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10-27-2005, 06:14 PM
I am tired of the cell phone 'ring tones'- Why hasn't someone done the "Close Encounters of a Strange Kind" tones yet??? :p

When you go thru a drive thru for food or the parking booth in a lot-MAKE SURE YOU CAN AFFORD IT!! Please? I am tired of watching car gymnastics while you look for change. :mad:

Why do we accept poor language skills?
I saw a program while I was surfing last night, A man in a cleric collar was talking to a group of kids about respecting women....he said something like,
"don't do what I've did..." :confused:

I like music, but not your music while I am at the intersection. :rolleyes:

When you cut me off in traffic please look at me while I curse. Nothing hurts my feelings more than being ignored. :eek: :p

You cannot take a phone call, push a stroller and hold a baby when you cross the street, something has to give!!

When I make eye contact with you and say "Good Morning" at least nod.

I didn't run up your credit card.
I didn't break up with you.
I didn't cheat, not make you breakfast or poop on the kitchen floor.
I didn't claw the couch or bring home an "F" on my report card.
I didn't park in your spot or wake you up with the leaf blower this morning..

I just work with you....You can go back to your miserable life after I smile and acknowledge you!!! ;)

10-27-2005, 06:28 PM
You cannot take a phone call, push a stroller and hold a baby when you cross the street, something has to give!! Especially when they do this against the red light in rush-hour traffic! :mad: :eek: :mad:

10-27-2005, 06:30 PM
Richard I have no peeves to add to your list right now but I just wanted to say thank you for the smiles tonight. Good thread and funny and TRUE! :)

10-27-2005, 06:36 PM
I am tired of the cell phone 'ring tones'- Why hasn't someone done the "Close Encounters of a Strange Kind" tones yet??? :p

Cingular has these - I just checked ;)

When you go thru a drive thru for food or the parking booth in a lot-MAKE SURE YOU CAN AFFORD IT!! Please? I am tired of watching car gymnastics while you look for change. :mad:
I deal with these idiots everyday when I exit my parking garage. Please, people, you KNOW you're going to have to pay, so why not be ready? :rolleyes:

Why do we accept poor language skills?
I saw a program while I was surfing last night, A man in a cleric collar was talking to a group of kids about respecting woman....he said something like,
"don't do what I've did..." :confused:
I'm with you on this one ....

I like music, but not your music while I am at the intersection. :rolleyes:
.... this one too ...

When I make eye contact with you and say "Good Morning" at least nod.
.... and this one ... you're on a roll, Richard! :)

I just work with you....You can go back to your miserable life after I smile and acknowledge you!!! ;)

.... and this one :p

10-27-2005, 07:26 PM
People who talk on their cell phones while at the drive-thru window. (I work Drive-Thru cash at my workplace.) Not only is it RUDE but it holds up our line. Especially when we ask you if you'd like and condiments numerous times then finally get fed up and hand you the bag with no condiments and you ask for ketchup. "Hey, I'll call you back in a few minutes..." EASY!

People who butt their noses into other people's business.

Slackers at work.

"When I make eye contact with you and say "Good Morning" at least nod."
-This especially pisses me off.

10-27-2005, 08:35 PM
People who talk on their cell phones while at the drive-thru window. (I work Drive-Thru cash at my workplace.) Not only is it RUDE but it holds up our line. Especially when we ask you if you'd like and condiments numerous times then finally get fed up and hand you the bag with no condiments and you ask for ketchup. "Hey, I'll call you back in a few minutes..." EASY! I'm guilty with this one, but it's for a justified reason AND I know how to deal with the people I'm talking to and the people in the window. I know to let the people hang on while I'm on the phone AND I always pay attention to the drive-thru window people. If I ever get a call from someone while going through a drive-thru, it's my mom or dad asking me to pick up something on my way home or forgetting they left off something on the order.. in which case, I drive back around and give the resturant MORE business. Remember, the annoying people pay your salary, too. ;)

10-27-2005, 09:49 PM
Remember, the annoying people pay your salary, too. ;)

Uh, I'm well aware of that but when the "annoying people" hold up our lines with their rude behaviors, it's not something I enjoy (or probably anyone else who works drive-thru, OR the customers behind them.)

You're one out of 42478923742389742479284723472384723984723894723 that may possibly be able to do that, in which in this case my post had no reference to you. ;)

*edit* And I can understand if it something absolutely important but you won't believe some of the conversations i'm forced to hear. :eek: :rolleyes:

Lady's Human
10-27-2005, 11:06 PM
Frankly, there are very few, if any, conversations that need to take place while driving a vehicle. People driving while using a cell phone is a pet peeve period. If it's that important, pull over to the side of the road and talk there. There are too many people who have trouble driving without trying to do something else. Guiding a 3000+ pound vehicle should get all your attention.

10-28-2005, 05:47 AM
*edit* And I can understand if it something absolutely important but you won't believe some of the conversations i'm forced to hear. :eek: :rolleyes:

I've been managing retail business's for 18 years, so yeah I can Kay. :D :rolleyes:

10-28-2005, 11:03 AM
I go to the post office almost every day in my business. I went the other night and a young man ON A CELL PHONE drove into the parking lot. I was turning left into the lot, but waited. What he was doing was turning around - not entering the lot at all. Behind him another car was waiting to turn right into the lot. Just then another woman was exiting the lot - and she wanted to turn left in front of me and behind the guy on the cell phone.

What happened? Everyone had to come to a complete halt - because he was now boxed in.

What did he do? He just kept right on driving in reverse - so everyone had to back up to get out of his way. He never shut up on that phone - and all of us were honking our horns at him.

All of us gave way so this idiot could continue rudely blocking everyone.
Did he care? Not a whit - in his mind - HE WON!

There is also a sign at each window at my post office that I couldn't believe had to be posted. It reads:


10-28-2005, 11:58 AM
Our library has a sign posted that requests that phone calls be conducted outside and ringers be turned off while in the library. But it doesn't stop some people.

Any kind of rudeness bugs me. And cell phone rudeness is at the top of my list.

10-28-2005, 12:00 PM
I like music, but not your music while I am at the intersection. :rolleyes:
Way to go Richard!!! I just want to add:
Nor do I enjoy your music when I'm in my own home trying to watch tv or nap or doing whatever I want to do. Please, keep your booming stereo basses to yourself. Just because you have made yourself deaf by all the racket, doesn't give you the right to ruin MY hearing! :p

I think that has to be my peevish pet peeve of all time!!! :eek: :D

10-28-2005, 12:16 PM
...There is also a sign at each window at my post office that I couldn't believe had to be posted. It reads:


OMG! :rolleyes: It's pretty sad when messages like this have to be posted. I have a lot of cell phone pet peeves also. I mean, how important can the conversation really be? Unless someone is dying, in an accident, etc...people don't need to be on the damn phone...especially when it makes their bad driving worse! :eek: If someone can drive well and talk on the phone, that's one thing, but it always seems like the bad drivers are the ones talking on the phone!
I can't even count how many times I've seen bad driving (speeding, cutting in and out of traffic, tailgaiting, cutting people off, etc.), and when I looked at the driver, they were on the phone! *sigh* :rolleyes:
I've been guilty of driving while on the phone, but then again, I'm lucky if the traffic is moving faster than 10 miles an hour, and I'm one of the few that can drive normally! If the traffic is moving at a good clip, I usually tell the person I'll call them back, because it's the bad drivers I need to watch out for just to make it home alive...heh...
I also love it when people get calls in the movie theatre! Even after seeing the bit about not adding your own soundtrack to the movie! :p

10-28-2005, 12:18 PM
Until the bitter end, I will defend my right to use a cell phone while driving, while walking down the street with Jonah, while sitting in a coffee house, etc. I **can** do both things at once. I have done both things at once for 6 years now, all without incident. So, maybe there are **some**people that can't, or, maybe **most** can't? I don't know, but, I can. And, I do.

My incidents involving car accidents/near misses are two: one time I backed up into an off duty police officer. I wasn't on the cell phone. Shoot, I didn't even have the radio turned on.

Second time: I WAS on the cell phone, in the library parking lot, backing out of a space, carefully. And an adult woman (not a child, teenager, etc, but an mature adult woman) RAN behind my car, despite me being in motion, with visible brake lights. SHE had the audacity to yell at ME for being on a cell phone! Uh, HELLO? I saw you, you idiot. YOU ran through a parking lot (bad idea), YOU ran behind a moving vehicle (bad idea)- I was the one that saw YOU behind my vehicle, cell phone and all! I was the one that avoided the accident, not you.

My point? Often times, the stupidity of the cell phone user is not directly related to the use of a phone. They just might be stupid all on their own. (note: I am not stupid :D ). Maybe they shouldn't be driving, walking, living, etc., regardless of the cell phone usage. Just a thought.

finn's mom
10-28-2005, 12:48 PM
It drives me nuts when people behind the counter at a fast food place or the hostess at a restaurant can't even greet you properly. When the first thing out of their mouths is "for here or to go?" or "smoking or non smoking?", that drives me batty. Or, on the flip side, when a customer sticks a cup in the employee's face and says "coke, please." Yeah, it's awesome that they said "please," but, just saying "hey, can i have a refill?" or something before just saying the type. I don't know, just a personal pet peeve...

when you hold someone's door, and, they don't say thank you.

two-faced people

10-28-2005, 01:15 PM
Frankly, there are very few, if any, conversations that need to take place while driving a vehicle. People driving while using a cell phone is a pet peeve period. If it's that important, pull over to the side of the road and talk there. There are too many people who have trouble driving without trying to do something else. Guiding a 3000+ pound vehicle should get all your attention.

Wait a second....

I saw two people, IN BRAND NEW CARS jabbering away on cell phones this morning-
First, how does a brand new car handle?
How is the braking different from your old car?
Where are the blind spots?
How do you balance your report, cup of coffee, cell phone and lane change?
Multitask? nope, MULTICRASH!

more phone fun???

As always, the cell convo in the store....



More science....

Objects fall at the same speed, no matter what their weight is.

If you watch a piece of paper, trash or ???? fall out of your hand it will not fall any faster....

So why drop it, observe it fall and leave it for someone else to pick up?

There was a wadded up piece of paper towel IN FRONT OF THE DOOR TO THE DOCTOR'S LOUNGE. It stayed there for four hours.

(I was bad, I usually pick things up like that, but I love to "experiment" and see how long things stay the same.)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-28-2005, 01:57 PM
Richard, you've hit on one. Litter is one of my all time pet peeves! How difficult is it to hang onto it until you get to a garbage can? I will not litter to a fault, and I've actually been known to pick up other peoples' litter when I'm just out for a walk. Why mess up the entire world just because you don't want to mess up your little world? :mad:

As for cell phones, I hate the idiot driver with the cell phone as much as anybody, and I'm glad there's actually a law in Chicago where cell phones have to be "hands-free." It's ok to be talking on a cell phone when you're in your car but you are stopped. Well.....I can't wait for the first person to challenge that law because I am "stopped" in traffic all the time! I see absolutely nothing wrong with talking on the phone when traffic is creeping along at a snails pace. Also, if I'm on the interstate and someone calls me, I immediately go to the right lane and just stick there until I'm done. I just love the person, like others have mentioned, going 80 mph, weaving in and out of traffic and not only are they on the phone, they are putting their makeup on, eating, smoking, yelling at the kids, you name it. If you're going to do all this while driving, at least have the curtesy to pull into the right hand lane. :rolleyes:

I have plenty more pet peeves, but I'm in a good mood today so I can't think of any of them. ;)

10-28-2005, 02:52 PM
I'm glad there's actually a law in Chicago where cell phones have to be "hands-free."

Now you've hit one of mine.

Yes, I'm thrilled that we have to use the hands-free devices. As soon as I heard this had passed, I rushed out to the store to get me a hands-free device.

What urks me, is the people who still use the hand-held! I have use my headset, why don't you? Why are you special? IT'S A LAW PEOPLE!

I also can't stand those thugs who think it's cool to recline your seat to a supine possition and then attempt to drive. Then they have to sit up when they want to turn, cut you off, etc.

I also hate those cops who feel they don't have to wait at an intersection like the rest of us, so they'll put on their siren and lights, make a big fuss to blow through the intersection only to turn them off once they've crossed. Um, would you pull me over if I did that?

I'll stop there. :o

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-28-2005, 03:04 PM
Lobodeb, I always forget that you're in Chicago too, so you know exactly what I'm talking about and I know exactly what you're talking about! :D

Yes, the seat recliners, with their stereos booming and sometimes their girlfriends sitting practically on their laps and their cell phones to their ears, as they go flying by at least 55 mph in a 35 mph zone....at 8:00 in the morning! I'm on my way to work buddy, where are you going? :rolleyes:

10-28-2005, 03:14 PM
I used to work on an Army installation. They banned Cell phone use while driving on the base. If you were caught on a cell phone while driving you were given a ticket. :eek: You had to pull over to the side of the road to use your cell or not at all.
I had a job that cell phones were NOT allowed. So no one could call me at work and then couldn't use the phone on the way home. :cool: I did purchase a cell phone for those "off" occassions that I may need it in emergency. Matter of fact, I tell everyone that my cell phone is broken and try to avoid calling it. ;) I only give out the number to possible job prospects or business dealings. So I don't use it much at all.
Funny story though... I was on my way to work one morning when I saw a wreck. The police couldn't see the vehicle that had run off the road from their perspective. It had rolled into a fence and was on fire. So I called 911 and told them the burning vehicle's location and how to access it. Well, my cell phone is somewhat broken. It kept cutting off. I was still a few miles from the Army post. Me and 911 kept trying to communicate but they were "lost". They had fire trucks on the way. Well, the phone finally cutoff for the last time. So I thought. :rolleyes: I knew the fireman would find the vehicle. I get up to the Army base and to my surprise my cell phone rings! :eek: It is 911 again asking for more information! My badge is in the security guards hands!!! and I am on my cell phone!!! There is a line behind me and you can't stop but for a few seconds. :rolleyes:
I completely panicked!!! I NEVER use my cell phone but for emergencies and this was one! I quickly had to yell to the security guard that this was a 911 call while trying to communicate to 911 and keep moving the line. I felt soo baaaad! I've always hated people who drive and talk on cell phones and hold up a line. Here I was being one of them!!! :o Luckily, the guard allowed me to go on through the barracade which is difficult to drive through with 2 hands. I did pull over after I got passed the barracade and finished the phone call. The fire trucks did find the vehicle. However, a few weeks later I did notice a weath of flowers attached to the fence in that area. I never saw anyone in the vehicle so I don't know the outcome.
Maybe I am slow to technology, but grabbing a cell phone and a steering wheel just seems soo unnatural. I don't like to do it unless it is absolutely necessary. :cool:

10-28-2005, 03:41 PM
Second time: I WAS on the cell phone, in the library parking lot, backing out of a space, ... I'm sorry, but this is a peeve of mine. on a cell phone while backing out? Hello? I even see people on cell phones while triyng to parallel park in rush hour traffic ...
:rolleyes: :mad: :eek:

10-28-2005, 04:20 PM
Driving while on a cell phone may be most of your all's peeves, but there are MANY people who can manage this. There are a lot of stupid drivers out there who cause accidents, but most of those are not related to being on a cell phone.

I CAN park while on my phone, I CAN back out of my parking space while on my phone, I CAN drive down an interstate while on my phone, I CAN do almost ANYTHING while on my phone. Some people get annoyed if you don't have both hands on the wheel - I practiced with only one hand because I knew it's stupid to drive with two hands. You actually shake the car MORE when you have two hands on the wheel. So, I've learned how to drive with one hand and have another as a free hand - to talk on my phone. Again, I'm usually talking to my parents or one of my two friends who live in Pennsylvania and it's lucky if they get a chance to call me. I can't just hang up on them because people get pissed off that I'm on the phone while driving. If I CAN do it, I don't see why it should piss people off.

Heck, even my driver's ed teacher was a firm believer in having 100% devotion on the road if you were driving. But he said I'm one of those people who could manage talking on the phone and driving at the same time because I'm alert all the time. I knew how to drive before I went to him (I went for insurance purposes) and I had been driving for quite a while. He was just observing my observations.. I noticed a lot, and he was fully aware of that. And he said there are some people who can drive and talk on the phone at the same time.

So again, if I CAN do it, I don't see why it should upset people to see me driving down the road while on my cell phone. Or coming out of a parking spot.

My town is HUGE and I don't know my way around completely nor do I know the absolute short-cuts to places. So, more often than not, I'm calling my dad to ask him how to get somewhere way out. It makes no sense to pull over, ask him, and then get back on. I need to tell him where I am and I'm a hands-on learner... I won't learn if just given directions, I need to hear "take a left on Market" or "take a right on Broadway" or something.

Sorry with my rant... my peeve is when people criticize something as if EVERYONE who does it is bad, like driving while on their phones.

10-28-2005, 04:38 PM
Well, some people can drive with their feet too, but I don't want them near me while they do it. :)

10-28-2005, 04:38 PM
I don't think anyone was critisizing EVERYONE. No one mentioned people that were careful while driving with a cell phone. If you don't fit in the catagory as a "idiot driver who uses their cell phone and gets made when the drive-thru person doesn't give you ketchup up after they already asked you 5345435345 times, while you were yakking away" then no one was referring to you. ;)

My main issue was the rude people at the drive-thru. This also includes the folks smoking at the window and blowing it in my face as 'm taking cash or handing them food. Now, I'm not deathly allergic to cigarette smoke but I have been known to has a nasty coughing fit over it. It's not a polite thing to do, IMO. There are even people who come through REEKING of marijuana, making the whole store smell.

10-28-2005, 04:39 PM
Well, some people can drive with their feet too, but I don't want them near me while they do it. :)

Heck, I saw a lady once shaving her leg, that was up over the steering wheel, and driving down US 19 - one of the most dangerous roads. :eek: :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-28-2005, 04:58 PM
Heck, I saw a lady once shaving her leg, that was up over the steering wheel, and driving down US 19 - one of the most dangerous roads. :eek: :eek:
:eek: :eek: :eek: is right! I had a friend who used to live in St. Pete and I remember seeing the bumper stickers when I was visiting "Pray for me - I drive on 19!" :eek:

My SIL once had to shave her arm pits in the parking lot before we went into a concert. What, like she couldn't do that at home? :rolleyes: But then again, you have to know my SIL.....well....former SIL...and she used to be one of my peeves too and thankfully my brother wised up - thus the "former." ;) :D

Buckner - no offense, but I'm with MOFF. ;)

10-28-2005, 04:59 PM
I do feel that when you deal with the teller at the bank, the cashier at the drive through or whatever, that person deserves for you to show respect....that means not holding another conversation at the same time.

I have talked on my cell phone while driving...I try to cut it short though...I don't understand people just on the cell phone having a conversation for the heck of it....

10-28-2005, 05:00 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: is right! I had a friend who used to live in St. Pete and I remember seeing the bumper stickers when I was visiting "Pray for me - I drive on 19!" :eek:

It's not a safe road at all and I'll surely be avoiding it when I begin to drive. ;)

Lady's Human
10-28-2005, 07:43 PM
It's not using your hand to hold the cell phone that irks me. What irks me is that the cell phone is in use while you are driving in any way, shape or form. Frankly, unless it's a life or death situation it's not that damned important. They did a study on cell phone use while driving, and compared hands free vs. hand held vs. no cell phone at all, and found that hands free or hand held didn't matter. The rate of accidents while using a cell phone and driving was the same as the accident rate of someone with a BAC of .10.

Most states have laws against distracted driving, and they aren't enforced. Instead they put band aids on the law and make it look like they are doing something.

I miss driving in Germany. In that country, there are areas with no speed limits, but if you tailgate, do something that the officer feels is distracting you from driving (i.e. talking on a cell phone, eating, talking to passengers in a manner that is taking your attention away from the road) you are fined severely. Other offenses in Germany that are either not enforced or tolerated in the states include pulling too close to someone at a stoplight, failing to yield, and impeding the flow of traffic. I think we could learn a lot from a country that didn't even have cupholders in cars until very recently. Driving a vehicle is a priviledge, not a right, and it is very easy to cause major damage if you don't pay attention.

10-28-2005, 08:13 PM
Thank you Lady's Human! I couldn't have said it better!

10-28-2005, 08:34 PM
I'm not the type to use checks, or credit cards in most instances, but it irks me to no end when I'm in a line that I THINK will move fast, only to find the person in front (often a woman) has to fidget in her purse to figure out which method of payment will be used! By the time I'm at the register I've figured out what my bill will come to, and have my money & coupons in hand! :rolleyes: I have found through trial and error, that men tend to pay in cash, so I try to find lines with men in front of me. I was stuck behind a woman at the grocery store last night who had maybe 10 items, and at first her credit card didn't go through, #2 card didn't work...... :rolleyes: she finally wrote out a check. After patiently waiting for well over 10 minutes, I picked up my items, and took them to another register. The person in that line was bagged up and leaving as my stuff was rung up. The woman at register I left was STILL attempting to pay. *sigh* :confused: Why aren't there CA$H only and X amount of items lines???? :(

Lady's Human
10-28-2005, 08:41 PM
QS, in one of the grocery stores here there ARE cash only lines, and I love them. Giant supermarkets is a very customer oriented chain (a small chain, but nonetheless a chain). My wife won't go to any other store now to do grocery shopping, as they bring your bags out to your car for you if you look like you might have problems (as in a minor disability, or with small children, seniors, etc) and they don't allow their employees to take tips for doing so. It's just part of their service. I wish more supermarkets and stores in general would do that.

10-29-2005, 10:49 AM
I'm sorry, but this is a peeve of mine. on a cell phone while backing out? Hello? I even see people on cell phones while triyng to parallel park in rush hour traffic ...
:rolleyes: :mad: :eek:

See? Even when I explain it fully, it still isn't understood- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! EVEN WITH THE CELL PHONE! Uh, hello, MCFLY? The adult lady RUNNING through the parking lot was/is and forever will be, the idiot here...NOT me with a cell phone.

It is called cause and effect, proximate cause, in the legal field. My actions must be the proximate cause of the 'injury'. My actions (being on the cell phone while backing up) must be the CAUSE of the (here, potential)injury- her getting ran over by my vehicle. My being on the cell phone was NOT the proximate cause- but her (and apparently, yours, too) knee jerk reaction. Oh, the driver was on the cell phone, THAT must be the problem. Not. The problem was her running through the parking lot without looking. I, the driver, saw her (yes, even while on the cell phone, as I was looking carefully while backing). I was the one that slammed on my brakes.

Radios used to cause that same amount of flutter that cell phones do today. I see plenty of bad driving every day that is unrelated to cell phone use. People just can't grasp that there are people that can do two things at once.

Whether my call is 'important' or not is not the point. Fine if someone wants to maintain their cell phone for 'emergency use only'. Great. Or, pull over every time it rings, Great! And, maybe that person is not the type of person that can handle multi-tasking. Maybe that person is not a confident driver. Not me. I use it for every use...on my way to and from work. As it allows me 45 minutes of extra work time both ways.

As for keeping two hands on the wheel? LOL. I drive a stick. More often than not, my right hand is on the gear shift, not the wheel.

As for statistics? LOL. You know what they say about statistics...98% of them are wrong, or made up on the spot. :rolleyes:

10-29-2005, 10:57 AM
Oh, another thing...Richard, were your ears burning about 550 am your time on Saturday? I was walking with Jonah in the stroller, with a coffee, while on the cell phone, and I thought, "Oh, Richard would NOT like this now, would he"? :D

(and, I did make it safely home, across a street, didn't spill anything, enjoyed my coffee, no animals were injured, nobody lost an eye, I didn't almost cause an accident.... :rolleyes: )

Lady's Human
10-29-2005, 10:58 AM
Cataholic, that number came from the NHSTA study, and is backed up by other data as well.


10-29-2005, 11:03 AM
LH- I stand by my statistical analysis! 98% of statistics are made up (I didn't mean that YOU made it up, LOL).

Cinder & Smoke
10-29-2005, 11:12 AM
As for keeping two hands on the wheel? ... LOL.
I drive a stick.
More often than not,
my right hand is on the gear shift, not the wheel.

So, we've got the Right handpaw on the shifter,
Left handpaw on the cell dinger ...
And we *steer* with what?

I can manage a one-handpaw cell dinger OK ...
It's those darn 2-Fisted WHOPPERS that cause the problems!
I use my Left KNEE most often!


10-29-2005, 11:16 AM
As for keeping two hands on the wheel? LOL. I drive a stick. More often than not, my right hand is on the gear shift, not the wheel. :

Just wondering if your right hand is on the gear shift and your left hand is holding a cell, what hand is on the wheel? (I assume you are not talking about a hand held phone). If you were in NJ you could be pulled over and wind up paying a hefty fine.

My pet peeve with cells came to a peak a few weeks ago. I was in church and the choir had just begun to sing. A little old white haired lady in front of me answered her cell phone in church!! Did she go out and have her conversation in the narthex? Noooooo.... She sat and talked during the entire song that the choir was singing and hung us just as they finished. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-29-2005, 11:52 AM
My pet peeve involving phones is different from most people's. MY cell phone exists for MY convenience, not everyone else's. There are a lot of times during the day (when I'm getting ready for work, or an hour or so after work, when I'm getting ready for bed, etc) when I don't feel like talking on the phone. Leave me a darn message and I'll call you back!!

Don't call me half a dozen times and then demand to know why I didn't pick up. It's nothing personal, I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. ANYONE. If it's an emergency, you can send the voicemail through as "urgent" and I will check it, but don't expect me to drop everything just because the phone rang.

Yesterday, I was driving over Hwy 17, which is a very twisty and dangerous road. I witnessed the results of a horrifying four-car crash that happened bcause someone was in a huge hurry and cut someone else off on a blind curve, slammed into the car in front of them, etc. I really don't like unsafe drivers, especially on a road that's already dangerous. A lot of people around here thing it's cool to go as fast as possible over 17. It takes me 35 minutes to get over it, but some of my friends have done it in twelve. :eek:

I think everyone here knows that almost all of my other pet peeves are related to little kids being noisy or rude or being where they shouldn't. ;)

10-29-2005, 12:34 PM
One that just came to mind because it happened today. :rolleyes:

It seems as if i'm the only one who put the toilette paper on the hanger thing. Everyone else sits it on the edge of the sink (when they then splash water all over it.) or on the back of the toilette. Is it really that hard to put it up and dispose of the empty roll!? NO!

finn's mom
10-29-2005, 01:28 PM
Is it really that hard to put it up and dispose of the empty roll!? NO!

Apparently it is, I'm always having to put the roll on the holder. It's not so much an issue at my parent's house where I'm living, but, my friends are a different story! ;) And, one thing along the same lines...I always put the toilet paper with the paper going over the top, and, it's a peeve of mine when the paper is under the bottom. I'll change it if I'm able to. :rolleyes:

finn's mom
10-29-2005, 01:30 PM
She sat and talked during the entire song that the choir was singing and hung us just as they finished.

I don't even attend church and I find that horrible. :( People are so inconsiderate. :( Especially someplace like church. Geez.

10-29-2005, 02:49 PM
Johanna. :D:D You remind me of my brother, who will use any and every reason to justify his constant cell phone usage. He he he!!!

That being said, what's hand's free for? You can talk and drive, all at the same time, without diverting your attention to 'holding' a phone. Its no different than talking to someone sitting in the passenger seat with you. Guess people shouldn't have a passenger with them either. :D

Lady's Human
10-29-2005, 04:07 PM
PCB, from the research listed in the link I posted, it isn't the act of holding the cell phone that distracts drivers, it's the conversation. Some people should not have passengers in the car with them, as some conversations with passengers can distract the driver as well, hence the law in Massachusetts that prohibits teen drivers from having passengers in the car with them other than their parent or legal guardian.

One of the German rules of the road I cited gives the polizei the lattitude to determine if the driver is being distracted or not, allowing them to concentrate on truly distracted driving rather than making them pull over everyone talking on a cell phone/drinking coffee/etc while driving.

10-29-2005, 07:50 PM
Johanna. :D:D You remind me of my brother, who will use any and every reason to justify his constant cell phone usage. He he he!!!

:confused: I don't feel the need to justify it at all. I will talk on my cell phone while I drive for whatever reason I want, regardless of some people's peeves about it. It is legal here, and I like it. What gets me is people not looking behind the cell phone to see that maybe there is a reason the person is driving erratic. Maybe they just stink at driving!

And, to whomever asked what I do when I am shifting, I either use my shoulder to hold the phone, or, more often, I have a hands free adapter in my ear. Like Phred, it really only gets difficult when I am drinking a cup of coffee, talking on my cell phone, and handing Jonah his sippy cup and snacks, and shifting. That is when the knees come in handy. :D

10-29-2005, 08:09 PM
:confused: I don't feel the need to justify it at all. I will talk on my cell phone while I drive for whatever reason I want, regardless of some people's peeves about it. It is legal here, and I like it. What gets me is people not looking behind the cell phone to see that maybe there is a reason the person is driving erratic. Maybe they just stink at driving!

Johanna, I didn't mean you need to justify it! I don't see anything wrong at all with talking on the phone while driving...I do it myself. :D It is not a pet peeve of mine. I was refering to my brother justifying it (to my dad) because my dad always tells him to concentrate while driving and not yak so much, so I meant that he justifies his cell phone usage when someone tells him he shouldn't. Not that he needs to justify it...I don't see anything wrong with it. Perhaps I should've used another word, as I didn't quite mean 'justify' as it seems. I talk on the phone while driving myself. Just not that much. Its just what you were saying totally reminded me of my brother. :D

10-30-2005, 10:37 AM
Another peeve of mine?

People who are so engrossed with their cell phone calls that do not realize they cut someone off...

They look at my middle finger like this....

"What????" ;)

Peeve #2.

People that attend events and do not use common sense, then get pissed off at the event organizers..

At the airshow last weekend a couple showed up with their chihuahua.....


Then you have to listen to them whine about the rules, government, tax dollars..... :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2005, 04:13 PM
Since this had sort of turned into a on-the-cell-phone-while-driving bash session, how about this one:

I was on my home from work Friday night. Beautiful evening, lots of people out and about in the city and of course, lots of traffic. I'm at a red light, maybe 4 or 5 cars back. I faintly here the wail of a siren off in the distance. The light turns green and the siren gets closer, but it's the "winding down" part of the siren, no "winding up" part. In Chicago this usually means that a cop is coming upon a red light that he doesn't want to wait for and he's really not speeding on his way to an emergency, so the first few cars go. Then the ambulance comes into view. Red lights flashing but still the "winding down" sound with no "winding up." People finally stop because the ambulance is right there. There's only 1 car in front of me at the intersection now....so I can clearly see that the ambulance driver is on his cell phone....and we're not talking hands-free here either! Don't you think it it's a law in the City of Chicago that cell phones only be used hands-free while driving that they would equip the ambulance drivers with headsets? :rolleyes: And yes, it was a CFD ambulance, not a privately owned own. I really have no idea, but I'm thinking there are different switches to flip depending on the kind of siren you wish to use, so this guy couldn't flip his "yes this a real emergency" siren because his hands were full. :rolleyes:

Anyway, couldn't help but comment since the subject is at hand. ;)

Oh, amazing how often daily events make one think of PT. I thought of you, Kay, when I was in the drive through at a McDonald's the other day. I noticed a nice big sign right before the order board "PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR CELL PHONE IN THE DRIVE THROUGH" and it had a little picture of a cell phone with the circle and red mark across it for those who couldn't read the sign. Maybe an idea for your restaurant? ;) :)

11-01-2005, 04:34 PM
Good one. Now let's bash the Chicago Transit Authority.

This happened to me last night.

I'm on the expressway heading home, it's a terrible cold and rainy night and the traffic is just as bad. I'm in the express lane minding my own business and there is a CTA bus to my left. I'm probably right about the half way point of this bus when it decides that it wants to be in my lane. HELLO! I'm driving in the lane here! I honk and swirve luckilly, there was no one to my right. But the bus keeps coming. Like I'm supposed to move for it. I get in front of the bus and realize that he's on the phone. No hands free device and he's using his elbow to steer the bus! Can this be why he didn't bother looking in the mirror to make sure the lane was clear before he tried changing lanes?

Anyway, it gets right behind me, and I mean close enough that I should have just had him in my back seat. It stays that close to me then puts his high beams on because how dare me make him wait until I pass. I'm coming up on my exit now, so I change lanes, and the MF turns off the brights. :mad:

I was on hold for 23 minutes with the CTA customer service to report that grasspole.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2005, 04:39 PM
Boy, that one sure trumps mine, Lobodeb! And how much would it have cost the city....errrr....city taxpayers...in law suits if he had actually hit you and you and some of the passengers were hurt! :rolleyes: Gotta love the city! :rolleyes: ;)

Almost time to carry your digicam or get a cell phone with a camera in it so you could have snapped a picture - yes, while you were driving - and turned that in to the news media. ;)

11-01-2005, 05:51 PM
Another way a cell phone can distract you. :confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :mad: ;)


11-01-2005, 05:59 PM
Almost time to carry your digicam or get a cell phone with a camera in it so you could have snapped a picture - yes, while you were driving - and turned that in to the news media. ;)

What frustrates me most is that probably nothing will happen to this bozo! I made the complaint with CTA, but they kept asking me what route it was. I told them I couldn't see because he was too close to me, but I did get the bus number. :rolleyes:

Oh well.

11-01-2005, 06:11 PM
This one should be pretty much self explanitory: Men! They are so hard to figure out.

11-01-2005, 06:34 PM
This one should be pretty much self explanitory: Men! They are so hard to figure out.

My peeve?

Women treating men like a column of numbers to be 'figgered out' :eek: :confused: :rolleyes: :p :)

11-01-2005, 10:03 PM
My number one Pet peeve is when people walk*really* slow and I'm stuck behind them. IT DRIVES ME NUTS :p

11-02-2005, 10:50 AM
1. I just can't stand it when on the bus some people push and shove their way to the front of the line so they'll be able to make it out the door first at a bus stop :mad:
I don't know why they're in such a hurry because EVERYONE is headed that way! :rolleyes:

2. Bus drivers with attitude. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-02-2005, 11:18 AM
I was at an airline ticket counter checking in with one of our consultants from work. She asked if we could get seats toward the front of the plane and the agent told her, "ya know, the WHOLE PLANE is going to the same place!" :eek:

11-02-2005, 03:50 PM
Peeve 172-

Showing a person, who has more initials behind their name than you will ever have, how to use a fax machine, over and over and over and over again. :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-02-2005, 04:08 PM
Got one.

Total incompetence and total lack of willingness to help.

I just had to make a call on an order my boss placed with his friend. My boss probably talked directly with his friend to place this order - there is no PO, I don't have an order number, I know nothing except that the order was placed, a general idea of what the item is and where it was supposed to be delivered. The friend is out of town - as is my boss - so I had to talk to one of the girls in his office. She kept repeating over and over and over "I can't look it up unless I have a PO number." "You mean you placed an order and you don't even know who your sales rep is?" in a snotty tone of voice of course. :rolleyes: "I can't help you unless I know the PO number."

I'm thinking come on lady, can't you look at our account and see if there are any open orders on it? Or even look at the deliveries going out and see if there is one going to Northbrook. Sheesh, give me access to your friggin computer and I'll find the friggin order!

Finally, about an hour later - after she got it through her head that I really couldn't give her a PO number - she called me back with exactly the information I was looking for! Now really, was that so hard? :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:

11-02-2005, 05:52 PM
Got one.

Finally, about an hour later - after she got it through her head that I really couldn't give her a PO number - she called me back with exactly the information I was looking for! Now really, was that so hard? :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:

Oh, but let the end of the month come around when they have to reconcile their purchase orders and they can find ANYTHING!



Vindication??? :eek:


11-03-2005, 11:41 AM

Vindication??? :eek:


Yikes!!!! :eek:

11-03-2005, 12:02 PM
The new bus line in Los Angeles has been open 3 days and already has had two accidents....

The lady that t-boned the bus was...

On her cell phone!


Other peeves of mine....

People, from outside an office area, that go to meetings and ALWAYS have to get a cup of water out of the office cooler.......(each office has a water budget.....) If I walked into your office and helped myself to your stuff --you wouldn't be pleased.

Right before that they put on lipstick that ends up all over the cup.....

Then they pitch the half-filled cup into the trash, the housekeepers get ticked off at us because of the spillage when they go to empty the cans....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-03-2005, 12:44 PM
Richard, you have a water budget? I think that would peeve me too! I mean really, I understand budgets and all, and understand that they need to be complied with, but what....was somebody drinking too much water at one time and the company didn't want to pay for it? :confused: I'm usually so glad I work for a small company - no water budgets to deal with here. ;) Although....since you do have a budget, I think what you describe would peeve me too, especially since they take one sip then throw the rest away! No wonder they have to come to your department to get water - theirs is all in the trash can! :rolleyes:

Cinder & Smoke
11-03-2005, 01:21 PM
camera in it so you could have snapped a picture
- yes, while you were driving -


Reminds me of the Doggie Transport with thee mutts in mid-SNOW-storm ...

On the Ohio Turnpike, we got to a bare road section with almost no traffic ...
Tyme for a Photo!

I tried a few over-the-shoulder shots and keep *missing* the Dawgs.
Check traffic (none) ...
Wedge steering wheel wiff kneebone ...
TURN around (almost facing the BACK window) ...
Aim ~ *snap* ~ *FLASH* ... GOT em!

As I turned back to a more eyes-FORward position -
I spotted the http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif Lady State TROOPERETTE sitting not 100 feet away
in her Troopermobile at the end of a Maintenance Outpost driveway!
(The flash had *fired* almost directly in front of her!)

*Oooopsie*! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/redface.gif

I swear our eyes locked as I Zoomed past ...
I drove the next 30 miles looking in the mirror - expecting to see *flashin* lights ...
I was rehearsing my answer to WHAT the bloody heck were you DOING!?"

She musta figured the Judge would never believe her - she never gave chase.


11-03-2005, 01:27 PM
Richard, you have a water budget? I think that would peeve me too!

Yes, the individual depts have a budget for water....

There is a doctor from the cardiac department that brings a dolly over and takes three bottles every 'fill up' day. I guess he sees the truck parked on the street and walks over with his hand cart-from across the street.... :mad:

I don't drink the water or the coffee in the breakroom-as a matter of fact I have been in our breakroom 3 times in six years....That's another peeve for another time...

11-03-2005, 01:36 PM
How about this one....
No-good-Co-workers, anyone?

Today, Going on my break. Under the age of 18 you HAVE to clock-out and go on break at a certain time. It was my break time, so I got my food and sat down. Noticed my co-worker who was manning the front counter and drive-thru was busy at the drive-thru and had customers at the counter. Got up, left my food and waited on the customers while on break.

Got done with that, about 10 minutes into my break and finally got to sit down and eat my lunch.

I come back from break and it's her turn to go on break. We're now at a more busy time of the day. There's now 2 other people up front but they are manning the drive-thru which at the time was completely wrapped around the building. There were probably 10 or so customers at the counter and I was the only one at the counter. Going crazy with no one to bag/get my orders, my co-worker who *I* had previously helped just leaves and goes on break! No help AT ALL. Not even with the few customers who only wanted re-fills.

If that's no-good and inconsiderate I don't know what is.

At my work place, we have the mind-set as being a TEAM. She certainly was not a part of the team today.

11-03-2005, 01:46 PM
Ahhh...pet peeves at work? I have a list, but I just encountered one of my biggest pet peeves...people who go to the bathroom and walk out without flushing or washing their hands! :eek:

How hard is it to flush a toilet anyway? Especially since there are other people who use them. Be considerate, folks! :rolleyes:



Lady's Human
11-03-2005, 03:34 PM
A few of the threads in the dog section lately have stuck a nerve with me. PEOPLE WHO TREAT PETS AS DISPOSABLE PROPERTY!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

If you can't pay the vet bills, don't get 'em.

If you can't pay the vet bills, don't breed 'em.

If you need contact with animals that badly volunteer at a shelter.

11-03-2005, 05:12 PM
Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto!!!

11-03-2005, 05:23 PM
I had a co-irker who showed up at work yesterday so stoned he couldn't speak a coherent sentence. He was an hour late, and he stank of pot. He spent the entire day staring vacantly down the aisle, but he's buds with the owner's son so nobody would think to fire him or anything. :rolleyes:

11-03-2005, 05:34 PM
My pet peeve people yacking on cells in the bathroom . I really don't care to share my experance with your freinds.

11-04-2005, 09:17 AM
Kay, you are the exception, not the rule, IMO, with employees. Good on you, it is a trait that will serve you well over the moron slacker.

Pet Peeve? The person in the food industry that seems to think the plastic gloves on his/her hands are to protect him/her from my food, not the other way around. This guy at the bagel shop touched everything in the world with his goves on, while handling my food.

Hey, moron, the idea is to protect MY food from germs, not YOUR hands!!!

11-07-2005, 04:53 PM
Oh, here I go again.

I bought a can of "Spicy Thai tuna w/crackers" The tuna was so sweet/sugary I wanted to spit the first bite out.....


There is a 'float person' (a person who fills in when someone calls out sick, if everyone shows up, they send her home) She complains about the money, the job and the fact that she has to work in the unit.....she gets MORE ticked off when I tell her that if she is not satisfied, to talk to a union steward to get her out of this work detail...

How hard is it to realize that if you do not work, you can't pay your rent???
Or eat??? :mad:


11-28-2005, 06:00 PM

Today on the elevator I got hit with two of my most major PEEVES..

Men who wear white ribbed wife beaters in public and men who hang all over women while they are in public.....double loser!



And the next big one is......

People who are in the area who talk to their computers (they are setting up an attack on my politics).....so that you can ask, "what's bothering you?"

Then they deliver a rant about the prez, the country and all else that bugs them, then when they can't bait you-- they make a snippy comment as they walk out of the room....



And two fast rants about video games.....

A "steal a car, hit and run, shoot the cops" and "Let's play WWII" video games are rated "TEEN"....

Hey, life's a video game!! Resolve your problems with a game controller or a gun!!!!

And the other is the "Urban Shoot Em Up" game with that moron, 50 "NO" Cents??

What's up with that???

A video game where people shoot at each other in the 'hood!!!!!

Where's Tookie when you need him???? :rolleyes:

11-28-2005, 07:27 PM
Ahhh...pet peeves at work? I have a list, but I just encountered one of my biggest pet peeves...people who go to the bathroom and walk out without flushing or washing their hands! :eek:

How hard is it to flush a toilet anyway? Especially since there are other people who use them. Be considerate, folks! :rolleyes:



Can I be a tad disgusting for a bit and add...turn on the fan!!! I understand that people have issues somedays, or for others, everyday, but there is a fan in there for a reason!!!

11-28-2005, 08:37 PM
Might I add the people at work that have those bad habits, plus don't clean their keyboard, etc with alcohol for the next person? I keep my own alcohol and clean the desk as soon as I sit down.

11-28-2005, 10:58 PM
ok heres one: so i'm standing in my kitchen (windows that face the street) and i see this lady walking down the street on the other side drinking a cup of coffee. and theres kind of a cement wall next to the side walk (the nieghbors house is kind of raised up) and she stops and starts staring at the neighbors house and i'm like 'hah... she's stalking the nieghbors' and then she sets down the cup fo coffee and starts walking off. so i open the door and i'm like hey! wanna pick up your cup? and she's like 'ooooh its not mine' and i'm like "uhhh i just saw you drinking out of it" and then she just kinda looks at me and says "yeah, i just drank the Sh*t out of it" and then walks off like she just sooo cool. and she was a grown woman, not a teenager, not even close. :rolleyes:

just me
11-29-2005, 07:13 PM
I just hate mean people .....

11-30-2005, 12:07 PM
I just hate mean people .....
Ditto! :mad:

My other major pet peeve is advertising. I find that it's getting out of control.
These days you can find it EVERYWHERE, :mad: on the bus, on the subway and in bus/subway stations, on billboards, as pop-ups on the computer, etc, etc...

It's found even in public bathroom stalls and it will be coming soon to cellphones!

Give us a break! The more a product or service is pushed at me the less I'm interested in it!!!

11-30-2005, 12:22 PM
Here's another one...

When people walk down the middle of a parking lot row....
and keep looking over their shoulders to see if you are gonna hit them...


just me
11-30-2005, 02:14 PM
You are so right Richard.
Another one is not moving grocery carts from the middle of the isle, making you wait till their done looking. And if you say excuse me, some act all p-o'd
at you like, how dare you, like its a big bother to move to let people thru.
That makes me sooo angry inside, I could just bust. :mad:
Back to my original statement, I just hate mean people :mad:

11-30-2005, 08:49 PM
Or along the grocery store peeve, the people who see you looking from one side of the aisle and stand directly infront of you as if you were to look through them. Hello! I'm standing here out of your way so you can pass freely and this is how you repay me. :mad:

Or, if I am in your way, please say excuse you. I'll move, I promise. I once had a lady stand behind me and just clear her throat over and over. I purposfully didn't move because I was waiting for her to say "excuse me." I ended up asking her if she needed some water. :o

smokey the elder
12-01-2005, 08:46 AM
What is with people not dimming their high beams!! Lately people will have their high beams on in traffic, even in the daytime. It's especially bad when it rains. I guess they slept through that part of driver ed.

Lady's Human
12-01-2005, 09:31 AM
I'm with you on that one, Smokey, however on GM vehicles with DRL (Daytime running lights) the system uses the high beam at 60% power for the lights. It's not neccesarily the person behind the wheel's fault, in some cases talk to the engineers at GM.

On the subject of high beams, I drive a truck. It's tall. The lights on it are bright, but I RARELY use the high beams. The fog lights are much better for seeing the fringes of the road, and are excellent for seeing deer on the side of the road. If you think I have my high beams on and insist on flashing yours at me to get me to turn off the high beams (They're not on, again, tall truck+aim+bright headlights=you THINK I have my high beams on) I may oblige you by turning my high beams on just to prove to you that they're not on in the first place.

12-01-2005, 10:16 AM
I hate it when tall vehicles pull up behind my little truck and it's like the sun is glaring in my rear-view mirror. It's dangerous.

12-01-2005, 11:54 AM
Elevator ettiquitte.

1. If I'm standing and waiting for an elevator, you stoll up, magicallly, the doors open as you arrive, why do you think you should be the first one on? I've been standing here waiting. If it wasn't for me, it wouldn't be here.

2. If I'm waiting for the elevator, the button is already pushed, I don't need you to push it again. I'm fairly confident that I pushed the button correctly. Do you think that because you came and pushed the button again, the elevator thinks, "hmm, someone else is waiting now, I better hurry up." :rolleyes:

3. The elevator knows what to do. It doesn't need you to push the "close doors" button after every stop. Engineers have already programmed it so you don't have to worry about it.

4. If it's just you and me in an elevator, you don't need to stand right on top of me. Nor do I need you to inspect my bag or any other items that I'm carrying.

5. If you come in the elevator, and hit the highest floor, please don't block the door and get attitude when people on lower floors ask you to move.

I better stop, I'm getting worked up. :o

smokey the elder
12-01-2005, 11:58 AM
When there are two lights on either side of the center of the car and both sets are on, as far as I'm concerned that's having your high beams on. I think after driving for 20 years I can tell. ;)

12-01-2005, 12:15 PM
Elevator ettiquitte.

1. If I'm standing and waiting for an elevator, you stoll up, magicallly, the doors open as you arrive, why do you think you should be the first one on? I've been standing here waiting. If it wasn't for me, it wouldn't be here.

2. If I'm waiting for the elevator, the button is already pushed, I don't need you to push it again. I'm fairly confident that I pushed the button correctly. Do you think that because you came and pushed the button again, the elevator thinks, "hmm, someone else is waiting now, I better hurry up." :rolleyes:

3. The elevator knows what to do. It doesn't need you to push the "close doors" button after every stop. Engineers have already programmed it so you don't have to worry about it.

4. If it's just you and me in an elevator, you don't need to stand right on top of me. Nor do I need you to inspect my bag or any other items that I'm carrying.

5. If you come in the elevator, and hit the highest floor, please don't block the door and get attitude when people on lower floors ask you to move.

I better stop, I'm getting worked up. :o

Let me help you?

6) Try to keep your tongue in your mouth when standing next to your partner.

12-07-2005, 11:50 AM

This morning I am putting a case into the computer and there are two things wrong with a word.....

Chron'z disease.

The word is spelled wrong and the "Z" at the end.... :eek:


Health care professional don't need to know how to spell...just cure!

Mispelling (I do it all the time when type stuff on PT) grammar (I do it all the time when type stuff on PT), But to put a 'z' at the end of a word like that is really STUPID..

It's a disease! Not some rapper/hiphop name.....those guys can't spell, talk or sing anyway...

If you are going to work and you need to write CHECK your spelling, grammar.
Some old, stupid guy like me is not going to respect you and your new

Hip Hop/Rap Medical Dictionary!!

I can hardly wait...

"For shizzle! Does tonzilz gots to be eli-mon-nated from yous trap!"

"Are you really a doctor, Dre?"

12-07-2005, 11:56 AM
How about those idiots that have one headlight out, so rather than get it fixed, they just drive with their high beams on. Ok, blind me because your too cheap/lazy to fix your car. :mad:

12-07-2005, 01:22 PM
Oh I have so many. This time of year, the rudeness of people really gets to me. I also can't stand the fact that God and Jesus are being taken out of Christmas - Christmas is Christmas not the 'Sparkle Season!' We are celebrating the birth of Christ, if you don't like it, make up your own holiday!

12-07-2005, 01:25 PM
"For shizzle! Does tonzilz gots to be eli-mon-nated from yous trap!"

"Are you really a doctor, Dre?"


12-07-2005, 05:28 PM
Elevator ettiquitte.

1. If I'm standing and waiting for an elevator, you stoll up, magicallly, the doors open as you arrive, why do you think you should be the first one on? I've been standing here waiting. If it wasn't for me, it wouldn't be here.

2. If I'm waiting for the elevator, the button is already pushed, I don't need you to push it again. I'm fairly confident that I pushed the button correctly. Do you think that because you came and pushed the button again, the elevator thinks, "hmm, someone else is waiting now, I better hurry up." :rolleyes:

3. The elevator knows what to do. It doesn't need you to push the "close doors" button after every stop. Engineers have already programmed it so you don't have to worry about it.

4. If it's just you and me in an elevator, you don't need to stand right on top of me. Nor do I need you to inspect my bag or any other items that I'm carrying.

5. If you come in the elevator, and hit the highest floor, please don't block the door and get attitude when people on lower floors ask you to move.

I better stop, I'm getting worked up. :o

Ooo ooo...I got one. When your on the 1st floor going to like, the 7th floor, and someone gets in and presses the 2nd floor...and the staircase is RIGHT next to the elevator...WALK YOUR FAT LAZY A&$ UP THOSE 10 DA** STAIRS INSTEAD OF MAKING ME WAIT WHILE YOU TRY AND GET YOUR FAT LAZY A&$ OUT OF THE DOOR. :p

12-07-2005, 05:51 PM
Oh I have so many. This time of year, the rudeness of people really gets to me. I also can't stand the fact that God and Jesus are being taken out of Christmas - Christmas is Christmas not the 'Sparkle Season!' We are celebrating the birth of Christ, if you don't like it, make up your own holiday!

I heard someone sing a song the other day and instead of the Feliz Navidad, they sang,

Fleas on my dog!

So I think I can get away with that until someone pays attention!!

Lady's Human
12-07-2005, 06:04 PM
In regards to the elevator, there are some people who have a VERY difficult time with stairs, and you wouldn't know it to look at them. Maybe the person NEEDS the elevator. Is it THAT inconvenient to have to wait for one stop?

12-08-2005, 07:17 AM
Oh Richard you crack me up :D

12-08-2005, 09:12 AM
God and Jesus are being taken out of Christmas
Jen, I agree with you and some might get down my throat about this but I just hate to see the word "Xmas". It's Christmas, folks.

12-08-2005, 09:27 AM
Jen, I agree with you and some might get down my throat about this but I just hate to see the word "Xmas". It's Christmas, folks.

Yes me too! Thanks for bringing that up :)

12-09-2005, 10:31 PM
In regards to the elevator, there are some people who have a VERY difficult time with stairs, and you wouldn't know it to look at them. Maybe the person NEEDS the elevator. Is it THAT inconvenient to have to wait for one stop?

In my case, it was at a college dorm. There was nothing wrong with these people. They have nothing in their hands, and I'm perhaps trying to get a class or get to work. The elevator is pretty slow anyway, and then it's about 10 steps up to get to the next floor. I don't see why they couldn't just walk up the darn stairs.

Lady's Human
12-10-2005, 03:10 PM
In a college dorm I'll grant you your peeve. It's just that I've run into people complaining about that in situations where there was a reason for it, especially in hotels.

My peeve of the week? To all cashiers in stores.....I'm in the store you work for to purchase items and check out in a timely manner. I don't need to wait in line while you gossip with the other three cashiers about the latest events in the soap operas, and I'm sure the other 15 people in line at the three registers didn't need it either.

12-10-2005, 04:54 PM
My pet peeve today is this:


It is EVERYWHERE. So is this a FIRST? This hasn't happened before?
Why can't they just announce the his marriage and say that they are also expecting a child?

AND SHE IS A BARTENDER? Oh Lord, NO!! Isn't that just awful? (I am joking here). If she was a computer tech they would probably never even mention her career.

I can't stand the media!

12-11-2005, 10:30 PM
-Cell phone users DRIVING-- doesn't bother me if they are driving safely.

-People on cell phones as they come through my line at the grocery store and don't ask the person on the other end if they can call back-- and talk the whole time, I'm sorry. If you can't respect me enough to talk to that person later, ugh. You won't get my respect either. No, I won't put your bread on the bottom, you just won't get a choice of paper or plastic. :)


-People who spit. Spitting makes me want to vomit. Some kid spit a loogie (sp?) on the WALL at school. Hello, trash cans and bathrooms ten feet away. *gag*

I could go on foreverrrr...

finn's mom
12-11-2005, 11:37 PM

Yeah, same here. All litter, including when people throw cigarette butts out of their car windows or really anywhere outdoors for that matter.

12-12-2005, 11:31 AM
Speaking of smokers...

Why must you smoke in the doorway of a public building? Do you REALLY think I want to smell your exhaust as I'm entering/exiting a building?

At my work, people do this all of the time. Then the foyer reeks of smoke. YUCK!!! I don't want to smell it and neither does my unborn child.

12-12-2005, 02:48 PM

I was going to post this. On my way to a Christmas party the other day there was trash just piling up on the sides of the road.

It's disgusting,

12-12-2005, 06:46 PM
Guys who buy the motorcycle jackets that have the brand name of the bike on the back, in huge letters.

People who race to merge onto the freeway, then slow down, while you slow down to let them in. :mad:

People who HAVE to read the email that you are typing! :mad: :mad:

12-12-2005, 07:13 PM
People who don't belive in Christmas, and try to ruin it for everyone else.
The secretary of our department sent out an email to all of us suggesting we each chip in $5 to get our manager and supervisor a gift certificate to go out to dinner...not $5 for each of them, but a mere $5 to be split between them (giving them each a $30 gift certificate). One woman in our department does not belive in Christmas (but has no problem with her husband booking gigs as Santa Claus to make a few extra dollars around the holidays), so she feels it is ridiculous for us to chip in and get gift for either of them. How about forgetting it is a holiday, and just doing alittle something to show we apprecaite the hard work they put in all year long?

12-14-2005, 12:01 PM
Holding an elevator door for someone and watching someone else bull their way past you both.

Watching someone in an SUV trying to make a right lane change, with that person cradling a cell phone on their left shoulder, while trying to look over same shoulder.....

Who knew the human body could contort into a position like that?


Making treats for the people in the office...
They go to eat the treats in the break room and someone sees them eating YOUR creation.....

FIVE MINUTES LATER you have people in your face, saying something like,

"I see you brought ------- for Sally, why didn't you bring ME something?"
"You made ----------, where are mine?"
"Do you like Sally better than me, I see you brought her ---------- this morning!"

12-14-2005, 03:27 PM
Speaking of smokers...

Why must you smoke in the doorway of a public building? Do you REALLY think I want to smell your exhaust as I'm entering/exiting a building?

At my work, people do this all of the time. Then the foyer reeks of smoke. YUCK!!! I don't want to smell it and neither does my unborn child.

then you'll love the new washignton law that was just put in effect: no smoking within 25 feet of any public building. hahaha i think its great :D

12-15-2005, 11:18 AM
Another peeve..negative people. I work with some very negative people, and I get so sick of it. I try so hard not to get upset, but being around such negativity gets me down.

12-15-2005, 06:54 PM
I just realized another pet peeve of mine today. When you're at a four-way stop, and someone else pulls up, but they don't pull all the way up to the line, they think that just because they're stopped (even though they're 20 feet away behind white line) that it's their turn to go. I almost got in a car accident with someone that did that.

The other pet peeve of mine is bikers. I realize you guys are part of traffic too, but when it's rush hour, on a busy but single laned street, and you are biking your way down the street in the biker lane that is 2 feet wide, when there is a sidewalk RIGHT next to you, you are causing problems. I realize that it can be unstable on a bike, but please don't go out at rush hour and cause traffic backups. :rolleyes:

12-20-2005, 05:34 PM
freaking VULTURES!

This is the time of the year where there is food everywhere.

I refuse to eat at any of the celebrations...I will donate money but I will not eat.

It has nothing to do with germs or stuff like that-it drives me insane that people lose all their manners - what few have any and the ones who do have few.

A large surgical equipment company went to a fast food chicken place and bought enough food to feel 100 people....The fast food place thinks that two pieces of chicken, slaw, beans and a scoop of taters will feed one person.

I think about 65 people eat...

It really repulses me to see people stack a plate with food......7 pieces of chicken, a plate of slaw, a plate of taters and a plate of beans. When asked about it they say that they are putting food away for --------, who is down stairs and working on a case.....they disappear into the locker room with their food and later on -------- shows up and serves themselves a plate of food....

The 'hoarders' leave the building later on with plastic bags filled with paper plates of food.


The cardiac department has a yearly Valentine's party (hearts/cardiac...get it?) Last year two Cardiac nurses were put in charge.

The CD bought two sheet cakes. The nurses put one cake aside or should I say "hid the cake", it was later seen going home with them.


The last story concerns a woman who I used to work with.

She worked as a subpoena clerk....For Christmas, the companies would send huge boxes of chocolates for all the clerks....those went home with her....

But she did participate in the Pot Luck Buffets we had....People would cook exquisite dishes......Swedish Meatballs, enchiladas, lasagnas- I suspect that these gals didn't cook anything that good for THEIR families...

This subpoena gal would go across the street and buy two quarts of steamed WHITE RICE....and would make it a point to stand next to that rice so she was guaranteed to take one home.....

god, :rolleyes: I love the holidays!!

12-20-2005, 06:37 PM
Pedestrians who don't look before crossing the street - I almost hit one last night! It was dark on a crowded San Francisco street, a very ill-lit intersection, traffic was insane and this woman pushing a baby stroller :eek: dashes into the intersection! What WAS she thinking? That the cars would magically stop? I was so grateful that I did not hit her, but that was just pure luck! Do they think they're indestructible?

12-20-2005, 06:56 PM
Oh Redd...


I was going around the corner in the parking structure and two gentleman were strolling down the center of the aisle....

I wasn't driving crazy or speeding, but when they saw the truck, one jumped about 20 feet in to the air and ran to the side....he then came back, grabbed the other guy and nearly pulled him down.......by that time I came to a stop and was laughing SO hard that i cried.....it was like bad SlapStick Theater....

12-20-2005, 07:13 PM
Yeah, same here. All litter, including when people throw cigarette butts out of their car windows or really anywhere outdoors for that matter.

Oh gosh, yes. This is a HUGE peeve for me too. Just because you want to pollute your own body, it's rude to throw cigarettes out the window, on the ground, etc. Use an ashtray or trashcan people! The world/earth is not a trashcan! Any kind of litterer irrates me to no end. I can't believe how inconsiderate people can be. :mad:

On my commute home during the summer (incidentally, fire season), I witnessed this very rude person throw their cigarette out the window...and lo and behold...it started a roadside fire. Nice, huh? Unfortunately, I couldn't get the license plate number, and even if I did...I don't know if you can report stuff like that...


12-28-2005, 07:03 PM
Did we cover RIDING while on a cell phone??? ;)

01-03-2006, 04:02 PM
I'm not sure if i've posted this or anyone else has but, LOUD PEOPLE.

There's a guy that lives atleast 5-6 houses down the road and I can hear every word he says, everytime he's out there. It's quite annoying. Especially getting on my nerves right now because i'm trying to rest with a horrible cold and can't because of him!

01-04-2006, 01:00 AM
Jen, I agree with you and some might get down my throat about this but I just hate to see the word "Xmas". It's Christmas, folks.

And I hate the fact that nobody seems to care that it was a pagan holiday to begin with.

01-04-2006, 08:41 AM
And I hate the fact that nobody seems to care that it was a pagan holiday to begin with.

Well, technically it wasn't actually a pagan holiday - Christmas was 'scheduled' at that time of year to overshadow the pagan holiday. They are actually two seperate holidays. No one knows when Jesus was actually born, but it is actually thought that He was born around springtime.

01-04-2006, 11:34 AM
I'm not sure if i've posted this or anyone else has but, LOUD PEOPLE.
That's one of my peeves too. My "cell mate" at work is so loud I have to use ear plugs so I can think and do my job. She has NO idea she's such a pain, even though I've politely asked her to keep it down on numerous occasions - she just doesn't get it. And then she uses this electric stapler that's like a shotgun. Every time she uses it, I jump out of my seat it's so loud. I've even complained to management, but they back her up because "she's just doing her job." :rolleyes: She's one of those suck-up people with no backbone, who never says no to any request and lets the attorneys walk all over her and then wonders why she's so overwhelmed with work. Management loves it that they can abuse her.

01-04-2006, 01:54 PM
And then she uses this electric stapler that's like a shotgun. Every time she uses it, I jump out of my seat it's so loud.

Unplug it to the point where it looks like it's plugged in or jam the sucker up.

take the strip of staples and break them up and reinsert them into the machine..

GUARANTEED JAMS......she'll spend more time fixing it than stapling!

01-05-2006, 03:13 PM
Here's another one!!!!!


Heat oven to 450 degrees, place into a greased oven.

smokey the elder
01-05-2006, 03:25 PM
Grr. When people say they're out of the office until a certain day; you call that day and they're still out and haven't updated. They leave another extension, and no one is there. That second extension leaves a THIRD extension, and no one is there!!!

01-05-2006, 04:10 PM
Grr. When people say they're out of the office until a certain day; you call that day and they're still out and haven't updated. They leave another extension, and no one is there. That second extension leaves a THIRD extension, and no one is there!!!

What do I do??

I call, when they leave their voice mail unblocked, on an outside line and put the call on hold, that way they get the crappy hold music but can't trace the call back to me.... ;)

01-05-2006, 08:11 PM
The peeves that have been peeving me lately:

Food service employees who handle your drink glass by the rim. EWW!

Cashiers that lick their fingers before handling your bills or your plastic sack. :eek:

Coworkers who take a chomp of a veggie and then stick it back in the dip. Or crunch that tostito and stick it back in the salsa. Or the one guy who picks up every bagel in the basket to examine it closely before choosing :rolleyes:

01-05-2006, 10:13 PM
Grr. When people say they're out of the office until a certain day; you call that day and they're still out and haven't updated. They leave another extension, and no one is there. That second extension leaves a THIRD extension, and no one is there!!!

Along the same lines...when you try to call or email a client, and they are out for a vacation, but have not left a message to that effect on either voice mail or a bounce back email with an alternate contact.

The most interesting one I had, I had been trying for a week to contact a client with results to their testing. The test article had not met requirements and I could not relase results without speaking to the client about a failure investigation. I called the main line, hoping an operator could at least confirm the person was out of the office, only to be told that information was confidental and that they were a " big boy" who would answer the voice mail when they had a chance! Two weeks later, when the client finally did call back, they wanted to send more sample and were upset when I said it would be 4 weeks for results...they wanted them in two weeks!! Why should I rush, when they blew me off for two weeks?

smokey the elder
01-06-2006, 10:51 AM
I hear that about your lab tests! I get the same thing all the time in the pilot plant. They run two shifts, but we're so shorthanded in analytical that we have to do doubles some times. One of my coworkers got sick after doing a double. Yeah, that's great for production. :(

01-06-2006, 11:21 AM
The most interesting one I had, I had been trying for a week to contact a client with results to their testing. The test article had not met requirements and I could not relase results without speaking to the client about a failure investigation. I called the main line, hoping an operator could at least confirm the person was out of the office, only to be told that information was confidental and that they were a " big boy" who would answer the voice mail when they had a chance! Two weeks later, when the client finally did call back, they wanted to send more sample and were upset when I said it would be 4 weeks for results...they wanted them in two weeks!! Why should I rush, when they blew me off for two weeks?

I have a lot of the same type of problems - I work in a lab that analyzes mold & bacteria - people don't seem to understand that some things cannot be rushed! They get so upset when I tell them that it takes 1-2 weeks for certain tests, and then they call every day to see when their results will be done. Grr, if you'd stop calling, we might actually be able to work in them!

01-06-2006, 12:06 PM
They get so upset when I tell them that it takes 1-2 weeks for certain tests, and then they call every day to see when their results will be done. Grr, if you'd stop calling, we might actually be able to work in them!

Come on!!!

Be creative!!!

When they call tell them that you are going to look up the resuilts.

Then put the caller on hold, check your watch and give them 1 minute, pick up the phone after one minute and explain to them that the results are not in, yet.

You can turn this into a game....

Increase the time by one minute every day they call. Keep score.
10 points for the initial call
10 points for each minute you keep them on the line.
50 points if you get them to hang up and call back.


Work on your acting skills....

pick up the phone and make like you have run a 100 yard dash. Apologize profusely and let them know you had an emergency-
Again, be creative!

I spilled my hot coffee on my lap.
The printer just caught fire.
I stapled my thumb!!!


Rude caller????

Move the phone away from your ear,

Say something like Oops or OW!!!!

Drop the handset onto the floor....
(tile floors are the best for this...) then pick up the handset off the floor and using your acting skills again, say something like, "I am really sorry, I just dropped you on the floor!!!"

Just remember to stay professional and keep apologizing....

That you can turn into a game too!!!

See how many, "I am SOOOOO sorries" can go into the conversation in one minute.

People will think that you are a buffoon, but remember who is playing who!!!! ;)

Lady's Human
01-06-2006, 12:27 PM
While we're on the subject of work.........

My personel pet peeve at the PO is management. Not all of it, but most of it. Here are a couple examples that explain why:

1) While working on a (management induced) computer communications problem on a machine, I first had one manager looking over my shoulder. His boss came over, and after about 1/2 hour they started to ask me when the machine was going to be fixed. Then the plant manager came over and started asking me the same set of questions that my immediate supervisor had asked me. Then they got offended when I said " I don't know when it's going to be back up, but the sooner you leave the more time I'll have to work on it."

2) When 5 people out of a 25 person department ask for the same tool to be purchased for the shop, the proper response should be "I'll see if we have the money in the budget for it" or "Okay, I'll go talk to the plant manager about it." Instead, the postal response is "Have you guys all been talking about this together? I told employee x last week we don't need one, now all of you are trying to get the same thing. Sorry, it ain't working!"

01-06-2006, 12:38 PM
My personal peeve has to do with ordering from catalogs.

I ordered a tent for my little niece. It looked really cute - a lady bug!

I had it shipped to Boston for Christmas. When I got there and opened the package - it wasn't a tent at all - it was a wooden horse stable.

After Christmas I called the company and complained. You would have thought that I was just a trouble maker - "don't you like the horse stable"
"you want to return it?"

I have talked to this company so many times - I am sick of them. And of course, their accounting department works just fine - the charge is on my credit card.

This is the second time I have encountered this problem. I ordered something for the house - extensions for down spouts. I received two sets of vegetable bags? I thought I was crazy - but this company apologized - told me to keep the vegetable bags and they sent me the correct items right away.

Someone told me that this is their way of getting my money into their account...........and then messing with the order if the item is out of stock.

01-06-2006, 12:40 PM
Come on!!!

Be creative!!!

When they call tell them that you are going to look up the resuilts.

Then put the caller on hold, check your watch and give them 1 minute, pick up the phone after one minute and explain to them that the results are not in, yet.

You can turn this into a game....

Increase the time by one minute every day they call. Keep score.
10 points for the initial call
10 points for each minute you keep them on the line.
50 points if you get them to hang up and call back.


Work on your acting skills....

pick up the phone and make like you have run a 100 yard dash. Apologize profusely and let them know you had an emergency-
Again, be creative!

I spilled my hot coffee on my lap.
The printer just caught fire.
I stapled my thumb!!!


Rude caller????

Move the phone away from your ear,

Say something like Oops or OW!!!!

Drop the handset onto the floor....
(tile floors are the best for this...) then pick up the handset off the floor and using your acting skills again, say something like, "I am really sorry, I just dropped you on the floor!!!"

Just remember to stay professional and keep apologizing....

That you can turn into a game too!!!

See how many, "I am SOOOOO sorries" can go into the conversation in one minute.

People will think that you are a buffoon, but remember who is playing who!!!! ;)

LOL some great ideas there Richard! I'll keep you up to date on my scores ;)

01-06-2006, 02:50 PM
While we're on the subject of work.........

2) When 5 people out of a 25 person department ask for the same tool to be purchased for the shop, the proper response should be "I'll see if we have the money in the budget for it" or "Okay, I'll go talk to the plant manager about it." Instead, the postal response is "Have you guys all been talking about this together? I told employee x last week we don't need one, now all of you are trying to get the same thing. Sorry, it ain't working!"

Along the same lines...

My sys admin orders a 200 dollar chair and all new desk items. Calendars, pen holders....She gets a three hundred dollar hands free wireless head set!
Because she is "always on the move"....She is never 3 feet away from the phone! She asks for a 500 dollar flash drive for the computer and then tells her boss that "she needs it by thursday, otherwise the reports won't get done...."

When she took away my internet I told her I needed it to reference surgery codes and terms.....she told me that she would order me any books I needed..

I told her that in the code books/med dictionary terms were obsolete by the time I got them.....she was going to spend about 600 dollars on books that I probably would use once or twice..

My point?

If that same dimwit needed a tool/part or piece of equipment.. they would order three. One for their desk, one to lend out (BUT BRING IT BACK, It' belongs to the department!!) and one for a backup...Cost be damned....

But try to get a five dollar widget that everyone needs?

Good luck!


I just threw away my old desk blotter calendar that I got from the trash at a side job I did......

I felt guilty ordering a new one from the office supply book.....until this year...

and finally....

A company we purchase heart valves from increased the price from 5,800 dollars to 8,000 because our contract with them expired...when the clerk was explaining to the nurse, who orders them, about the price increase, she starts to complain about the cost and how crazy that is to pay 2,200 dollars for the life saving devices........

I said, out loud, Maybe we should take a pay cut so we can affiord these valces.....she starts to complain that she's "NOT GOING TO TAKE A PAY CUT!"

So I mention that it is "FOR THE PATIENTS".......

She didn't have much to say after that....

Amazing how people will take advantage of the budget when it helps them-but ask them to loosen up the purse strings for the common good?

GOOD LUCK! :rolleyes:

01-11-2006, 03:01 PM

Yesterday some blasting caps were found in the sea near a bunch of upscale homes near Huntington Beach, California....

The people living in the area were not asked to evacuate but did comment that, "nothing like this has ever happened, in this area, before."

It's the same with murders, car accidents and other stuff like that..

Are most of the people on the planet this friggin ignorant?

I could see the reverse happening in Iraq...

Today, no one was killed in a car/suicide bombing. Interviewing the citizens of Baghdad said, "nothing like this has ever happened, in this area, before." :confused:

01-14-2006, 10:47 AM
I just hate it when I'm browsing in a shop and a pushy salesperson says "Can I help you?" I say "no I'm just looking." Next isle and another salesperson. When I was shopping at Christmas I had 4 salespeople in the same store ask me that same question.....I then just walked out of the store, never to return again. :mad:

Oh yes, and one other thing. Pushy car salesmen who think I don't know what I'm talking about.

01-14-2006, 11:03 AM
I am with you on this one Slick. I also hate it when the salespeople start showing you things that you have no interest in - and it just wastes your time as you try so hard to be polite - and say NO THANK YOU! At that point, I beat it out of the store.

01-28-2006, 11:02 AM
Half a world away a political stories are being written (Iran, Hamas, Israel, Sharon having a stroke) and the top news is Oprah whining that she was duped into promoting a book that was a pack of lies.

Yep, the moron got duped and now she has to put the Oprah machine into reverse becase she is the cornerstone of truth, justice and the American way...and because she can make, or break, an author she has to make things right!!

So, instead of putting it behind her (far easier when she was a woman of size) she now has to clear her good name and spend an hour yelling at this guy on her show....and it all makes headline news?

She should take a look at her magazine first..

A little trivia?

Which celebrity has appeared more times on the cover of Oprah magazine?

Having never opened that package of tripe, I can only imagine what stories reside within...

Lose 800 tons on the Oprah fig diet?
Manage your life with Oprah's 10 second daily planner?
Release your inner talk show host with Oprah's tips?

100% pure, unadulterated truth!

01-28-2006, 11:38 AM
Richard - you read "O".........who woulda thunk it!!

Of course, after the beating up this guy took on her show - now he will sell more books than ever imagined. He will retire somewhere quietly a very wealthy man.

01-28-2006, 12:10 PM
Richard - you read "O".........who woulda thunk it!!

The Story of "O", yes!
Oprah, NO!!!!!


Here's a GREAT peeve...

Ken Starr, the prosecutor that went after Bill Clinton has asked Ahr-nold
to pardon a moron who is on death row......


Because he apologized for the murders.

"I am sorry...."

Those three little words that make everything all right. :mad:

So, if BC had apologized, Starr would have backed off? :rolleyes:

01-28-2006, 12:22 PM
Richard, I just can't leave this alone..........

YOU - the champion of saying something outrageous followed immediately by "I'm sorry"!!!!

01-28-2006, 12:39 PM
Ben Franklin was an idiot.

He figured out electricity which has allowed us to....

Miss your page.
Get computer viruses.
Panic in blackouts.
Have to listen to alarm clocks.
and get shocked at every turn with static electricity!

02-09-2006, 01:37 PM
Imust have grown up peeved!!

This has happened twice in the last few days....

I am standing in like to get a bite to eat. The person ahead of me says..

"Let me get a....."

NO please, or Could I have a....

It's "Let me get a...."

No manners! :mad:

02-10-2006, 07:57 AM
Imust have grown up peeved!!

This has happened twice in the last few days....

I am standing in like to get a bite to eat. The person ahead of me says..

"Let me get a....."

NO please, or Could I have a....

It's "Let me get a...."

No manners! :mad:

That irratates me too, I always say can I please have a... or something along those lines. People simply don't have manners anymore...

02-10-2006, 09:01 AM
I think I would be tempted to say...........

What's the MAGIC word?????? :eek: :D

Edwina's Secretary
02-10-2006, 10:50 AM
Ben Franklin was an idiot.

He figured out electricity which has allowed us to....

Miss your page.
Get computer viruses.
Panic in blackouts.
Have to listen to alarm clocks.
and get shocked at every turn with static electricity!

Judging by what Attorney General Gonzalez told the senate the other day.....Washington and Lincoln used electronic eavesdropping during wartime....electricity must have been around before old Ben discovered it! :rolleyes:

Normally I don't mention peeve, but.....my husband has the habit of responding ...."what do you mean _________." Example. When I was sitting up at 4:30 in the morning reading a book I answered his question as to why. He responded..."what do you mean you can't sleep?"

How do I answer that??????? How many different things can "not sleep" mean????

02-10-2006, 12:06 PM
ES- Don does that? How funny. I would think it is his reflexive comment, used to buy a few moments, when necessary, and now a habit.

My peeve? I listen to AM radio pretty exclusively- except when I throw a musical nonsensical CD in for the wee one. So, I hear phone call after phone call on the early morning callins. My peeve? You call a talk radio show, proportedly to make a comment- and spend the next 60 seconds umming and ahhing, without a single, coherent, logically flowing sentence? Shoot, forget the sentence! I will go with even 4 words strung together that represent a point!


02-10-2006, 12:49 PM
I think I would be tempted to say...........

What's the MAGIC word?????? :eek: :D

Jimmy Geton???

As we were growing up the "idiot line" was "let me get on a -------"
a variant of the "let me have a ------".

It sounded like people we asking for Jimmy Geton......and a star was born! :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

02-10-2006, 02:20 PM
Richard, as someone on the other side of the counter, that's a pet peeve of mine too! No thank yous peeve me, too.

Edwina's Secretary
02-10-2006, 02:25 PM
As long as I am being peeved (perhaps from not sleeping....whatever that means....) and we are talking retail....

"No problem" does NOT equal "thank you." I get very irritated when I gvie a service person my money....I say "thank you" to get the response..."no problem." D$%# straight it is not problem....it is your JOB! I want to say...."I'm sooooo glad it is not a problem for you to take my hard earned money!" Well...there are some other things I want to say....

02-10-2006, 02:41 PM
Well...there are some other things I want to say....

No Problem.

That's why the thread is here!

02-10-2006, 05:46 PM
We are trained at my work to say "My Pleasure."
It's almost natural for me to say it now, even to people when I'm out and I hold a door for them or something. :p

A usual response at work, for me, is "It's my pleasure, you all/you/have a great day!"

Of course, we are CONSTANTLY getting compliments for our service and customers are constantly telling us how bright we make their day. There are a few a$$es that have actually complained that we were too cheery, seriously. Well, I'm sorry you've got your head up your a$$!! I just put that up there with the same idiot that complained that we were closed on Sundays, and said that there was something we should really do about that, it is a complete inconvience to our customers. :rolleyes:

02-10-2006, 06:04 PM
I say "thank you" to get the response..."no problem."
Yikes!! I'd better watch out when I see you in a couple of weeks. I have to admit that I say this quite often. :o

Kay...perky??? My pet peeve is over-the-top perky people first thing in the morning.

I have no gripes this week. All is well in the garden, Chauncey. :)

Edwina's Secretary
02-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Yikes!! I'd better watch out when I see you in a couple of weeks. I have to admit that I say this quite often. :o

Not to worry Slick! My peeve is with people to whom I am giving my hard earned money....from which their wages derive. I doubt an event of that nature will arise during your visit! :eek: :eek: :D :D

02-10-2006, 08:25 PM
Yikes!! I'd better watch out when I see you in a couple of weeks. I have to admit that I say this quite often. :o

We couldbe in real trouble, Slick!! I say that a lot too!! And I know I say it to my client's. I'll have to be more careful to say "You're welcome" instead!

In my defense, I am not taking their money...merely trying to get their company's!!!

02-10-2006, 09:16 PM
Jen, I agree with you and some might get down my throat about this but I just hate to see the word "Xmas". It's Christmas, folks.

Late in reading this thread/posting this but actually, Xmas isn't meant to be an offensive term.

"This usage is nearly as old as Christianity itself, and its origins lie in the fact that the first letter in the Greek word for 'Christ' is 'chi,' and the Greek letter 'chi' is represented by a symbol similar to the letter 'X' in the modern Roman alphabet. Hence 'Xmas' is indeed perfectly legitimate abbreviation for the word 'Christmas' (just as 'Xian' is also sometimes used as an abbreviation of the word 'Christian')."

I had heard this before at Church but had to look it up to explain it (Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/xmasabbr.asp)).


:o Add me to the list of "No problem-ers." And I "take" money, too. (Technically, it just goes into their accout - much like a bank deposit - I don't sell anything.) I'll be more aware of this now.


I LOATHE the "get her done" or "git 'er done" or whatever that saying is! *shudder*


When I'm sick, we have "substitutes" that come in. These guys are suppose to know everything that I know about the industry, workings of the company, etc. (Not hard at all considering they are trained the same way as the full-timers, etc.) My boss's wife is the substitute for our office.

Recently, I was out for a week for my grandmother's funeral (which I ended up being too sick to go to - another story entirely). I came back to find not a d@mn thing done - the mail wasn't opened, no faxes were faxed, etc - the reason? She was in the hospital.

Ok. Well, I can certainly understand why she didn't do anything. But my boss was running his biz in the mornings and spending the afternoons at the hospital. Why didn't he do the faxing? HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WORK THE FAX MACHINE! (He's only had a fax machine for 17 yrs.)

I assume he didn't know how to use a letter opener as well...

Edited to add:
I hope this post didn't come across as cold-hearted.

I can understand him being concerned about his wife being hospitalized and thus, perhaps his response was just a cop out. But if he wasn't in the right frame of mind to even fax documents, maybe he shouldn't have been in the office at all.

On the other hand, I've never seen him fax anything so it is quite possible that he doesn't know how.

There are some simple office procedures that people just need to learn.

02-10-2006, 09:57 PM
Late in reading this thread/posting this but actually, Xmas isn't meant to be an offensive term.
"This usage is nearly as old as Christianity itself, and its origins lie in the fact that the first letter in the Greek word for 'Christ' is 'chi,' and the Greek letter 'chi' is represented by a symbol similar to the letter 'X' in the modern Roman alphabet. Hence 'Xmas' is indeed perfectly legitimate abbreviation for the word 'Christmas' (just as 'Xian' is also sometimes used as an abbreviation of the word 'Christian')."
I had heard this before at Church but had to look it up to explain it (Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christmas/xmasabbr.asp)).
Smarty pants!!!! :p :D ;)
I still prefer Christmas for person/religious reasons. Also, to me it just seems lazy to write Xmas instead of Christmas. Just like r instead of are, u instead of you, b4 instead of before....I hate those too.

Gee, I didn't think I had anything to complain about this week. :rolleyes:

02-10-2006, 10:09 PM
LOL Is anyone watching 20/20? "Myths, Lies, and Nasty Behaviors" is the title and they're doing the top 10.

So far we've covered littering and cell phones... lol

02-10-2006, 11:32 PM
When people who pretend to be really nice but are truly really mean ...theres some people like that on here.:rolleyes: But I guess theres a few bad ones in the bunch with all good things...
Oh and before I get attacked this isnt ment for a certain someone it's ment kind of in general I just said theres a couple people on here that are like that...

02-11-2006, 03:53 AM
When idiotic people use the term "Lesbian" or "Gay" as if it's supposed to be an insult. Yeah, totally stooping to the level of scum.

02-11-2006, 04:29 AM
"Fake" people. You know the ones that try to be something they're not? Ugh... That totally bugs me... :p

02-11-2006, 10:51 AM
When people who pretend to be really nice but are truly really mean ...theres some people like that on here.:rolleyes:

I've never noticed that!

When idiotic people use the term "Lesbian" or "Gay" as if it's supposed to be an insult. Yeah, totally stooping to the level of scum.

Oh man, I hate that too.

02-11-2006, 06:56 PM
Yesterday Winston was at the vet for just a check up and I don't think anyone in there didn't say this to their dog...

"Oh you better be careful, that big Dobie wants to eat you!"

Yeah right, he was sitting nicely beside me just looking around, waiting for his turn to see the vet.

I always get these comments or similar ones refering to how vicious they are with the Dobes and Rotts.

02-11-2006, 07:38 PM
I have a lot but here are a few:

When some people are mean but think it is funny. Like today, my friend and I were at a UIL event and there was some kid holding the door with his foot. When we walked in he let his foot go so the door hit us. He of course started laughing :rolleyes: That has happened to me before and it really irks me.

When a guy and his girlfriend start kissing in public (not just a little kiss but like kissing to an innapropriate extent). While we were in San Antonio, we were waiting for a trolley and there was this young couple who decided it was o.k to be kissing not only on the lips but on the neck. Then the guy put his hand down her pants as to touch her butt. Gross :eek: all this while a mother and her young children were waiting for a trolley :eek:

just a few but i have many more...

02-11-2006, 10:31 PM
Yesterday Winston was at the vet for just a check up and I don't think anyone in there didn't say this to their dog...

"Oh you better be careful, that big Dobie wants to eat you!"

Yeah right, he was sitting nicely beside me just looking around, waiting for his turn to see the vet.

I always get these comments or similar ones refering to how vicious they are with the Dobes and Rotts.

grrr I absolutely hate that!! :mad: I love Winston! give him kisses for me <3

02-11-2006, 10:38 PM
i HATE it when people dont put there grocery carts away.Our car has gotten hit by one before,and now there is a dent on the drivers door.I just wish people would take 30 seconds to put there cart back or atleast into those stalls they have in the parking lot,thats what theyre for. :rolleyes:
And i hate it when people make comments about Kodies size.

Lady's Human
02-28-2006, 03:15 PM
I've been extremely irritated over the past couple days by some ridiculous statements some of my co-workers have made. It drives me nuts when theoretically intelligent adults make statements like these:

First, let me give a little background on "Bob". He's in his late 40's,has been promoted twice in the last year (about a 10K raise) his youngest of two is just starting college, his sister is a year older. He has just refinanced his first mortgage and has taken out a second because he doesn't want his kids paying for college themselves. He also is using an additional loan to remoel his house.
Bob: "I hate the President, 'cause in the last two years I'm making more than I ever have, but I can't pay the bills the way I used to. Everything is dubya's fault"

Um, Bob, maybe you can't pay the bills because your income has gone up 10K but your expenses have gone up roughly 25k per year? But it's all Washington D.C.'s fault.

Second, also from "Bob".....

"This soap ate right through the drip pan under it! I wonder what it's doing to our hands?"

Me: "Bob, can you put caustic soda in a metal container?"

Bob: "No, it will eat through it"

Me: "Bob, caustic soda is a base. Soap is a base. The soap has had 2 years to eat through the drip pan. Soap is a weak base, but given enough time, it will have the same effect."

Bob: "No, it doesn't work like that. Soap isn't the same as caustic"

To understand why the second is frustrating, we work with chemicals all the time, and have to read the safety sheets on them before use. If you can't understand my comments about the soap, how in hell can I trust you to be working with chemicals near me?!

03-01-2006, 05:29 PM
I've been extremely irritated over the past couple days by some ridiculous statements some of my co-workers have made. It drives me nuts when theoretically intelligent adults make statements like these:

First, let me give a little background on "Bob". He's in his late 40's,has been promoted twice in the last year (about a 10K raise) his youngest of two is just starting college, his sister is a year older. He has just refinanced his first mortgage and has taken out a second because he doesn't want his kids paying for college themselves. He also is using an additional loan to remoel his house.
Bob: "I hate the President, 'cause in the last two years I'm making more than I ever have, but I can't pay the bills the way I used to. Everything is dubya's fault"

Um, Bob, maybe you can't pay the bills because your income has gone up 10K but your expenses have gone up roughly 25k per year? But it's all Washington D.C.'s fault.

Second, also from "Bob".....

"This soap ate right through the drip pan under it! I wonder what it's doing to our hands?"

Me: "Bob, can you put caustic soda in a metal container?"

Bob: "No, it will eat through it"

Me: "Bob, caustic soda is a base. Soap is a base. The soap has had 2 years to eat through the drip pan. Soap is a weak base, but given enough time, it will have the same effect."

Bob: "No, it doesn't work like that. Soap isn't the same as caustic"

To understand why the second is frustrating, we work with chemicals all the time, and have to read the safety sheets on them before use. If you can't understand my comments about the soap, how in hell can I trust you to be working with chemicals near me?!


That is precious..

I have a friend who's step daughter put 10 k down for a Toyota truck.

He is ticked because he is paying her way thru school.

(It goes back to the "I'll pay your school as long as you go.." Thank god i don't haave any kids.....I'd tell them to pay their own way and when they get their degree we will settle up....think about the interest he could make making the kids pay their own school and look towards a nice nest egg when they graduate!)


I thought I was the only one that read the MSDS sheets!.

But then again I find cereal boxes good stuff to browse!! :rolleyes:

smokey the elder
03-01-2006, 08:26 PM
Hey, at least you didn't put solvent-laden water into a plastic drum...*boom*. only a little one though. This happened at work last week and the kitty output sure hit the ventilator blades! :eek:

Lady's Human
03-01-2006, 08:28 PM

Smokey, I'm afraid one of Heinlein's predictions has come true.

03-12-2006, 11:08 PM
Pardon my stream of consciousness writing here, but I have a few to add:

Manners. A friend of mine went to apply for public aid and asked me to go with her since the wait is very long. While we were there, a lady who worked there would occasionally come out and hand out coloring pages to the little kids. She must have come out 3-4 times and handed out 10-15 pictures. Not once did I hear any child say, "thank you." What's worse is that none of the parents told their child to say thank you! :mad: When I was little, if I didn't say please and thank you, I didn't get what I wanted.\

While we're at the public aid office, a young guy walks in to receive his monthly aid. I'm not one to look down my nose at the less fortunate, but when this guy walked in the office with a knee length fur (real) coat, dressed in Girbuad from head to toe and both him and his baby have Nike shoes on (the baby's shoes must have cost $40+). Actually, the baby had a Nike outfit on. If you can drop that kind of cash on your wardrobe, do you really need public aid?

There were more, but I forgot them at the moment.

03-15-2006, 01:29 AM
While we're at the public aid office, a young guy walks in to receive his monthly aid. I'm not one to look down my nose at the less fortunate, but when this guy walked in the office with a knee length fur (real) coat, dressed in Girbuad from head to toe and both him and his baby have Nike shoes on (the baby's shoes must have cost $40+). Actually, the baby had a Nike outfit on. If you can drop that kind of cash on your wardrobe, do you really need public aid?

There were more, but I forgot them at the moment.

I have to commend the woman who was in line at the grocery store with gold, Nikes, a leather jacket that cost more than I had in my cheking account and her son, dressed the same way..

They paid for their groceries with food stamps.


03-17-2006, 06:17 PM
Two real fast peeves....

The Uhura.

Those ear pieces that people wear for their phones. I am just getting used to the gauging thing.....you know the buttons that men are putting in their ears..(that really gives me the creeps).. you start to talk to them and they stop paying attention to you so they can answer a call... :mad:

There is a gal that comes into the office with one of those speaker things in her ear...I want to ask her to "open me up a hailing frequency" :eek: :D :confused:


The moron in the park.

I saw this huge Siamese cat in the parking lot of the L.A. Zoo that I pass on the way to work....there are coyotes in the area, that I have seen in the last few weeks. The cat was sitting next to the curb, he had on a harness and a collar.

I drove a ways and had to turn around..

The cat was next to a lone car in the parking lot when I approached it..

It ran under the car, and I tried to coax him out..a few seconds later I heard,

NO NO NO, NO NO NO, he is OK!!

The voice was coming from a woman who was about 40 feet away talking to a park employee.

HOKAY!...As I drove past her I wanted to scream at her (yes I do have a foul mouth and it probably would not have been pretty) DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE COYOTES OUT HERE? she used a cane and I cringed at the picture of her chasing her cat, in the coyote's mouth yelling, NO NO NO, NO NO NO...

UGH, then she would sue the city for her stupidity and win a ton of money....

I was ticked off......But I did pray for the cat...

And I saw the same woman driving into the same parking lot this morning.....closer to the area of scrub around the parking lot...the area where the coyotes prowl! :mad:

03-17-2006, 07:44 PM
Okay. This is "THE" peeve of all peeves.....

The morons (is that too strong?) that call in to talk radio shows that HAVEN'T GOT A SINGLE ORGANIZED THOUGHT IN THEIR HEAD! Hello? The focus here is on TALK. If you can't, don't call. You totally disrupt my listening pleasure.

03-17-2006, 07:53 PM
Hair (hooman or otherwise) in the bathroom tub or sink.

I don't know what it is about it. Leave it anywhere else and I don't care but I get anal (pardon the pub) about hair in the tub and sink. If I stay at someone's home, I always double-check to make sure I'm not leaving any leftovers. :rolleyes: :o And I always wipe off the sink spout after brushing my teeth to get those little spots off. eeewwwww

Richard, some cat owners just don't get it.

03-24-2006, 09:45 AM

Why is it that the moment I hit the pay button, the money is gone from my account, but when I want a refund, it takes 14+ business days? :mad:

(I think someone posted this already, if so, I apologize)

03-29-2006, 07:26 PM

Why is it that the moment I hit the pay button, the money is gone from my account, but when I want a refund, it takes 14+ business days? :mad:

(I think someone posted this already, if so, I apologize)

That is called a cash flow problem....money has to go up hill to get back to you. :eek: :mad: :confused:


The day after the Half a Million Mexican Man March I drove thru the city hall area of Los Angeles- I was buoyed by the news that there were no arrests and no real problems the day before.

My "buoy" sank when I hit the streets around City Hall.


All over the fricking streets. When there was no more space in the cans signs, sticks and all kind of other crap littered the streets.

My father came to the United States and instilled pride about my country and the area that I live in.

You'd think that people would care more about the country that gave them an opportunity.


Another thing?

IT GET'S ME P.Oed that people who have no regard for the laws of the US demand that the law give them citizenship....

Nope, no way, no how. :mad:

Especially when they get put ahead of the people doing it the "right" way.

03-29-2006, 10:08 PM
Just like r instead of are, u instead of you, b4 instead of before....I hate those too.

Oh, me too! I hate all those "internet slang" words.....like l8er (later) and kewl (cool)........and all the others I can't think of right now..... ;)

Lady's Human
03-29-2006, 10:12 PM
Richard, I would grant them citizenship under one restriction. First they have to complete a 6 year enlistment in the military. After that, they're home free.

03-29-2006, 10:17 PM
Richard, I would grant them citizenship under one restriction. First they have to complete a 6 year enlistment in the military. After that, they're home free.

Yes, Mr. Heinlein?

Lady's Human
03-29-2006, 10:21 PM
Actually, that was Heinlein's plan for voting rights.

France does the same thing with the French Foreign Legion, and unlike their regular immigration policies, it actually works.

03-29-2006, 10:23 PM
Oh dear, the kids are quarreling again! :D

Lady's Human
03-29-2006, 10:24 PM
AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :p

03-30-2006, 06:02 AM
My hubby and I are at odds on this one. He thinks this new law they're trying to pass is terrible! Probably because half of his family would then become criminals. My view? You SHOULD be considered a criminal if you enter ANY country illegally. As Richard said, why should you be granted the same rights and liberties as me when you broke the law to get here?

Richard, I would grant them citizenship under one restriction. First they have to complete a 6 year enlistment in the military. After that, they're home free.

Good idea!

03-30-2006, 03:48 PM
I always wanted to be a Starship Trooper...where do I sign up?

Being a space cadet is so pedestrian. ;)



THAT is the biggest thing that irritates me....



One of my biggest peeves of the day?

My mayor....

I have seen this guy on TV 5 times at different events in the last few weeks.

He started the LA marathon, He was at a Hollywood walk of fame dedication,
On the Ask the Mayor segment on the local TV station, in New York for some school thing and at City Hall pandering to the protestors...

If there is a camera around, he'll be there. :mad:

04-03-2006, 09:14 AM
Pet peeve of the day.

Traffic cops. You are there to direct traffic, correct? So why is it that you are doing exactly what the light is telling you to do? Do you really need to stand there and waste our taxpayer's money? I know how to go when the light is green. I don't need you to tell me to go on top of that.

If a cop is there to direct traffic, shouldn't they go out on a limb and go against the light? :eek:

04-03-2006, 11:51 AM
Stupid people with stupid questions.......

Today when ordering lunch I told my co-worker who was on the phone with another co-worker what I wanted.....a vegetarian cheese sandwich. He proceeds to ask if I want meat on that.....um, that would be a negative, hence forth the vegetarian part. :rolleyes:

Ahh, such is life. Might reconsider my very old plan of living in an igloo far, far away. ;)

04-03-2006, 12:02 PM
Stupid people with stupid questions.......

Today when ordering lunch I told my co-worker who was on the phone with another co-worker what I wanted.....a vegetarian cheese sandwich. He proceeds to ask if I want meat on that.....um, that would be a negative, hence forth the vegetarian part. :rolleyes:

Ahh, such is life. Might reconsider my very old plan of living in an igloo far, far away. ;)

I'm sorry but I had to LOL at that one!
This can also go in the Stupid Quotes thread.

04-03-2006, 05:58 PM
this happens a lot. listen up people of columbus!!!!!
this is an XRAY DEPARTMENT, NOT A BABYSITTING SERVICE! you cannot bring an infant, toddler or small child into the xray room while you have films done. it can be unsafe for a child to be exposed to radiation, if it's not medically indicated. i considered duct taping one very bumptious child to a chair today, as grandma was having her mammogram. look i know it can be hard to get sitters sometimes, but for petes' sakes, xrays can be dangerous, so don't expect your kids to be babysat by the staff, bring your friend to watch little fred or irma. thank you...whew i feel better
**edited** let me say, this is a scheduled test, not a walk in , i got hurt, i need to see that my arm isn't broken type thing. this woman had an planned for, timed study that was to last an hour. sigh

04-04-2006, 12:11 PM
People who drive on the freeway (or anywhere for that matter) in the insane rain we've been having with their wipers on, but not their headlights. Hello? It's the LAW here in California - wipers on = headlights on. Otherwise, we can't see you. It was SCARY driving to work this morning in a DELUGE. At least people weren't driving insanely or too fast - you just couldn't! There was way too much water coming down and on the roads and NO CHP in sight, anywhere.

04-04-2006, 01:14 PM
Cyclists who refuse to obey the rules of the road.

- a stop sign means stop.
- cycle along with the flow of traffic and to your extreme right....not in smack dab in the middle of the lane.
- wear your helmet.
- use hand signals.
- more importantly, wear clothes. LOL
This really happened one stinking hot summer evening. I was driving home and the traffic was crawling. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. Then I came upon it....a topless female cyclist. All the lookie-loos were slowing down to get a better look. :D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-04-2006, 02:45 PM
a topless female cyclist.
:eek: :eek: :rolleyes:
As if traffic wasn't bad enough to start with. :rolleyes:

My peeve for the day is people who blow lights. An accident happend right behind me today just as I was leaving home. Some idiot thought he could make it through the yellow light a full minute after it turned red. The poor person coming the other way didn't have a chance and slammed right into him. I saw the poor innocent person in the back of the cop car so I believe she was ok - thanks to her air bag - but the idiot who blew the light was still in his car. I think he was trapped because the door - and front and side of the vehicle - was quite smashed. She was proabably going 50, he was probably going 30. Instead of being a minute late for work, he's lucky if he makes it in by next week! :rolleyes: This happens sooo often around here. I think people expect the rest of the world to watch out for them, but what they don't realize is that sometimes the rest of the world has their own problems to worry about and they may not notice that you're priveliged and allowed to go through red lights a full minute after they turn. :rolleyes:

04-04-2006, 03:25 PM
this happens a lot. listen up people of columbus!!!!!
this is an XRAY DEPARTMENT, NOT A BABYSITTING SERVICE! you cannot bring an infant, toddler or small child into the xray room while you have films done.

Maybe it is an Ohio thing...but, a similar vent, with an opposite view (Of course, right? I am nothing if not oppositional :))

Jonah and I have an emergency trip to Children's hospital (note- Children's Hospital, emphasis on the word -Children). We are stuck in an exam room that looks like a toddler's DREAM! Chock full of things to climb, drawers UNLOCKED, just begging to be opened and shut a million times, cords to plug and unplug, an exam table to climb on, a sink to get into, buttons to push, get my point? The lady says to me (not a nurse, or medical person, but, the person that is in charge of stocking the drawers) when I point out to her that someone left the drawers of medical supplies OPENED, "well, YOU are responsible for your child". Hello? Do you think I don't know that? BUT, I am in your facility, your CHILD friendly facility, waiting in an exam room for OVER ONE HOUR (with a toddler, that translates into about 4 hours and 13 minutes)
and when I point out your staff's forgetfullness in locking the drawers up, you get pissy with me? (Note to medical community, when a new mom has a bloodied faced child in the ER at 730 am, back off, she isn't in the mood).

So, after a few terse paragraphs with this woman, we waited about another two minutes, and I took Jones and walked down the hall. Someone said, "where are you going"? I said, "to the waiting room, I can't wait in that type of room with a toddler". She immediately said, "oh, no, you should wait over here..." and put us in a nice, child friendly exam room, with books, little toys, etc. We were in a dental exam room :eek: I coulda given that other lady a little bloody nose.....

So...while I do agree that taking kids to an adult appointment is usually a 'no no', I have to ask for some understanding with toddlers. Something I never really recognized pre-Jones. Life with a toddler can be a little bit challenging, and often, the parent is doing the best he/she can. Can't leave them at home, can't bring them with us.... :D

04-04-2006, 03:58 PM
Jo is going to hate me because my peeve today happens to be child-related... :o

Sometimes working in an establishment with a playground REALLY stinks especially when you are trying to concentrate on your job and all you hear is little kids screaming their heads off!!

Okay lady.. I helped you bring your order to your table... you didn't even ask.
Seeing as you had a toddler on each hip, and one trailing along) after sitting them on my CLEAN COUNTERSPACE, WHICH I HAD TO THEN SANITIZE DURING A RUSH, the least you could do is keep your children from screaming their heads off, throwing food around my clean diningroom, and running around like maniacs. We have a playground, yes. But, our diningroom is NOT for playing. Oh, by the way... barbecue sauce does not double as finger paints on our windows.

Not cute.

Lady's Human
04-04-2006, 05:53 PM

Just ask Marylin Jean and Axel how far that behavior gets them......

As a parent of children who have boundaries, it is incredibly annoying to try to control your own children when someone else's little hellions are running amok.

04-04-2006, 06:30 PM
Thanks K.

When I was a kid, mom swatted me for hanging on the counter at a bank.


People were sitting their kids on the counters.....and this was in the days before plastic diapers.


The stages of learning discipline.

The swat after we left the establishment.
Then the 'Vulcan Skin Pinch' (the meaty inside part of the upper arm)
Should you flinch, back to the swat.
Then it was the "look"...

The look froze you in your place, while you contemplated the punishment.

Then one day, while getting the dressing down from both out parents, the little voice at the ent of the couch says.....

"Mom, can't you just hit us and get it over with?"

04-05-2006, 01:40 PM
Jo is going to hate me because my peeve today happens to be child-related... :o

Not at all, not at all. Somedays, I would be the first one posting about Jonah's latest and greatest. There have been times, and there will be more, I am sure, where all I am doing is standing still- no forward progress.

While I can't say he has thrown a major tantrum outside, or finger painted with ketchup, he did lay down on the sidewalk, and cry, right in front of a bunch of people. What did I do? I pretended to stomp on him, and within two stomps, he was giggling away. I got more than one stare. But, I picked up a giggling child and walked on my way.

04-05-2006, 01:50 PM
I hate it when People Hate Things!!! :confused:

No Really... I hate it when two people post consecutive posts (sometimes as many as 5 each) discussing a private matter in a public thread. UNLESS of course, THEY ARE FIGHTING - in which case, I LOVE IT!!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
04-05-2006, 04:28 PM
I pretended to stomp on him,
and within two stomps, he was giggling away.

I got more than one stare.


You're lucky no one in The Crowd grabbed their cell and dialed 9-1-1! :eek:


04-05-2006, 05:05 PM
:) Now one of the things that peeves me is for someone to turn out in front of you in a vehicle real fast & then while on the road goes 40 in a 60 zone & there is no way you can pass.. :rolleyes:

04-07-2006, 04:55 PM
ok I have many.

First is when people brag. It bugs me to no end! Not like 'i got a 99 in science class' brag after you told them you got a 96. but when someone says they are the BEST tennis player on the team, and that nobody can beat them. At school I am really competitive with my grades. During math class when we were grading our homework, I saw my friend Ashley correcting some and counting them right. She would always say that she got a 100 and I always got 94's or so. Kinda bugged me.

When someone has their child screaming in a restaurant, movie theater, etc. and not do anything about it. I understand that sometimes the kids get excited or grumpy and start screaming, but when the adults don't do anything is when it got annoying.

Also, when people let their children roam the restaurant, dodging people with trays and then not do anything. By child I mean around 3 or so. Once when we were at Luby's there was a couple who had 2 little boys, one about 5 the other 3. She let them run around the restaraunt and never told them anything.

04-11-2006, 01:44 PM
People who walk and scuff their feet!! Also people who "snarfle" instead of blowing their nose!

04-11-2006, 03:08 PM
people in a parking structure that stop and contemplate which one of the 340 empty slots they want....

and as you pass them, they shoot you the 'look'... :mad: :confused: :p

04-11-2006, 03:42 PM
I hate being in line at the grocery store, and while the cashier is ringing up my groceries the person in line behind me is right on top of me! Give me my space! I swear this happens to me every time I go to Shop N Save (although it doesn't really happen at Wal-Mart). I usually use a debit card and I feel like there's always someone peering over my shoulder while I punch in my pin. ARHHH!

04-11-2006, 05:05 PM
I have a co-worker peeve. My co-worker's kids call her non-stop!!! I know their voices over the phone now. I feel like her secretary sometimes. Mind you the son is 16 and the daughter is 22/23. She spends more than enough time speaking with them on the phone. I don't mind personal calls, but these calls are daily and very consistent. Then her son's father also calls to discuss the son. Son lives with Mom and Mom and Dad were never married. Uuuugggghhhhh......leave it all at home. She sometimes will leave work very late so she doesn't have to go home to the kids, yep both are at home. Work is work!

04-11-2006, 09:15 PM
Another peeve of mine:

When people don't SHUT-UP during class. It can get very annoying at times. Today during History my friend Marissa talking more than usual and was commenting whenever her 'mortal enemy' Richard said anything. Thanks to them and their non-stop argueing, we got 7 worksheets and 3 essay questions. I don't want to sound mean but it gets on my nerves big time!

04-11-2006, 09:37 PM
I have a co-worker peeve. My co-worker's kids call her non-stop!!! I know their voices over the phone now. I feel like her secretary sometimes. Mind you the son is 16 and the daughter is 22/23. She spends more than enough time speaking with them on the phone. I don't mind personal calls, but these calls are daily and very consistent. Then her son's father also calls to discuss the son. Son lives with Mom and Mom and Dad were never married. Uuuugggghhhhh......leave it all at home. She sometimes will leave work very late so she doesn't have to go home to the kids, yep both are at home. Work is work!

My boss' husband is like that. She's a control freak and he's afraid to make any decision on his own. The two fuel each other big time. Once, I heard her tell him step by step how to take their baby daughter out. I mean, this is what I heard:

First, strap the baby in her car seat, then go outside and start the car, make sure the garage door is up. Wait 5 minutes, then take the baby out to the car and fasten her in....

I couldn't tell if she was speaking to her husband or a 2 year old!

Then, if we're on a conference call, he'll call the office, the receptionist will tell him that she's unavailable, so then he'll call her cell phone, EVERY 5 MINUTES!!!

Another peeve of mine. If I'm driving down a 2-3 lane road, a car wants to make a turn to go in the same direction as me and the other lanes are completely clear, why must you pull out into my lane and go 5 mph??? Are there not 1-2 empty lanes? :mad:

04-19-2006, 06:06 PM
Here's on that irks me....

THE PZEV engined car.

Partial Zero Emission Vehicle.

What the hell is a partial zero?

I didn't do well in algebra.

Lady's Human
04-19-2006, 07:42 PM
Richard, it was named by Caleeforniay regulators. No one ever said they had to take math or science classes to get their jobs.

ZEVs (zero emissions vehicles) should actually be deferred emissons vehicles anyway. All the electricity to run them has got to come from somewhere.

04-20-2006, 07:07 PM
ZEVs (zero emissions vehicles) should actually be deferred emissons vehicles anyway. All the electricity to run them has got to come from somewhere.

Why are we arguing then? :D ;)

LOL, as a Cah lee fuh nee ahn, I stand corrected and wish to be called
professor from now on! :rolleyes: :( :confused:

04-21-2006, 12:31 AM
PRO fessor - as opposed to CON fessor..................

I don't know, Richard, it is missing that "ring" of truth - California or not.

Lady's Human
04-21-2006, 03:35 PM
On a Kindergarten prep sheet sent out by my daughter's school:

encourage your child by developing the following skills:

and in the middle of the list,

Motor: Climbing, jumping, balancing, hopping, running using scissors,
a paper punch, crayons and markers.

Running with scissors? I thought that was BAD thing! :eek: :D

04-23-2006, 11:07 PM
People with no respect. People who think they're better than everyone else. People who act like someone else just so other people will like them. People who are really full of it (in a bad way). People who don't appreciate the small things...like a gift I have someone once. I put a lot of thought and effort into it, and I honestly feel the person just tossed the gift aside. What ever happened to "it's the thought that counts?" lol XD

04-23-2006, 11:16 PM
Jo is going to hate me because my peeve today happens to be child-related... :o

Sometimes working in an establishment with a playground REALLY stinks especially when you are trying to concentrate on your job and all you hear is little kids screaming their heads off!!

Okay lady.. I helped you bring your order to your table... you didn't even ask.
Seeing as you had a toddler on each hip, and one trailing along) after sitting them on my CLEAN COUNTERSPACE, WHICH I HAD TO THEN SANITIZE DURING A RUSH, the least you could do is keep your children from screaming their heads off, throwing food around my clean diningroom, and running around like maniacs. We have a playground, yes. But, our diningroom is NOT for playing. Oh, by the way... barbecue sauce does not double as finger paints on our windows.

Not cute.

Parents really need to learn to control their children. I see a lot of this in the bar I work at. I don't understand why parents want to bring children into a bar in the first place...but many, many do. I've had kids run around and collect ALL my menu's off every table. When I put them all back, they went right behind me and did it again. People came in and had no menu's. I went and told the father that I needed the menu's to stay on the tables for guests. He said "Oh, well sorry kids. I guess you can't play waiter any more......." It's like...uh, excuse me, this isn't a day care. I feel some parents really aren't doing their jobs. It's the parents fault those children act up or misbehave. The parents honestly didn't care they were doing something they shouldn't be. They were running around yelling too. It bothers the other people. I think the parents were glad to have the kids out of their hair. Honestly.....that really bugs me. If I had done this as a child...no, wait...I WOULDN'T have done that as a child...that's why I'm still alive *sigh*

Ok, so maybe they wouldn't have killed me, my parents weren't that mean, but I just knew better.

I just wish people wouldn't let kids run around like that in a public place where people are trying to work.

04-24-2006, 12:00 PM
Staffing at retail stores on a Saturday. This happened to me at both Petco and Walgreen's this past Saturday. What does a store manager do these days? Isn't Saturday one of the busier retail shopping days? Almost everyone is off work and running errands, picking up stuff, etc. One would think the store manager would staff their stores to provide the highest level of service to bring in the $$.

At both stores they only had ONE register open, a LONG line of customers (at Petco there were pets in line too - which I love, but even they were getting impatient). and invariably the staff that's working on Saturday are the newest, least trained people and no supervisors available when problems arise which delays the line even more.

It was all I could do to restrain myself from having a fit (I was having a bad day too) and the delays and incompetent staff weren't helping my mood. :rolleyes:

04-28-2006, 02:47 PM
IT GET'S ME P.Oed that people who have no regard for the laws of the US demand that the law give them citizenship....

Nope, no way, no how. :mad:

Especially when they get put ahead of the people doing it the "right" way.
Richard, I thought of you when I read this. I aplogize if you've already received this:

Dear President Bush:

I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. All government forms need to be printed in English.

4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.

5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.

7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo fromPres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.

13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your VP. Thank you so much for your kind help.

Ed Foster

04-28-2006, 06:00 PM
This one has been brought up again, and again, and again...

Recently been put into my head.. I DESPISE LIARS!!!

04-29-2006, 02:52 AM

I think I am going to run with some scissors now... ;) :eek: :D

05-11-2006, 12:08 AM
How about people who go out of their way to reach out to you, offer to do something for you, then disappear when you take them up on it?

I didn't ask you for anything, you offered, why do I feel like I'm hunting you down??? :mad:

Lady's Human
05-11-2006, 11:10 AM
People in training courses who think they know more about the subject matter than the instructors and insist on sharpshooting the lecture. (But then eat up training time because they can't do the lab tasks without 2 instructors helping them)

05-16-2006, 02:23 AM
The idiots who need to label a shelf in a cabinet.

The go to the computer
spend 15 minutes 'desiging' a label
print it out in color
print it to paper
cut it out
and toss the other 10x8 piece of paper in the trash.

What ever happened to a magic marker and a scrap piece of paper? :mad:

06-02-2006, 02:18 AM
Something that came up today...

People who renegotiate agreements after the deal is done. Make a long story short, I bought some computer components from someone in some need of money. I paid him the agreed ammount. For about three months now, he calls me right around the first of the month saying I owe more money and that if I don't pay him what I owe (the ammount changes each time he calls) I'll "be sorry" He's threataned to call the cops "to get his stolen property back" Nothing can come of it, it was component parts half of which I had to trash due to failure, and what I am using now he has no proof that he purchaced them in the first place. He's quibling over about $35 (the average of the ammounts he keeps saying I owe). No small claims court would even bother. As is, he delivered the parts to me, and I have witnesess who saw him deliver the parts and payment being made. He has no witnesess and nothing on paper. I don't either, but the computer parts have been here (the ones that work) for about 5 months now. He is a known gang member (facts that I got after I bought the parts...I'm kind of questioning where they came from. Luckily I didn't buy the hard drives from him) and has been in and out of jail (juvinile offenses, nothing adult but he just turned 19) and has been connected with a recient drug case. The guy has proven himself very untrustworthy since I got the parts. Sigh...and he presented such a different front than a teenaged gang banger.
Fool me once I guess they say...
Sorry to rant :p

06-05-2006, 11:28 AM
People who brag. Than annoys the heck out of me! My step- brother does this a lot. He is always trying to say that his school is meaner, bigger, more misbehaved than mine. It might be so but they way he does it bothers me. Also he brags about his character in a game we are playing. I was watching him play and then he says "Wow, I've beaten 3 guilds already?", and he knew I hadn't done that and I could tell he was trying to brag.

Also unfair treatment just because you are a girl and age. My mom told me to go to bed yesterday at 12 o' clock. I was ok with that, but then she didn't tell anything to me step-brother who is only 9 months older than me. I found out that he stayed up until 5 am :eek: one day and they didn't do anything! I can't stay up that late, but I wanted to stay up a little later. I was so mad because they let him get away with so much more just because he is a boy, and 9 months older. I cried myself to sleep thinking about it. I wish I could tell my mom or step-dad something, but i know I don't have the heart or guts to.

sorry to turn this into a rant

06-05-2006, 12:15 PM
I hate being in line at the grocery store, and while the cashier is ringing up my groceries the person in line behind me is right on top of me! Give me my space! I swear this happens to me every time I go to Shop N Save (although it doesn't really happen at Wal-Mart). I usually use a debit card and I feel like there's always someone peering over my shoulder while I punch in my pin. ARHHH!

I know!! This happened to me the other day, kind of. I was at the grocery store and had four items with me one of which was rather large (a bag of cat food). I had just put my stuff down and I swear the guy in back of me is practically *touching* me and shoving my stuff out of the way so he can put his crap down. The lady in front of me WASN'T EVEN DONE YET. I mean, arrggha;skhfsdjf.

06-05-2006, 12:57 PM
Yesterday Winston was at the vet for just a check up and I don't think anyone in there didn't say this to their dog...

"Oh you better be careful, that big Dobie wants to eat you!"

Yeah right, he was sitting nicely beside me just looking around, waiting for his turn to see the vet.

I always get these comments or similar ones refering to how vicious they are with the Dobes and Rotts.

That highly aggravates me as well. Firstly, like they even *know* the dog at all. Secondly, does it look like it's trying to eat you? Thirdly, nice way to perpetuate a stupid stereotype.

That's happened with my moms GS/Rottie mix and her RB Treasure who also happened to be very well behaved.

Treasure: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/unbakedbrownie/PICT9631.jpg and Trixie: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/unbakedbrownie/campingttrix1.jpg

06-05-2006, 01:02 PM
It's better if I just use the example that came to mind:

My mom and I were standing at the counter a couple of feet away from a lady who was at the counter as well. She had a standard poodle (although, not full grown, I don't think) on a leash. (S)He was a very friendly pooch. It wagged and ran over to us and was jumping on me and when I started to pat it on the head the lady gave me a pissy look and yanked the dog away as if I offended her or something. She was watching everything that went on, as well. She wouldn't let the poor puppy near us, after that.

06-05-2006, 01:09 PM
Judging by what Attorney General Gonzalez told the senate the other day.....Washington and Lincoln used electronic eavesdropping during wartime....electricity must have been around before old Ben discovered it! :rolleyes:

Normally I don't mention peeve, but.....my husband has the habit of responding ...."what do you mean _________." Example. When I was sitting up at 4:30 in the morning reading a book I answered his question as to why. He responded..."what do you mean you can't sleep?"

How do I answer that??????? How many different things can "not sleep" mean????

I'm sorry, I had to laugh. But trust me, it was a laugh of experienced understanding!

Exactly! That's all you can say. And then, you fumble around and in your head you're thinking "What the crap? How am I supposed to further explain, or define, my lack of sleep? This is not making any sense." (That's what goes through my head.) Also, it irritates me when I say something and people repeat what I just said. Like, if I said I can't sleep and my husband says, "You can't sleep?" as if he has to double check. Um, yeah. That's what I just said.

06-05-2006, 02:58 PM
In a college dorm I'll grant you your peeve. It's just that I've run into people complaining about that in situations where there was a reason for it, especially in hotels.

My peeve of the week? To all cashiers in stores.....I'm in the store you work for to purchase items and check out in a timely manner. I don't need to wait in line while you gossip with the other three cashiers about the latest events in the soap operas, and I'm sure the other 15 people in line at the three registers didn't need it either.

:eek: You read my mind! This has happened to me so many times. I'll go to the grocery store and all the cashiers and baggers (I don't know their title.) will be sitting around, hanging all over their station, blabbing for a good ten minutes (or more) and not actually doing what they're getting paid to do.

It also irritates me when I am at the store and they ring up my items and just set them down (that part isn't irritating. I prefer to bag my own groceries, anyways.) but get irritated when I start bagging my own groceries! Most of them can't even do it right! They either overload the bag so it starts ripping before I can even double bag it or, for example, put my milk on top of my bread or eggs. Or, when I have breakables and they just toss or slam them.

06-05-2006, 03:41 PM
More science....

Objects fall at the same speed, no matter what their weight is.

If you watch a piece of paper, trash or ???? fall out of your hand it will not fall any faster....

So why drop it, observe it fall and leave it for someone else to pick up?

That reminds me! Troy and I had a conversation concerning this subject kind of except that it had to do with velocity. He argued that a bullet shot out of a gun would not fall at the same speed or time as one dropped from a persons hand (equal in every other aspect, though, such as heigth). It derived from a passage from The Rule of Four. He also said the same thing about an arrow.

06-05-2006, 03:42 PM
I think there was supposed to be a comma between running and using scissors.

06-05-2006, 05:03 PM
Yea it was probably a typo, because after that it listed a paper punch, crayons and markers.

Lady's Human
06-05-2006, 05:20 PM
Motor: Climbing, jumping, balancing, hopping, running using scissors,

The point being that the school can't even proof read their own documents.

06-05-2006, 05:22 PM
Yeah. It could've caused a big argument of some sort.

finn's mom
06-05-2006, 06:29 PM
If I'm in the middle lane of a three lane road, don't ride up my arse. If you want to go faster than the speed limit, by all means, get in the "fast lane." And, that in itself is annoying as crap, because people tend to think that it's for people speeding. When, it's not so much that it's for people going over the speed limit, as the right hand lane is for people possibly going under the speed limit. It's still illegal to speed, even if you are in the fast lane. And, the left lane is supposed to mainly be used for passing, anyway. Ugh. It just irks me when people get upset at you for going the speed limit. Glad they can afford to get a ticket, I can't right now! ;) (Not that I don't speed sometimes, because I do, but, I don't ride up people's butts, either.) Ok, done. :)

06-05-2006, 07:03 PM
I do speed too sometimes, but it does make me laugh when somebody passes me going 10 over and then I meet back up with them at the next red light. I have to laugh because they wasted gas, risked a ticket, and didn't save a second.

06-05-2006, 07:10 PM
FM: That happens to me all the time. I used to speed alot but have really slowed down lately. Especially with the price of gas, I don't want to waste any....and like IR says, I just meet them at the light anyway. :rolleyes:

My big pet peeve for this Monday are people that spit. Yes, I said spit. It's true that the majority are men but I've seen a few women do it to. I was at a stop light on the weekend and this "macho man" in a pickup truck was ahead of me and he leaned out the window and shot out a gob. It was disgusting. What prompts them to do that....and don't tell me "it's a man thing." :rolleyes:

I've also seen people spit on the sidewalk as they are walking along. :mad:

finn's mom
06-05-2006, 08:06 PM
I do speed too sometimes, but it does make me laugh when somebody passes me going 10 over and then I meet back up with them at the next red light. I have to laugh because they wasted gas, risked a ticket, and didn't save a second.

Yeah, that happens all of the time! I caught up with a jerk today (which prompted me to write on this thread to begin with) in an escalade that seriously rode my butt for a good three miles, with clear lanes on both sides of me. Sorry, just because you have more money and drive a bigger vehicle isn't going to intimidate me in the slightest. I was on cruise control and singing away. The front end of his truck literally filled up my rear view mirror, it was ridiculous. He finally went around me, and, I met him at the very next light. It was very satisfying. ;) I love driving fast, but, it's rarely because I have to. I do it because I enjoy it. I don't do it often and I almost never do it on roads going through towns or high traffic areas. I like fast highway driving, when there's little to no traffic and no turns or anything. Just driving. Of course, I have gotten a speeding ticket, but, sometimes, the risk is almost worth it. ;) But, I am never rude behind the wheel if someone is going the speed limit or slower, **that** is certainly not worth it.

finn's mom
06-05-2006, 08:07 PM
FM: That happens to me all the time. I used to speed alot but have really slowed down lately. Especially with the price of gas, I don't want to waste any....and like IR says, I just meet them at the light anyway. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I know what you mean. I almost always use cruise now, to avoid my lead foot! ;) Gas is too pricey for craziness like that!

06-05-2006, 08:11 PM
The front end of his truck literally filled up my rear view mirror, it was ridiculous. When that happens to me I purposely slow down a notch or two, set my cruise control, and like you..keep singing. :D

finn's mom
06-06-2006, 08:29 AM
When that happens to me I purposely slow down a notch or two, set my cruise control, and like you..keep singing. :D

I do all that, except slow down. I've seen road rage at it's best, and, I try not to aggravate too much. ;) I use cruise control whenever possible, though, or I turn into speed racer! Most of my body weight is apparently in my right foot. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-07-2006, 10:14 AM
Professional apologizers. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I've spent way too much time on the phone with places like Comcast, the phone company, etc. lately and it grinds me to no end when they continue to apologize <my snotty attitude inflected in voice here> "I'm so sorry Mrs. Hanson." "I apologize for the inconvenience Miss Hanson." "I understand Ms Hanson, but that is the earliest appointment we can schedule."

First of all...Bull Sh*t you're sorry and you understand! You really don't care, you're just giving your trained response to my rant, which is only going to make me rant more! Do they realize they sound like robots...and that they act like it too? Not a one of them is capable of making a decision or coming up with a non-canned response. :rolleyes:

The other thing that really grinds is the "Mrs. Hanson" part. How dare you assume that just because I don't sound like a teenager I'm married and there is a "Mr. Hanson" at home. "Mrs. Hanson" is my mother and my grandmother and they have absolutely NOTHING to do with this call, so LEAVE THEM OUT OF IT!

OK, ok, I really need to calm down here. I swear big corporate America is going to be the death of me yet. :mad: :rolleyes: :(

smokey the elder
06-07-2006, 10:26 AM
Yeah, when people call and call me Mrs. G... My MOM is Mrs. G. I'm MS G, or if you want, Dr. G! :D :p

06-07-2006, 11:16 AM
Everything that Debbie said.................I called AT&T because their workers had (a) disconnected a jack in the house (b) hooked my office telephone line up to some one else in my neighborhood. In other words, I now had their telephone number and had lost my own.

I was on the phone for over an hour. I especially like the part where they say "let me transfer you to the right person" and they disconnect you.

I do think that if enough of us started writing some letters and telling them we weren't taking it anymore they might pay attention.

Have you ever noticed that they always seem to have the billing department working just fine?

06-07-2006, 11:57 AM
My hubby had the same problem. A storm had knocked out our DSL, so he called tech. support. Was on the phone with their automated system for 18 minutes, while they tried to have their computer guide him through what could be wrong. He pressed the button to talk to someone about paying the bill after he got tired of waiting, and wouldn't you know, someone picked up the phone immediately! :rolleyes: :eek: :mad:

06-07-2006, 12:00 PM
Well, some people can drive with their feet too, but I don't want them near me while they do it. :)

I totally agree with this on most cases but you must be careful when stating this b/c I knew of a guy that grew up in a town south of me that had his arms cut off from a power take off when he was younger then 2 years old and he drove a car, combine, semi, ate with his feet, wrote with his feet, welded, drilled, worked for a Tire company which involved him sitting on tractor tires and using an air drill to remove the bolts. I actually witnessed him canoeing once holding the oar in the crook of his neck. He was the first person I thought of when I read this - and thought what about people with no arms and was slightly offended (no offense Connie). Now if I tried to drive with my legs I would need a wide open space b/c I would probably take out a loooot of stuff. But there are some cases.....
Now shaving your legs while driving - ewwww
I think that rates higher then the guy I saw reading the paper driving down I-75 once.

Until the bitter end, I will defend my right to use a cell phone while driving, while walking down the street
I'm with Jo on this one. A lot of times accidents are caused by cell phones yes, but accidents are also caused by drunk drivers, talking to someone IN the car with you, not paying attention at all. I am usually more careful when I am on the phone b/c I know I have to be. The times that I have pulled out in front of someone I wasn't on the phone b/c I was being careless. The time I hit a parked car in my work's parking lot (yep you read that right a PARKED car) I was NOT on my cell.
I have more of a problem with the illegal immigrants in this country driving with no license, no insurance, no green card thumbing their nose at everyone one of us that HAVE a driver's license, HAVE car licenses, and HAVE
insurance. Yes I probably feel a bit more obsessed with this since my parents and I were creamed while sitting in an intersection by the above and then the illegal passenger tried to run across a field until someone went after him and tackled him. I bet if you actually did the statistics accidents caused by illegals and people on cell phones - are probably pretty freakin close.

06-07-2006, 12:13 PM
People who post 6 posts on the same thread - one after the other! :rolleyes:

I just HAD to say that!

06-07-2006, 12:17 PM
Randi, and just think - school will be out in just a few days!! We will have to watch out for trolls!

06-07-2006, 12:55 PM
Randi, and just think - school will be out in just a few days!! We will have to watch out for trolls!
Oh NO, some more exitement! :eek: I can hardly wait! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-07-2006, 01:39 PM
I totally agree with this on most cases but you must be careful when stating this b/c I knew of a guy that grew up in a town south of me that had his arms cut off from a power take off when he was younger then 2 years old and he drove a car, combine, semi, ate with his feet, wrote with his feet, welded, drilled, worked for a Tire company which involved him sitting on tractor tires and using an air drill to remove the bolts. I actually witnessed him canoeing once holding the oar in the crook of his neck. He was the first person I thought of when I read this - and thought what about people with no arms and was slightly offended (no offense Connie). Now if I tried to drive with my legs I would need a wide open space b/c I would probably take out a loooot of stuff. But there are some cases.....
Now shaving your legs while driving - ewwww
I think that rates higher then the guy I saw reading the paper driving down I-75 once.

I'm with Jo on this one. A lot of times accidents are caused by cell phones yes, but accidents are also caused by drunk drivers, talking to someone IN the car with you, not paying attention at all. I am usually more careful when I am on the phone b/c I know I have to be. The times that I have pulled out in front of someone I wasn't on the phone b/c I was being careless. The time I hit a parked car in my work's parking lot (yep you read that right a PARKED car) I was NOT on my cell.
I have more of a problem with the illegal immigrants in this country driving with no license, no insurance, no green card thumbing their nose at everyone one of us that HAVE a driver's license, HAVE car licenses, and HAVE
insurance. Yes I probably feel a bit more obsessed with this since my parents and I were creamed while sitting in an intersection by the above and then the illegal passenger tried to run across a field until someone went after him and tackled him. I bet if you actually did the statistics accidents caused by illegals and people on cell phones - are probably pretty freakin close.
People who quote a whole post...only to reply to one little part of it....as in my example here.

finn's mom
06-07-2006, 01:40 PM
People who post 6 posts on the same thread - one after the other! :rolleyes:

I just HAD to say that!

I do that when I am quoting people on my own thread, is that annoying? Instead of having to copy and paste within the post and copying and pasting the poster's name, and typing [QUOTE=] and all that, I just think it's easier sometimes to quote each person with a simple click on the "quote" button. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-07-2006, 04:17 PM
People who quote a whole post...only to reply to one little part of it....as in my example here.
:D Ditto! It's like you have to go back an re-read the entire previous post to remind yourself what was in it so you know what the second person is referring to. :rolleyes:

Although I think you should point out that you're only using Staci's thread as an example, because she did it the RIGHT way. ;)