View Full Version : What do you do with your Christmas Cards???

10-26-2005, 07:38 PM
How do you all display your Christmas cards?

We get tons of them each year and I don't have any clue how to display them. I usually just throw them into a basket on the coffee table.

I have seen Christmas Card Trees before, but can't find one I like now.

Anybody do anything special with your cards?

10-26-2005, 07:41 PM
My tape mine on my wall around the Christmas tree.

10-26-2005, 07:53 PM
I found this holder but I'm not sure if I want it . . . or where I'd put it.


Still looking for ideas . . .

10-26-2005, 07:59 PM
We have this huge archway and usually tape them all to the wall around that.

10-26-2005, 08:04 PM
I really like that holder and I haven't seen very many that I like!

10-26-2005, 08:04 PM
I tape mine all over the doorway into the kitchen and when I run out of room I tape them on the chair rail all over the kitchen! :) One year I had a basket made just for Christmas Cards but it wasn't much fun because you couldn't see them all. ;)

10-26-2005, 08:11 PM
I bought those long, wide, red, velvety ribbons/swags a few years ago. I tack them to the wall around an arch in our living room where we usually put the Christmas tree. Then, I staple the cards to the ribbon and let them drape down. The cards and staples come out easily after the season so I can re-use the ribbon next year.

One year when I was especially broke and had no ornaments for the sad, little Charlie Brown Christmas tree I had, I punched a hole in the corner of the cards and hung them on the tree as my ornaments.

10-26-2005, 09:23 PM
Definitely some good ideas. I'd rather put them up on a wall or something that hangs than on that tree . . . I just don't know if I have enough room for ANOTHER tree, LOL!!! I appreciate the ideas though, folks! ;)

10-26-2005, 09:34 PM
We have a card tree, but I have also done the ribbon around the door-frame idea that Kuhio98 mentioned.

10-26-2005, 10:17 PM
we have a bullinten (SP) bored and we keep the ones that come with picture all year long, and we keep just the card for a couple months.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-27-2005, 04:10 AM
The first time I got the cards from PT, I displayed them all on this:

Afterwards I put ALL the cards and the pics in a big photo-album, which is here wellknow as mommy's PT-album :D

Next year I bought red ribbon and attached it to the wall:

And last year too:

I think I will need some new red ribbons this time. I expect LOTS of cards !!! ;)

10-27-2005, 05:03 AM
I do the same thing with Maya & Inka's Mommy and add some tinsels to make them look more christmassy :D

10-27-2005, 07:33 AM
wow you guys, I'm too fussy about decorating for Christams, and the haphazzard hanging of cards drives me nuts (though that is what I grew up with, and is perfectly lovely in other people's homes.... but for me, its too cluttered feeling)

I have tackboards that come out only at Christmas, and I pin each card to the board in a nice organized manner. My tackboard with pictures looks a lot like my Christmas cards (photo attached.) Yeah, I know, too much planning... but it does look pretty when done, and then I hang them like pictures when I've got full board. Each year I swear I'm gonna reupholster the tackboards in something Christmassy.... but never quite get there! :D

10-27-2005, 09:36 AM
I tape mine to the the wall all around the doorway between my living room & kitchen.

10-27-2005, 01:40 PM
two thumbtacks and some fishing line. ;)

10-27-2005, 01:44 PM
i just get a string and put them on it and let'em hang in the living room.

10-27-2005, 01:53 PM
When I was participating in card swaps religiously (which I haven't in the last few years), I got a huge cork bulletin board and tacked the pictures that were included in the cards on that board. At our old house, that board hung on a wall in our "mudroom", right off of our kitchen, where I could see it constantly, everytime I went in and out the back door.

Since we moved, I put it in the office, right next to my desk, so I could look up and see my "friends" while I was working.

It worked out great for us! :)

10-27-2005, 02:32 PM
I tape them to the wall. I just took mine down from last year. :eek: :o

10-27-2005, 03:51 PM
since i donīt get any cards at all, i do nothing, but if you get too many i think you can use them as ornaments for your tree (donīt buy another one),
or you can make like a wall paper and cover a full wall,i dont know let me think other stuff, its a lot of cards, there has to be something to do with them besides just putting them in a table or basket. ;)

Suki Wingy
10-27-2005, 03:52 PM
We display tham on shelves