Striker Spot,on the Counter.
Striker to me looks a lot like Porchie Freddie!

10-28-2005, 06:17 PM
It occurs to me that most people would be horrified to see a cat on the kitchen counter. I'm assuming the people here understand.

10-28-2005, 06:29 PM
It occurs to me that most people would be horrified to see a cat on the kitchen counter. I'm assuming the people here understand.

You must be talking about my sister-in-law ;)

But she doesn't belong to Pet Talk! My cats go where they want except on the table while we're eating.