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10-27-2005, 09:49 PM
Before I leave, since you have mistaken me. I would like to tell you the following things...




PS. Thank you esspecialy to a new mom to veiled for being such a great friend

10-27-2005, 09:51 PM
:( what did you guys do to her? what did she do wrong? :(

10-27-2005, 09:58 PM
i believe its because people think she posted fake pictures. I looked at her website,and the two boxers dont look the same to me.They have different markings. unless i missed something.

im sorry you have to leave. :(

10-27-2005, 09:59 PM
*scraches head*

what happend?

sorry that your leaving.

10-27-2005, 10:01 PM
I'm not going to pretend to know what's going on but, eh....bye.

10-27-2005, 10:01 PM
I didn't see any suspicious looking pictures on her site.. I see three different dogs but of each one the pictures are pretty consistant anyway...

well sorry to see you go though!

10-27-2005, 10:04 PM
I'm really sorry to see you leave.


10-27-2005, 10:17 PM

finn's mom
10-27-2005, 11:40 PM
I guess I don't see the problem...I see two different white boxers, and, one brown one. Hmm...it's so hard to tell with things like this sometimes...I didn't really read many of your posts, but, I thought I should say on this one that the boxers look legit to me. I'm sorry if you've been wrongly accused.

I see what happened, now. I wonder if she was claiming to be someone else, or if she just changed her username. Sad, either way. :(

10-27-2005, 11:56 PM
for anyone that is confused

the boxer that mastiffcrazy10 posted and the boxer that boxer_babe posted are the same exactly dog....

10-28-2005, 12:02 AM
The names are the same too.

10-28-2005, 09:26 AM
omg :rolleyes:

10-28-2005, 10:22 AM
ok,to me these dogs have different markings on there head....

this one has a brown spot on top of its head and ear

and this one doesnt.... :confused:

10-28-2005, 10:29 AM
She might have more than one.... but look at the kitchen floor.

ok,to me these dogs have different markings on there head....

this one has a brown spot on top of its head and ear

and this one doesnt.... :confused:

10-28-2005, 10:45 AM
OK -- REGARDLESS of whether you're lying or not -- just fess up and apologize instead of making a huge ordeal out of it! *rolls eyes*

10-28-2005, 11:12 AM
She might have more than one.... but look at the kitchen floor.

Yup, she has 2 white boxers.

10-28-2005, 12:15 PM
since mastiffcrazy i´ve been suspěcious about a few others, i can´t say names because i´m not 100% sure, but one i´m really confident is paws_on_me since he/she claims a dogue named hooch, but that dogs name is gary :rolleyes: , so why pretend to have a dog!!!. more and more are jumping to my face since i see few posts, recently new, and they know how to post pics, signatures, and a lot os stuff that when you are new you have to learn or ask.

i really hate when they do that, if you dont have one, we dont care, just dont claim others dog in your name.

10-28-2005, 12:17 PM
since mastiffcrazy i´ve been suspěcious about a few others, i can´t say names because i´m not 100% sure, but one i´m really confident is paws_on_me since he/she claims a dogue named hooch, but that dogs name is gary :rolleyes: , so why pretend to have a dog!!!. more and more are jumping to my face since i see few posts, recently new, and they know how to post pics, signatures, and a lot os stuff that when you are new you have to learn or ask.

i really hate when they do that, if you dont have one, we dont care, just dont claim others dog in your name.

Where did you find out that it is Gary not Hooch?

10-28-2005, 12:20 PM
I agree with Huskymom... bark_some.... is looking suspicious to me too.

10-28-2005, 12:21 PM
since mastiffcrazy i´ve been suspěcious about a few others, i can´t say names because i´m not 100% sure, but one i´m really confident is paws_on_me since he/she claims a dogue named hooch, but that dogs name is gary :rolleyes: , so why pretend to have a dog!!!. more and more are jumping to my face since i see few posts, recently new, and they know how to post pics, signatures, and a lot os stuff that when you are new you have to learn or ask.

i really hate when they do that, if you dont have one, we dont care, just dont claim others dog in your name.

Just because you're new doesn't mean you don't know how to post images or signatures at all. I know before coming here I've posted on a NUMBER of other forums for at least a year or two so I already knew how to do that, and that in no way correlates that my dogs aren't mine because they are very much real and sitting next to me right now (well actually Charlie is outside digging... grrr lol).

So from that basis alone please don't assume that someone stealing or lying :(

And on a completely different sidenote, if you're suspicious that someone is lying or fake, don't discuss it here publically, bring it up with them privately via PM or contact Karen or another admin to let them deal with it. This is just asking for an arguement :(

10-28-2005, 12:23 PM
Just because you're new doesn't mean you don't know how to post images or signatures at all. I know before coming here I've posted on a NUMBER of other forums for at least a year or two so I already knew how to do that, and that in no way correlates that my dogs aren't mine because they are very much real and sitting next to me right now (well actually Charlie is outside digging... grrr lol).

So from that basis alone please don't assume that someone stealing or lying :(

And on a completely different sidenote, if you're suspicious that someone is lying or fake, don't discuss it here publically, bring it up with them privately via PM or contact Karen or another admin to let them deal with it. This is just asking for an arguement :(

I agree with you too. It's wrong to do it here.

10-28-2005, 12:24 PM
sorry the name paws_on _me was wrong, it was bark_some, sorry (but i have suspicious about him/her too)

you can right click and it show the url of a web and says dogue de bordeaux_gary and thats how it shows when he has a name

10-28-2005, 12:27 PM
yeah i know soem of you already know how to do stuff, and that itrs not related, but it was a hint for me, and sorry for posting this here too, but i just wanted to check if anyone was suspicious as i am, sorry again to do this publicly, no mean to disturb.

finn's mom
10-28-2005, 12:27 PM
This is just asking for an arguement :(

Unfortunately, this entire thread is. This happens every time someone is accused of faking pets or lying about things. It is never kept in private, it is always hashed out publicly. I wanted to say that, even though I'd promised myself not to post on this thread. Simply because threads like this only live because we keep harping on it. Instead of just letting it disappear, it just keeps getting pushed to the top. And, blech, I helped it with this post. But, anyway, that's all I'm saying about this situation.

10-28-2005, 12:29 PM
Unfortunately, this entire thread is. This happens every time someone is accused of faking pets or lying about things. It is never kept in private, it is always hashed out publicly. I wanted to say that, even though I'd promised myself not to post on this thread. Simply because threads like this only live because we keep harping on it. Instead of just letting it disappear, it just keeps getting pushed to the top. And, blech, I helped it with this post. But, anyway, that's all I'm saying about this situation.

True but pointing fingers and making false accusations doesn't only make the other person feel bad but makes you (the accuser, not YOU lol) look like an idiot as well, you know??

This thread wasn't too bad at first but now that people are pointing fingers its bound to turn nasty. It just amazes me that a group of such mature people can't just leave these matters to be dealt with by the admins instead of bringing it upon themselves to publically accuse people :(

edit: husky_mom I know you meant no harm by it you're just looking out for the well-being of the board :)

edit again: I just wanted to reiterate that this reply WAS NOT aimed towards one person, most certainly not you husky_mom, but just said as a statement IN GENERAL towards everyone. I just wanted to clear that up so no one has any misunderstandings!!

10-28-2005, 12:40 PM
Unfortunately, this entire thread is. This happens every time someone is accused of faking pets or lying about things. It is never kept in private, it is always hashed out publicly. I wanted to say that, even though I'd promised myself not to post on this thread. Simply because threads like this only live because we keep harping on it. Instead of just letting it disappear, it just keeps getting pushed to the top. And, blech, I helped it with this post. But, anyway, that's all I'm saying about this situation.

That is true in most cases, but in this case it was discussed privatly by a few. It was not brought out to the public until AFTER it was proved.
I agree with this for the most part, but I do have to say that I personally think that it should be brought out to the public ONLY AFTER it has been proved of course. That way we are preventing other failthful, honest members from being sucked into lies & deceptions.

I do agree that it is NOT right to point fingers if you have no proof!

new mom to a veiled
10-28-2005, 03:26 PM
That is true in most cases, but in this case it was discussed privatly by a few. It was not brought out to the public until AFTER it was proved.
I agree with this for the most part, but I do have to say that I personally think that it should be brought out to the public ONLY AFTER it has been proved of course. That way we are preventing other failthful, honest members from being sucked into lies & deceptions.

I do agree that it is NOT right to point fingers if you have no proof!

I agree also with you lv4dogs............but for those of you who are confused please see thread "website" boxer_babe is Mastiffcrazy10!!!!! She posted pics as mastiffcrazy10 of her "dead dogs" in Pet General under "dog pics" on 08/13/2005 and oddly enough boxer_babe post the SAME pics on her website.

10-28-2005, 07:56 PM

my dog's name is HOOCH and my name is GARY

10-28-2005, 08:00 PM

my dog's name is HOOCH and my name is GARY

Yeah but the photo is from the main site http://www.puppydogweb.com/gallery/ (http://) ...i think

10-28-2005, 08:13 PM
I think everyone just needs to stop pointing fingers and making accusations :(

10-28-2005, 08:14 PM
Well i don't know. There are so many newbies that are suspicious around here I cant even keep track.

10-28-2005, 08:16 PM
If you're suspicious then why not PM them and ask them about it, or better yet contact Karen or Paul and let them know so they can deal with them??

10-28-2005, 08:18 PM
If you're suspicious then why not PM them and ask them about it, or better yet contact Karen or Paul and let them know so they can deal with them??

Because I'm sure Karen is very aware about them.

If you were a troll would you admit to it through pm? Uh no?

10-28-2005, 08:21 PM
Anyways, I'm sorry for accusing you.

10-28-2005, 08:22 PM
Well my point being is that publically accusing someone never goes the way it should. Not only that, but its rude. And sometimes honest people are accused and that's not fair to them at all. So unless you know for sure it really is better to not bring stuff like this out in the open. Karen MAY be aware of it, she may not be, but she is the best person than any other board member to deal with that sort of thing, so just drop her a line if you're suspicious and let her know and she WILL deal with it.

Just because she's admin here doesn't mean she has eyes everywhere and knows EVERYTHING that's going on. They need a little help every now and then, too. :)

10-28-2005, 08:23 PM
Well my point being is that publically accusing someone never goes the way it should. Not only that, but its rude. And sometimes honest people are accused and that's not fair to them at all. So unless you know for sure it really is better to not bring stuff like this out in the open. Karen MAY be aware of it, she may not be, but she is the best person than any other board member to deal with that sort of thing, so just drop her a line if you're suspicious and let her know and she WILL deal with it.

Just because she's admin here doesn't mean she has eyes everywhere and knows EVERYTHING that's going on. They need a little help every now and then, too. :)

I'm aware, but these people have been signing up for weeks. So im pretty sure she knows about them.

10-28-2005, 08:24 PM
Never assume though. I'm sure you know how the saying goes 'when you assume it makes an ass out of u and me'. Assuming is what gets people in trouble. How can just sending her a PM letting her know hurt? If she already knows about the person oh darn, right? If not well you just let her know to keep an eye on someone. Admins are here to help.

10-28-2005, 08:27 PM
That is true in most cases, but in this case it was discussed privatly by a few. It was not brought out to the public until AFTER it was proved.
I agree with this for the most part, but I do have to say that I personally think that it should be brought out to the public ONLY AFTER it has been proved of course. That way we are preventing other failthful, honest members from being sucked into lies & deceptions.

I do agree that it is NOT right to point fingers if you have no proof!I, like Kari, promised myself I would not post in this thread.. but I couldn't resist posting to such an ignorant comment.

My question for you, lv4dogs, is what proof do you have? Because you talked amongst yourselves (you and a few of the members, I'm assuming) and are comparing pictures, you've come to the proven conclusion that the person is lying? I'm sorry, but that's not PROOF. That's an opinion and an intuition. At PT, we can't prove if someone is lying or not because it's the internet. Simple as that. Unless you've found the same pictures on the net somewhere else and know the dogs and owners personally, there is no proof behind what you're saying. So please don't think that your conclusion from a bunch of PM's with other members is PROOF.

We recently went through a situation like this with another member and it turned ugly. Immediately jumping to conclusions is NOT the way to handle something like this. You may not like the person, but you can act civil towards them. You don't have to accuse them in a thread about you being suspicious about their animals. If you're THAT adament about it, PM the person in a civil way. Don't just post it and get other people to thinking the same thing. I was one of those people who accused people because my suspiciousness.. and on another board, I was leery of someone, until the truth DID come out and the fact is that I was WRONG. And I did hurt the person.

Just face it and realize that you'll never know the truth. Realize that the internet can be one big lie. Just have fun here, get to know people, post pictures and learn about other animals. We're a family here, if you have a problem with someone, please don't post it publicly.

Thank you, I shall now stay away from this thread. And I apologize if I offended any of you for any reason.

As for the real reason for this thread, I'm sorry you feel you have to leave and are no longer welcome. I hope you can look past this and remain here at PT. I hope you can remain friends with the people you've gotten to know so far. If not, I enjoyed your stories and pictures of your dogs.

EDIT - Someone brought it to my attention that I was directing my comment towards one certain person. Please know that "you" is a general you, and no one in particular. Thank you.

10-28-2005, 08:34 PM
Well said, Buckner :)