View Full Version : I'm COLD!!!!! <shivering>

Samantha Puppy
10-25-2005, 07:23 PM
It's been cold and miserable here all day. Right now, it says the temperature for my town is 34. Add rain on top of that and you've got a miserably cold night. To add insult to injury, I'm home alone with the animals tonight as my husband is catching up with some of his friends and won't be home until 10:30pm... to add serious insult to serious injury, the pilot light in our furnace went out! That means no more nice, warm, toasty heat being pumped into my house. It's already down to 62 in here! I called my husband to have him walk me through how to reset the pilot light, but it sounds pretty damn complicated and potentially dangerous and I don't feel comfortable doing something that involves gas and sparks and whatnot without Josh around to watch me the first time.

So I'm currently scouring the house for some blankets and hoping that the animals are in a snuggly mood as well, and we'll get each other through this. God, this sucks! Last week I was in Florida where it was 90 and now I'm shivering my butt off in 34 degree rain!!! Argh!!!

finn's mom
10-25-2005, 08:03 PM
Good grief, that does sound cold! I hope you're able to get all bundled up and are able to keep warm...I was drinking hot tea and cuddled up with Finn and a book earlier, and, it's nowhere near that cold here! I hope you're able to fix that pilot light soon!

Samantha Puppy
10-25-2005, 08:43 PM
Only 45 minutes until Josh is supposed to be home... God I hope he's not late tonight. I think I've consumed as much tea as I possibly could in one night and we don't have that many blankets!!!

finn's mom
10-25-2005, 08:46 PM
I think I've consumed as much tea as I possibly could in one night

ha ha, that made me laugh! i hope josh gets home on time, too!

10-25-2005, 08:56 PM
I haven't turned on my heat now, eventhough its freezing at night (actually for tonight they issued a frost weather advisory warning O_o) but its not cold enough during the day to actually turn on the heat. It's at the temperature where if you turned on the heat it would be too hot, but if you don't turn it on its too cold. Sucks either way! So I just wear a hoodie and carry a blanket with me if I get too cold. It's only 50* out here right now hehe.

Samantha Puppy
10-26-2005, 09:22 AM
Jeez! It's already after 10am and it's only 44! Thank goodness Josh wasn't late last night and got the pilot light relit. It got down into the upper 20s. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! :eek:

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-26-2005, 09:36 AM
God I hope he's not late tonight. I think I've consumed as much tea as I possibly could in one night and we don't have that many blankets!!!

LOL, so he is your extra blanket then.....:p

Just kidding!! I hate it too when my hubby is out of town: sooooo cold in my bed ;) :D
34°F IS very COLD!! It is 57°F here

10-26-2005, 11:11 AM
Jeez! It's already after 10am and it's only 44! Thank goodness Josh wasn't late last night and got the pilot light relit. It got down into the upper 20s. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! :eek:

It's almost noon here nad its only 42 hehehe

But I still won't turn on the heat for some weird reason, eventhough it was like 30 last night, we just threw on an extra blanket and were perfectly fine.

10-26-2005, 12:13 PM
its Unknown Precip

right now here bbbuuurrrrrrrrrrrr