View Full Version : Im in love all over again

03-23-2002, 08:11 PM
Today, My father,brother and I went to the local SPCA. As you all know i have been wanting a new dog.... No we didnt get a dog.. my dad said if i could drag my mom out there we would get him if it was alright... ill be working on them some more tommorow. Well... the one i have my eye on his name is Peppy. Hes a 2 and a 1/2 year old boxer mix. Hes tan... and on his paper it says hes a QUICK learner and hes playful and would like another canine friend to romp around with.... to sum it all up he is PERFECT! Hes the sweetest dog and boy can he jump high. He would be awesome in agility i think!!! He has been at the SPCA since December 4th. I can't stop thinking about him. I cried when we left. Hopefully if i can get him Simba and Him get along. Lol but when i was at the shelter it was funny... there was a pig in the cage next to him! lol... poor piggie! Well i bet your waiting for pics aren't you?
Heres the one on the SPCA website: Isn't he cute!!
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraida/p42f4839eaa2cacc1d749dceee7ac9c0b/fdda950c.jpg My dad throwing the ball for him :)
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraida/p31c2d26358b94d42e98d9ac81cc76df6/fdda9506.jpg My brother playing with him

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraida/pc8587098696e1dd293332ba6c2b2d645/fdda9502.jpg SUPER DOOOOGGG!!!!!

Isn't he awsome?! Im so in love.

03-23-2002, 08:15 PM
heres more:


03-23-2002, 08:16 PM
Oh KayAnn!!!! :( :( Please, Mom, please....Simba and KayAnn need Peppy!!! They really do!!!! Just look at that boy leaping through the air! :D Wonder what the Simba Boy will think?? You just remember to always put him first, KayAnn. Here's to you and Peppy and Simba.......our fingers and paws are crossed.

Logan :)

03-23-2002, 08:20 PM
Everyone post to help convince my mom! PLEASE!

03-23-2002, 08:48 PM
let her get Peppy PLEASE look at that face how could you say no :p

I talked my mom and dad into letting me get the second dog and believe it or not its easier looking after two then it is one ;) they keep each other busy and out of your hair ...lol.. My parents have no regrets.

We see how much Kayann loves Simba and Im sure she would be an amazing mommy to Peppy aswell. She is so mature and responsible ... is it working yet ??..
Awww come on :D

03-23-2002, 09:12 PM
It's the incredible leaping Peppy! If he and Simba get along, which they must assuredly will, Simba being the MOST tolerant dog I have ever seen photographic evidence of, they'll make such a good pair! Simba to teach Peppy manners, Peppy to keep Simba young, and two tan pretty Florida doggies!

My Great Aunt had a beagle named Peppy - who was Peppy his whole life! :)

03-23-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Karen

My Great Aunt had a beagle named Peppy - who was Peppy his whole life! :)

My grandma had a daushound (sorry i dont know how to spell it)
befor she got her mastese's.... Peppy died... he was old :(

03-23-2002, 09:56 PM
OOH!! This could be really good.. You could start writing " The Glorious Adventures of Simba and Peppy".....;) I do hope Peppy gets to come live with you forever. Fingers, claws, paws and tails crossed hoping it happens!:)

03-23-2002, 10:03 PM
Oh Mom, please, please, please I just know that KayAnn and Simba will take good care of Peppy. He will be their very good buddy. Look at those eyes pleading to go home with you all.
Just think about it for a while. KayAnn is wonderful with Simba and she will love Peppy too.

03-23-2002, 10:47 PM
Sim needs a new little friend to play with him and KayAnn! Peppy is soooooooo sweet!!

03-24-2002, 12:17 AM
Lol, i wonder if they can tell i want this dog badly.... i just cleaned the WHOLE house spotless even my room, under my bed my closet every little corner.. my dresser.. my desk.. SPOTLESS!!! i also did the laundry and folded it and did the dishes. I sooooooooo want Peppy!

03-24-2002, 12:41 AM
Everyone should have 2 or more dogs! :):) IMHO

03-24-2002, 08:18 AM
What an adorable dog!!! I definatly think Simba needs a playmate. And as Sudilar said, everyone should 2 or more dogs!!!

03-24-2002, 09:05 AM
KayAnn, if doing all that housework don't do it I don't know what will. lol I'm sure your Mom is thinking about it by now.

03-24-2002, 09:12 AM
Peppy sure is a handsome! :) That would be awesome if you got him.

03-24-2002, 09:28 AM
If any teen could handle caring & loving two dogs it would be you KayAnn!!!!;)

03-24-2002, 11:17 AM
Okay, KayAnn, I am with you on this one. Peppy looks as if he has a lust for life and would be ever so much fun to have around.

A word of caution though, a high energy dog requires the time and dedication to keep that energy directed in a positive manner. I get the feeling that Simba is more the laid back type. If anyone can handle Peppy, I know that you can. It is just making up your mind that you will do what it takes to keep this beautiful boy exercised on a daily basis and implement his training.

Now that you've got Dad convinced and Big Brother is in your corner, Mom should be a piece of cake. Good Luck, KayAnn. Peppy is a real beauty.

03-24-2002, 11:36 AM
My grandpa even said i need another dog... i want a dog that will actually run wiht my when i rollar blade unlike Simba he will run like half the block then stop. Simba is so great but hes so much unlike a dog it scares me sometimes!!

03-24-2002, 01:32 PM
Awwwww! KayAnn, he is just adorable! I want him!:D

Please, please let KayAnn have sweet Peppy!!! He'll be a great doggy, I just know it!:) ;)

Good luck!!!
Sarah & Sadie

03-24-2002, 01:42 PM
all of my begging and wishing and hopeing and cleaning has gone to waste. i tried and i failed once again............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........................

03-24-2002, 02:00 PM
Oh NO!! Kfamr, I AM so sorry. No amount of pleading and begging will work? I am so sorry.


03-24-2002, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
all of my begging and wishing and hopeing and cleaning has gone to waste. i tried and i failed once again.>>>>>>>

I am so sorry, I know how bad you must feel "especially"
after your dad taking you to the shelter. : (

I was 18 when my mom finally caved in a let me
have my "own" dog, and believe me I did plenty
of begging and crying.

03-24-2002, 04:17 PM
Oh KayAnn, he's SO cute! I am sorry that you can't have him, but maybe mom and dad will change their minds and decide to give it a go.

Graham is the same way, and since his accident, he is more mellow then any dog I have met. Even though I was trying to get him to play more often, all he wanted to ever do was sleep. Now with Kersey here, he sleeps less and plays more. He's not the kind of dog that would be able to handle much fast excersise, like roller blading and bike riding, so I know what you mean. And after his accident, I can't even take him on much of a walk because he limps alot if we excersise him too much. If your parents read this, tell them that Kersey is so much more energetic that it rounds out our family perfectlly. Graham is also more active, although he's still quite mellow. He is getting up and moving around more, he's playing with toys more often, and he's getting some socialization time in when he and Kersey have play sessions. Even though he was jealous at first, it's real good for him and I think he is glad we got Kersey.

I hope this convinces your parents to let you get another dog. Tell them that I just did it and Graham was on the dog dominent side, just like Simba. Tell them what I told you.

Good luck.

03-24-2002, 09:06 PM
Don't give up Kayann just keep slowly peeking away at your parents and eventually they're bound to give in. I actually had to do that for both dogs although it took less begging and pleading for the second dog then it did for the first all I had to do was say that my folks wouldn't have to give me a christmas present if I could get Winter (they gave me one anyways) but don't give up.

If at first you don't succeed then try try again :D

Am I loser yet? ;)

03-24-2002, 09:28 PM
I tried that... i did nt ask for any birthday or christmas presents 2001. and im going to do the same for this year.

03-24-2002, 11:58 PM
KayAnn - You sound like me. I keep trying to get a third dog but for whatever reason it hasn't worked out yet. Try not not be toooo upset. I know you will be like I always am, but I firmly believe in fate. There is a second dog for you out there somewhere and your paths will cross and everything will work out. I know Peppy seems perfect but try to look forward to the future and finding your next soul mate doggie!